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  1. What is the differences between Zi Wei Dou Shu and Ba Zi? Do they have the same purposes? Which is more accurate? Under the Ba Zi, I believe there is a type of chart called "Fake Follow Power Type".(i.e. weak fire as self with mainly water in other stems/branches) Is this a normal chart and is having this birth chart consider bad? http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif
  2. I am a weak water element person who works in a petroleum industry meeting up with lots of problems.. really really really wear me out since I started this job, affecting my health a little..(I do not know whether is the water fire conflicts?? moreover I have excessive fire) 3rd August 1977 @11:08am Under one of your free reports, you mentioned that for a weak self element person should go for relating jobs to enhance weak self.. ie. relating to water/metal in my case. I am thinking of changing job and I have the chance of going into forex(money market) but I do not know what type of element it belongs to.. it is fire(something like sales)? or metal('cos it relating to money)? or water('cos of mass quote/charts/data/information, wavy)? How to group different jobs according to elements other than it nature itself? Thanks in advance
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