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Posts posted by myfs_90678

  1. A million thanks. One final question.

    One of the well-known masters in HK mentioned that,

    in order to move from period 7 to period 8, the following


    1. For house/ apartment / flat - Find an austpicious date and change the kicthen's cooktop (in cantonese - "Lou") It will be as good as moving buildingto Period 8.

    2. For office - Just find an auspicious date and "mount" the company's logoagainst the wall again.

    Both ways will move the building from period 7 to peiod 8.

    The master that I mentioned had recently renovated his house BUT would like to maintain it in period 7 (coz it's good feng shui) and hence, he did everything to his house except the kitchen's cooktop. (using the OLD one)

    For our case, since we have just moved in recently (last week) and did some very minor renovation (repaint some of the walls, rearrange the partitions etc). Hopefully, that will move our office into period 8.

    Well, just for reference.

    Anyway, any comments are welcomed.

    David - thanks.



  2. Thanks David. I have another suggested solution and wondering

    if this is applicable and if so, what 's the reason / rationale behind it.

    i.e. by putting 6 emperor coins under the carpet (floor) of my seat - surrounding my both feet

    X X X

    X X

    XLeft Right X

    foot foot

    plus a some kind of "bell" hanging at the door of my office room.

    You mentioned that in period 8, it would be fine but the

    building is built in period 7. Does that mean we need renovate the

    building - (heavy ones such as tearing the wall, etc) in order to move

    the buliding from period 7 to period 8.

    Please advise.

    And many thanks for the previous suggestions.


  3. Dear Masters,

    I need your advice on Xuan Kong.

    I havegot the following period 7 Xuan Kong diagram plotted for my office:

    23 77 95


    14 32 59


    68 86 41


    The 23 (SIX) sector happens to cover my boss and my office room.

    i.e. covers both offices. According to some reading / course materials, this is considered a bad sector that may lead to quarrel, bad tempered argument etc. Wondering if this is true.

    If so, I am wondering what are the suggested fengshui items to be

    placed in both rooms in order to neutralize the bad effects.

    Please advise. A million thanks.



  4. Dear Master Cecil,

    Thank you very much for your advice. I have not much problem getting the "center point" of an apartment.

    Next, I would like to consult you as how to divide a flat into 3x3 grid. Wondering if there is any "formula" to draw the grid.

    Again, for rectangular flat, it would be quiet straight forward to divide it into 3x3 grid i.e. we will get 9 squares.

    For diamond shape flat, there are many posibilities. Attached are the sample. And each possibilty will have different "result" because the position of each square will be different.

    Please advise as what are the things that we should bring into consideration when we divide a flat into 3x3 grid.

    Again, thank you very much.



  5. Dear Master Cecil,

    A million thanks for your advice and explanations.

    I have another question regarding the same scenario -

    i.e. to locate the auspicious and inauspisious sectors of a house / flat.

    Attached : Example1.jpg =

    A rectangular house - main door facing East sitting on West.

    Like you said before, for rectangular house, it will be easier to gather info. and do the calculations. Hence, in example1.jpg, since the bedroom is located at "Five Ghost" sector, something must be done here - e.g. according to some Masters, putting some kind of auspicious Feng Shui items may negate the bad effect.

    However, for example2.jpg, i.e. "funny shape or not-rectangular shape" flat or house, like mine, I could come out with 2 possible diagrams - well, I may be wrong though.

    Diagram A, more missing corners.

    Since there are lots of missing corners, some of the sectors may not cover the flat - e.g. part of the "5 Ghost" sector is missing - which is good I guess because "5 Ghost" is not a good sector.

    Diagram B, covers more area.

    However, probably the main door "facing" direction may not be East anymore and hence, the calculation may be wrong. So, I am not sure if we can do this.

    Please advise.

    Thank you very much.


  6. DearMasters,

    I have been told that, different pets may affect one's luck and I'm wondering if this is true. For instance, for people born in the year of dog, the most suitable pet for them will be - snake. ***** scary huh ***** I am not sure how true is such statement.

    I have heard of different gemstone and colormay affect one's luck - but never heard of pets before.




  7. Dear Masters,

    Since the shape of objects affect the luck, health and wealth of a person or apartment, do the shape and the color of a sofa have any effect on luck orhealth ?

    Also, there are only 2 places that I will spend most of my time when I am at home - i.e. bedroom and sofa in the living room.Does that mean, the position of the sofa is kind of important - from the feng shui point of view ? For instance, its location, away from front door ? avoid light beaming onto itetc.

    Thank you very much.


  8. Dear masters,

    I am staying in HK and most of the flats in HK have "inrregular" shape - diamond shape etc. I have rented a flat - about 8xx sq feet and the door faces the East direction (according to my compass Laughing).

    I need your advice. Is there any method to divide these "irregular-shape" flat into 9-sectors or 9-boxes ? I would like to find out where are the bad, auspicious etc. sectors.

    Some books recommened to find the center of the flat and draw a few lines that seperate the flat into 9 boxes but in that case, there will be lots of missing corners.

    Second problem, according to the material learnt from the Geomency.net, the wealth will leak because when I open the door, I will see the window directly - and the distance between the door and the windows is quite near - due to the "diamond-shape" flat. I couldn't put a screen between the door and the windows because, I have got a sofa bewteen them. Is it possible for me to put some kind of plant at the windows bay instead of a screen ?

    Thanking you in advance.



  9. Dear Master Lee,
    Need your advice on career.
    I am wondering if it is favourable
    for people (guy) who born in April 1970
    to change the job this year. Because
    of the "Tai Sui" factor, I am not sure
    if it is better to stay in the current
    situation and remain unchanged.
    I have been working with the current
    SME / company for almost 7 years.
    Please advise. Thanks.

  10. Hi,
    I am wondering if there are any cure
    for "bad" feng shui. Such as, my house's main door faces directly towards the balcony and Window thru the living room. Is it possible to place some object in between the main door and balcony / window in order to netralize that ? And, my sleeping position faces West which happens to be a "death" position. Besides moving my bed,
    is there anything I can do, such as, placing
    some auspicious objects behind the bed etc.
    Thanks for your advice.
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