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Posts posted by myfs_101861

  1. Dear Master Cecil,
    Attached is the layout plan of the 2 story link house. I plotted the plan according to scale. All overhead beams are plotted. i find that there are missing corners, (if this is consider a missing corner). I have the center of the house but how to fit the grids since I have a missing corner? If I do have an open living hall which is huge, can it be considered 3 grids?
    Please verify if I have them correct.
    Thank you,

  2. Dear Master Cecil,
    I know that I am a pain in the neck but I need your confirmation of the grids I have plotted for my home.
    Attached is the floor plan for my house. Can you confirm if I have grid them correctly or I made a mess out of it!!!
    I do not want to get things worst before I have even started.

  3. Dear Cecil,
    Thank you for your precious advice.
    Can i say that if I were to change the house wooden door, paint part of the house, change 16 pcs of the roof tiles ( 8 & 8 at different sector) have a large gathering, this is considered a change of period.
    Secondly if this is not sufficient, will this be a temporary solution? We have 20 years time to do renovation (changing to 8) I am sure some day or another we will make renovation, but for the meantime I do not want a "dead" house. Please confirm my strategy.

  4. http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_redface.gif I am quite uncertain about the layout plan that I have plotted for the 9 grids for my home. I need your confirmation if this is correct.
    Please help me!!!

  5. Dear Master Cecil
    First and foremost, after reading your advise on doing a search on the forum to my questions, I feel that you are indeed a very generous person. Who on earth will give out their valuable knowledge to others without taken a single penny. I did a search on crystals and changing of house period and found out that in your forum/reply, you went into very detailed reply with no cost (except for the internet bills). Once again...thank you. My doubts are cleared.
    However, please tell me if I were to change the wooden door of the main entrance, change 16 roof tiles (8 at 2 section), paint part of the house (front portion) and have a massive gathering (you are also invited...hee hee hee), can I consider this to be a period of 8 house? If it does not can you please tell me if NW3 house is better in period 7 or period 8?
    I sometimes knock myself on the head...what if period 8 house is worst then period 7 house for us...I will be in for deep problem!!!

  6. Dear Master Cecil,
    I did a search in your forum about Flying Star Feng Shui. Because I was confused about the Period 8 chart vs 2004 chart. My house is facing NW3, however the main door is in the W grid, is this possible / did I chart it correctly??? (The main door is to the left side of the house)
    My N sector for Period 8 is mount 2, base 4 and Water 4. From this combination of 3 number, it seems that (According to Lilian Too) this will bring disharmony and arguments with spouse and in-laws. Of course I would not want this to happen, but I though the no 4 is the romantic star and the 2 is an illness star, what has it got to do with arguments?
    Same N sector for 2004 is the No. 1 white star. If the N sector is such a bad sector, then the No. 1 white star is a waste in this sector. You can enhance the yearly flying no. and yet place a cure for the period star meh???
    You have stress in your replied forum to others that when it comes to flying star for a sector, one has to put into consideration of "BALANCING" the element for that sector. Can you please explain why N is bad for period 8 and if I need a cure for this sector, do I have to take consideration of the Ba Zi of my hubby and myself? If so then how is it done. How can I kill 2 birds with one store i.e. cure the 2,4,4 and yet enhance the No. 1 white star.
    P/S : Did I sector them correctly???
    Am I not a long winded person.

  7. The whole of KL is talking about the change of period. I bet the construction & hardware shop are doing very well. To change the period, I understand that you need to do some sort of renovation. However to what extend is the renovation? Times are bad now, Feng shui helps 30%, is it worth the cost? Is there a short cut to change of period without causing the bank account to burn a whole? Please help!!!

  8. In the 8 house report it state that for Cha Soon Huat /Male, lunar Calendar 1966, 4th month, 4th day between 5.00p.m. to 6.59 p.m., the North is Disaster, but in the 8 aspiration report, it state that that is good for career prospect and should be activated. What should I follow.
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