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Do-It-Yourself (D.I.Y.) House Hunting / Can or Cannot Buy: Finding a Good Home Kit
By Cecil Lee
ENHANCE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY Do-it-Yourself (D.I.Y) Finding a Good Home Kit @ SGD $88 / USD $68. This kit is designed to help you identify your optimal directions and refine the Feng Shui of your residence. For instance, you may direct your Agent to concentrate on a particular direction of a resale home, or opt to delve into a completely new development. It includes a PDF booklet detailing a three-pronged method for obtaining precise compass readings using a standa- 6 comments
Off-site house hunting can be a strategic approach, where the ability to purchase is often determined by the ranking of bedroom types and one's queue or ballot number. Allow me to discern the good, the bad, and the ugly for you!
By Cecil Lee
ENHANCE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY! Allow me to delineate the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly for you. 1. Recall your school days not so long ago? 1.1. Your class consisted of students with varying abilities and grades. 1.2. A few students consistently ranked at the top, from 1st to 3rd in your class. 1.3. Meanwhile, many other classmates scored above average to average in their subjects. 1.4. Regrettably, there were a few who often scored below ave- 12 comments
Off-site Local & International House Hunting / Can or Cannot Buy: Eyeing a few homes - Which home is better for me?
By Cecil Lee
GET EXPERT HELP TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS by finding a hidden GEM SELECT ONE When can I receive my report? Most reviews are typically finished within 24 hours, particularly if they are submitted before 2pm from Mondays to Thursdays. Please be aware that despite any unforeseen circumstances, our guarantee for Package A remains at Three (3) Days. +++++++++++ +++++ +++ Preparing these reports demands a considerable amou- 34 comments