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  1. Dear Cecil, My apology for not providing a clear description of my problem. My unit is located on the 13rd floor of a 16th level high apartment block. The poison arrow I am referring to comes from the corner of a neighbouring apartment block of the same height situated about 30 meters away from my apartment block. Immediately outside my unit is a common corridor which is used by all residents occupying units on the same level to have assess to stairways and passengers lift. Along the corridor, there are these window-like openings that allow one to have a view of the surrounding areas and neighbouring blocks. One of these window-like openings is situated directly in front of my main entrance and the corner of the neighbouring apartment block can be seen pointing directly at my main entrance if I am to stand at the center of my doorway. Is my situation "bad"? Are the "cure" you decided so far effective enough for my case? Thanks for the advice so far. Can Generally, the The
  2. Hi Cecil, Thank you for the speedy reply. I seek some clarification to your suggestions. My unit is located on the 13rd floor of the apartment block. Regulations do not allow occupants to shift their main entrance door neither are raise steps allow at the exterior of the entrance. Is it effective to put the semi circle carpet at the exterior of the entrance even if the poison arrow is NOT visible at "ground level"? If the Pakua is hung above the door, the poison arrow will be reflected only partially. Can it still deflect the "Sha Chi"? I intend to mount the Pakua below the door-frame with a solid bracket and the height is high enough such that it will not hinder any human movement in and out of the main door. Is this method acceptable? A Thousand Thanks for your assistance.
  3. Hi, I lived in a public apartment block. Recently, I noticed that my neighbour block has it corner pointing directly at my main entrance door. I have thought about using the Pakua to counter this but I could not locate a place to hang the mirror. If I stand to left or right side of the door, the poison arrow will not be visible. To hang it on top of the door, the mirror will not be able to fully reflect the poison arrow. A full view of the poison arrow can be seen by stand at the center of the entrance. Is it effective if I am to make a strong bracket mounted rigidly to the door-frame and has the Pakua hang on it? Is there any other way of countering this poison arrow beside the Pakua or cannon? I could not plant any thing in front of the door as it is a common corridor. My apartment is sitting 58 deg and facing 238 deg, age 7 apartment and the main door is facing North-East direction and I am a yang metal person. Appreciate your advise. Thank you.
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