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  1. Dear Cecil, My bedroom is in NE (death sector).My Kua nr.is 4.Is it possible to neutralize bad effect on health and stay in this room? I don't know where to sleep. On the N (dining room) are #2black flying stars. On the SE are #5 yellow " . There is left one place 60x200cm in the kitchen which is on the E.In this case window will be near above my head and the door behind the feet if I put my bed in this only place in east direction. You wrote that leaks should be fixed before looking for health sector. Can this help? Thank you for answer. Warmest Regards zora
  2. Dear Cecil, thank you so much for your quick answer to my dilemma about my Kua number. My new question is: What should I consider as my main entrance door? I am living in big house with 10 flats.Main entrance to this house is on the east. Entrance to my flat inside this house is on the south. What should I consider as my main entrance door? Thank you ! Best Regards Zora
  3. Hello, Please explain why I got 2 different (opposite)Kua Numbers? My birthday:6,february,1945 according to book from Lillian Too I calculated my nr.as 4, east group. One adviser (and instructor of Feng Shui) calculated it as 8 and west group.The same calculation I got on the site www.dragon-gate.com. I am very confused because answers are opposite. what is true? Thank you for reading my question. Best regards zora
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