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Everything posted by myfs_106126

  1. Good day Masters! What is the best thing to do? I bought a house and I noticed that if someone stayed my homelonger get sick and serious fights.what should I check in this case pls.I need some advice.Thanks
  2. Thank you for the advice! More power!
  3. Good day sir! I'm currently living w/ my in-laws I'm just wondering whythey kept on fighthing most of the time theres no harmonious in this house everyone has misunderstanding....I'm thinking about something wrong w/ this house...it could be a house number or the house itself???I mean the construction and the location???? my husband told me that it all started when they moved in this house,,,I worried itmay affect my family too, since we are staying here..I dont want to live like his parents,,,my father in-lawstill cheating but mother in-law just keep on nagging...Is there anything I can do to curethose bad things happening here,,I dont wanna be a victim....hope you can give me any advise.Any comment are greatly appreciated.Thank you!!!
  4. Hi! I'm little confused about the method... Can you pls. clear my worried. I dont know what to follow solar or lunar? I mean that is a chinesse method and belief but we are using solar calendar.I'm confused w/c shoud I use.... like for example if you want to have a baby boy try to conceivedjune etc. k.....june in solar or lunar calendar??? thanks!
  5. Our maindoor is facing NE75 (East house), Backdoor facing N0 (N2) Is this still belong to N?. I hope to prepare the backdoor for my husband since E is his disaster but if the backdoor is belong to N that was my husband death area. Can youpls. give me an advise regarding this.My husband DOB is Jan. 5,1971 LUNAR.West group person strong fire element. The house is landed property and own house. We are currently living in a Apartment and we plan to stayed in our own house next year.We visit the house once a yer and stayed there for a couple of weeks. I think the house has a good fengshui and very suitable for mebut I also want to consider the door for my husband. Thanks in advance! 20-Year Reigning Period: 7 (1984-2003) House Direction: N2 (0/360) Owner: me Gender: Female Date of Birth: 31 Jan 1977
  6. Hi! I read some messages under "Supertitious and taboos" a rooster came into house means protection from fire.How about Frog came into the house? I remember a big frog came into home a night we movedintonew house my bro. sent it out. Thanks!
  7. Hi! Master Lee, We just purchase a 528L refrigerator andI placed it 3 .5 ft. near the entrance ...is it okey to placethere???...my husband placed it first infront of the stove it impossible to place any partition to avoid the clashes of the element...the next morning I moved it next to the sink near from entrance door.... Is the placement acceptable??? Sorry for asking you I cannot find same question in your topic....Thanks in advance!!!
  8. Master Cecil Lee, I really thank you w/ all my heart!!! Ifeel better now.Thank you for your time and knowledge you shared .I'm goi'n to ask you more favor but I'm not so hurry,I will wait for your convenient time no matter how long it will takes. Your right! all houses are built the same, residential area only and there be going to have a coomercial area near my home but commercial area are seperated w/ fence from residential area pls. take a look at the site(1 attachment)I attached the one w/ marked w/ red is my home.theres a lot infront of my house and my neighboor at the back shapes like a hand (is that the so called quantum leap? I'm afraid if it can suck wealth from our home pls. refer to my2nd attachement w/ a green marked is my home infront of my door is a 2 lot w/ one house standing in the middle of 2 lot front of my and neighboor house but our lot is a little bit higher than them that house are still vacant ) I hope to know if the site(Governor hills)has a good fengshui bec. we have plan to buy a house for rental purposes.I heard that there will be a School near the home next to commercial site next year.I tried to look some site but according to your resources about shapes & forms a site w/ an open mouth is no good bec. it signifies a hungry mouthI first check the shape of site map most of themhas an open mouth and the built of the houses areunequal+ thecreek near the houses.but I'm going to find more good site but I hope to have a rental houses near my home if our site has a good site.I have mini fountain at the NE outside the home at the garden and I will remove my fountain at SE inside the home and replace it w/ a harder object to activate the mountain star.Thank you once again!!! More power!
  9. We leave in 6th flr. bldng. #113 room 606 built under period 7. I check your free house#. #113-606 and it says that lots of female in the house, lots of romance. Termed as romancehouse. I am not sure if I'm doing it right can you pls. help me w/ this matter....and what it means? We stayed here for more than a year. Before we moved to this house I used to be out of the country most of the time it means that we always seperated and we just see each other for 2-3 times a year but since we moved here, I left for only 1 time and 1 mo.and I stayed here again.I dont feel something wrong w my husband..in fact since we moved here he go back home early from the office....is there any warning??? thanks...
  10. I ust want to make sure if Grand Duke is in S-SW tis year...Thanks!
  11. More power Mr Robert &Cecil Lee!!! I understand about 8 house used for suitable room& bazi for house facing.My suitablehouse main door if S.S belong to fire my unfavorable element.I bought a new house 2003 built 2002 the main door is E(wood) house facing SE(wood).Wood is my favorable direction.BUT i read in your site that wood penetrate the Earth.I'm a Strong Earth person & my maindoor is E (wood).I'm sorry aboutthis but Ihave a hard timeunderstanding it. Is E main door or SE house facing are still suitable for me?
  12. Thanks to your very details information!more power!
  13. Master Cecil, Thank you for posting those inspiring story..... I really dont know how couldeveryone here thank you for all your help and for all the tips and inspiring story you are posting here....I am deeply honored to be one of your member ....I feel more better and less worry after I found your site......In the name of other member and user here in yourEXCELLENT WEBSITE! Ithank you w/ all my heart!!! I wish foryour Good health. God Bless you always!
  14. We bought this house & lot sept.2003 and we moved on sept.26,2003 the house built 2002 under period 7,the maindoor loc.at NE 75 and backdoor N 0.I just want to know if the site has a good fengshui and thelot I baught. I marked it w/ red and green.Hope to hear from you.Thank you in advance!
  15. I was wondering if red roof can be consider as a fire house.... I read from your site rhat blue roof is no good bec blue signifies water and having blue roof is like having a water above you....how about having red roof ??? thanks....
  16. Hi! Master, Can you pls. guide me....'I hope to neutralize the elementin my home but I have a Question regarding my bad location....Is it advisable to activate my bad location West/Metal...I'mStrong Earth(East person)&my husband is Strong fire(West person)according to your free resources were opposite....I have troble enhancing& neutralizing element in my home....can you pls.teach me whatI need and where to put to keep my home balance...Thanks!
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