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  1. Hi Cecil Shifu, Thank you so much for your reply. Your advice has given me some peace of mind. Knowing the pro & con of the partition, I now know what precaution to take if I proceed with it. Our children will have their own room and thus, I can place our own bed slightly further away from the stagnant area and hope to get better air ventilation. Good to have pointed out the bed head in bedroom 2 to me. We will shift it further from the point where we will place our TV in master bedroom.
  2. Hi Shifu. I would like to seek some advice from you with regards to bed facing door issue. Attached is the layout of my bedrooms. 1) The layout of bed in my master bedroom (as seen in the pic) will face the toilet door when we sleep. In order to avoid that, I plan to build a partition (marked in blue ink). Is it alright to do that? 2) By putting up the partition, it would sort of create an entrance that face the bedroom entrance door. Is that ok? 3) I read that it is not good to have the end of the bed to face the bedroom door as this is no good for the person's leg who sleep in that room. But given the limited space in Bedroom 2 (see layout), I can't really change the orientation of the bed. Is there any other solution or it is not a serious problem if I proceed with the arrangement as per the layout? 4) I've a qns but not concerning bed facing door. It is about building false ceiling in bedroom. What kind of false ceiling design should I avoid above the bed? Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for your time.
  3. Hi In order to create some unique design to my master bedroom, the ceiling was designed in the way that half of it waswith false ceiling. And next time my bed would be placed under it. From your advice, I understand that it's not favourable to place bed under beam but not sure for false ceiling. My mum was very unhappy over it & keep stressing that it's very bad.Attached is a photo of the design of the false ceiling in my bedroom. Hope that you could give some advice. Thanks & regard.
  4. Hi Would like to find out when is the 2005 chinese almanac coming out. My husband & I intend to hold our wedding in the 1st half of 2005 (after Chinese New Year)so we need to book for hotel banquet now. Apart from using the chinese almanac, is there any other method of finding auspicious wedding dates as we're running out of time . Please advice. Thanks & regard.
  5. Hi In order to create some unique design to my master bedroom, half of the ceiling was covered by false ceiling. I understand that it's not favourable to place thebed under a beam but not too sure for false ceiling constructed this way. My bedroomis quite small so my bed would definitely be placed under it.My mum was really unhappy over it and keep stressing that it's bad for us. Attached is a photo of the false ceiling.Please advice. Thanks & regard.
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