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  1. Hi, firstly according to the work position report from this site state that based on my birthdate 6th May 1966 (3.15pm), my bestwork position are north-west and west. Currently I sit facing south which is my 'spook' direction and my back is a wall. Due to the design of my office, I can only change to sit facing west but my back will be the office window. I thought having the back to a wall is better than a window. So, which is better, facing my spook direction with my back to the wall or facing my best direction with my back to the window. Can anyone advise. Thanks. Fred Chan
  2. Can anyone advise on the following: My birthdate is 6th May 1966 at around 3.15pm. My best work position is supposed to be either facing north-west or west. Currently I sit facing south which is my spook position but my back is to a wall. The only other viable position that I can change my table is to face west but my back will be a window. Which is less worst. Back to window or facing spook position. Thanks. Fred Chan.
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