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Everything posted by myfs_108289
Many thanks Master Cecil. There are 5 steps to landing. Does numbers of steps matters?
Many thanks Master Cecil. Will put a curtain to block the view of STEPs help?
Dear Master, I have rented an apartment where it has two units upper and ground. My appartment is at the upper unit. My main door is directly leading to the staircase and withtwo intermediate landings before go up to my living hall and bed rooms. Do you see any problem with this? Thanks Jacky
Dear Master, Please find attached the sketch of the rented house. My Kua is 6
Dear Master, In my newly rented house I found only 2 direction which may appropriate to put my altar (with the wall type). 1) Facing main door but not directly (left side of the wall) and no wall. 2) Facing wall of toilet and above the altar has aicon blower. For 1) can I puta book shelve to act as the wall or I should construct a partition to act as the wall?
Dear Master, I will see the staircase when I enter my rented house. Please see below the view of staircasewhen enter the house it is going up from my right to left. ISSS ISSSSSS ISSSSSSSSS ISSSSSSSSSSSS ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Dear Master, On slightlydifferent subject, does it meanhaving good direction for bed head(but sharing toilet wall with bed head) is betetr thenhaving bed head pointing at inauspicious direction? To make life easier when selecting the bed head direction could you please enlighten what are most important factor? in terms of direction, sharing wall, leg not pointing to door, etc?
Dear Master, Many thanks for your rapid response. I am lucky that the wall that my bed head sharing is the wall of shower and is notboth cases you just illustrated. Does it mean I don't have do anything about it?
Dear Master, If the bed head has no choice to share with toilet wall, will creating a artificial 4ft hieght wall (8 inch thick) to seperate the bedhead and the toilet wall directly help?
Dear Master, May I know where is the best place to hang a concave mirror? Regards Jacky
Dear Master, My kua is 6. my main door is W 273deg, since my flat is at 9th floor, my living room window facing is NW.Base on eight house is it suitable for me (breadwinner)? My eighthouse is NW,NE,SW,W. However, this year 2007,5yellow is at NE, Grand Duke (taisui) is at NW, 3kill is at W and 2sickness star is at center sector. Which star or sector I should avoid or provide remedial cure? Currently, I am sleeping at center sector of the flat. My head is pointing at NW. Should Isleep inother sector/room of flat? Should I change my bed head facing? or sleep with head pointing at other auspicious direction? Thank you Jacky
Dear Master, How do we consider there is missing corner in a house plan? My flat have 1/4 missing corner at SE and 1/2 at E. Is this missing corner is a significant fengsui implication? My understanding from 8 aspiration direction theories, SE(wealth & prosperity) and E (family & good health) belong to wood element. Any remedial cure for this ? Thank you Jacky
Edited by Robert: Noticed you tried many times and could not attach the layout. You can sent to support@geomancy.net, I will attach it this post whenI see it. Dear Master, Kong X Fatt Chye. My kua nois 6 and the flat I am staying is period 7 house at 9 floor. I took the compass fromthe center of my flatto main door is 273deg from N please refer to attached sketch. Questions: 1) How should I describe the facing of my flat? should I call it as sitting NE facing SW? or sitting E facing W? 2) What is the How to devide the house into 9 grids/sectors? Can I devide the length and the breath of the flat into 3 equal parts as shown in yellow line? 3) Judging on the sector I have devided, is there any missing corner as I indicated at E & SE? 4) I read before in this forum you advised that the mouth of the house should not always take from the main door especially the after 9 floor? So for my flat which is more appopriate? Hope to receive your reply soon. Thank you Jianrong.
Dear Master, I wish to choose a date for a surgery for a strong fire person. How should I go about? He is born in the year of fire goat 1967. Do you think horse, goat, pig & rabit day will be good? what is the day is a "no no" for surgery? Someone advise me must avoid clashes hour like goat hour. Please help. Jianrong
Dear Master, Delia, Sorry for my interuption. Haven luck + Earth luck + Human luck contribution to one's life. Does it mean under the five element compatibility analysis, when both bazi compatibility is goodso both are banefit each other (33%). However, the rest is depend on human luck which is 33%? On the other hand, if both bazicompatibility is not good (say a goat and a ox)does is mean the relationship will still possible but depend how good is the human luck factor? I have seen an ox married a goat and a rat married hourse does it mean the bazi compatibility is 100% no good? regards Jianrong
Dear Master, Thank you very much for your reply. I am getting better now. About my flat, I don't understand and know how to find out the position as per your advise. Myflat main dooris facing Southwest (210 deg from center of my flat to the main door) at 9th floor. I think the facing of my main doorshouldn't consider the "mouth" of the house? Just perpendicular to this main door is a long stretch of window facing Northwest. Should this be considered as my flat facing (sitting Southeast facing Northwest) ? I have my house analysis in this web but just don't understand how to remedy please help. Regards, Jian Rong
Dear Master, 10 days ago I got a facial nerve desease call Bell's Palsy. The viral attacked my right side of my face and as a result 92% of my right face couldn't function normally as left side. I went for both chinese and western doctor both gave me the same conclusion as above. As per chinese physician I should have caught "feng han" kind of wind or aircon blow at me when my antibody is at lowest level. I wish to enquire master is there anything that could help the flow of "Qi" in my room? Could fengsui practice help?as my oral and eating is poor as mymouth is not fuction well please help....... Jian Rong
Dear Master, Kwan kong is being place infront of many shop and houses facing the out to main door. I am thinking of getting one to place near my main door facing out. Is putting windfall deities facing out door (like a security guard) construed as irrespectfull?Do you think it is necessary to send to temple for anointed? Regards Jian Rong
Dear master, Is it good to convert the period 7 house to period 8 so that the house will enjoy better qi? What would be the cheap & easy way to do so?I read to have a major renovation (change the roof or tiles completely) will convert the house from H7 to H8...what effect has taken place by doing so? Thanks Jianrong
Master, What is the best remidial if our main door facing neighbour main door directly? Jianrong
Master, How exactly we can "doing symbolic renovations and having several celebration events to fly it over to the new luck period" for period 7 house? Jianrong
Dear Master, Thank you for your reply. I just read from a fengsui book suggesting a red paper behind the wall as to overcome this situation. I am not sure it will be better or not...any comments? Jian Rong
Dear Master, There is advise on the fengsui book: 1) To put a mirror at the kitchen stove. Hang at the wall where the stove is. What is this for ?double food? 2) To put a ship loaded with the yuan bao,real money & etc near the entrance of the house will bring more wealth luck? Thank you Jian Rong
Dear Cecil/Robert, I have seen the "Taiwan meow meow meow" fengsui showing that the altar place should not sharing the same wall with bed room wall (except the occupant is below 12 or old ppl). It explained that irrespect to the devine. My flat having the same situation where my altar's back ismy master bedwall as well. Please advise. Thank you JianRong
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