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Everything posted by Chris_ng
Hi Cecil, For those who may not know, the Suntec City in Singapore is made up of 5 different towers, which signifies the five fingers of a palm with water fountain flowing into the hands, representing wealth flowing into the area. Now assuming that we need to do a feng shui analysis on a unit, say 28 in Tower 2. How do we detemine the "chuo" and "xiang" of the building, or simply, how do we detemine the direction? I have got different options and interesting answers from different "feng shui" teachers and I would like to consult your opinion. Thanks! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, It has been a long time that I have not joined the forum because of heavy work load and business travelling, sigh! :My friend used to live in this HDB apartment in Singapore and I will visit him from time to time. His HDB flat is chou bei xiang nan (facing south). One main problem of all the units is that the door, kitchen entrance and the kitchen windowsare all in one direction. In feng shui, we used to say "chang feng ju qi", means that we want the "qi" that come to your house to circulate before they leave. "Qi" that go through in one straight line means you can't accumulate wealth. Moreover, because of the design, it tends to be a little bit dark in the living room, even during the day time. Before I have advised him to do something, I found one of his neighboring block has actually taken action to counteract this bad flow of "qi" What he/she does is to shift the kitchen entrance slightly to the right, and at the same time, installed a kitchen door. To counter the darkness, he/she installed a lighting at the entrance of the front main door. As my friend does not want to spend money for any renovation, I have advised him to put a cabinet between the kitchen door and the main door, and try to open the windows or door if it is too dark in the living room. And guess what, he won a lucky draw two weeks after the changes. If you have the same problem, you may want to use the same method. Any comments, suggestions are welcomed! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, Assuming we have a rectangular shaped HDB flat, which has capacity of 100 household. The flat is facing south (chuo bei xiang nan). If we use a "luo pang" to measure the direction at the individual household, it will always be facing north. Of course, not everyone will have the same luck depending, on his Pillars of destiny, ming kua (8 house theory), placement of bed, stove, etc. I used to think in this way until I met a "feng shui" master. According to him, I should divide the entire flat in proportion of the 8 directions. In other words, all the households will be having the same "xiang" but different "chuo". I do argue that if we take each household as a macro level (yi wu yi tai chi), I'm still right to say each household is having the same "chuo" and "xiang". So, who is right? Thanks! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, We know that we can check auspicious time using the "tong shu" or chinese calender. We also know that "feng shui" is originated from China and all the auspicious time calculation is based on the time zone in China. The question is, if the chinese calender tells us that 11-1a.m. is auspicious, is it referring to the Singapore Time or China Time? If it is using the China time, exactly which time zone is it referring? Thanks! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, In "feng shui", we know that it is actually not very good if you have door of your bedrooms facing each other. The symptoms will be having frequent quarrels conflicts for residents in the 2 rooms. One of the remedy is to put a wind chime hanging in between the 2 doors. I will guess that the "wind chime" is to alleviate the "qi" flowing through the 2 doors. Am I right to say so? Besides the wind chime, adopting close door policy, changing direction of door, etc. Are there any alternate remedies? Thanks! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi Cecil and Robert, Learning "feng shui" and the related stuff is always my interest. We all know that "Pillar of destiny" has an accuracy of up to 2 hours. This means that for those who have the same "Pillar of destiny" do not necessary have the same kind of luck as it also depending on where they are born. From your experiences, could you tell me how accurate is "Pillar of destiny? Thanks! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, In Flying Star theory, taking the correct direction of the house is very important. Besides, we must also know when the mountain and water star should flow in a positive or negative direction. There is also something we need to watch out is the "jian pan" or "jian xian". This refer that there is a deviation of direction taken using the chinese "luo pan" or compass and we will then need to follow some procedure as specified in the "flying star" theory. Does your "flying star" software cater for such differences? Thanks! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, My real humble wish for your "feng shui" web site is: 1. Organize an instructor's led "feng shui" training course. There are too many questions to ask for "feng shui" related matters and sometimes it may not be so easy to communicate via e-mail or even telephone call. 2. Organize some kind of "feng shui" seminar that can benefit those who really interested in "feng shui" Thanks! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, For those who are interested in Flying Star theory, you may already know that we are now in the period 7 and this lasts till 2003, From there onwards, we will be in period 8, which lasts from 2004 -2023. The questions is, if a house is built in 2003 and it is auspicious in the period 7 (e.g. main door, stove, master bed room,etc. is all ok) and when it moves to period 8, i turns bad. Assuming everything is constant, i.e. we can't move the bed, stove, etc. and assuming the house will be auspicious if it is built in the period 8. Are there any ways to overcome this problem? Regards, Chris Ng
Hi janson, Actually, the 6 coins that you are talking about are called the "liu di qian". They belongs to the coins of 6 dynasty. I have one at the top of my main entrance door. As what Cecil mentioned, it is used to reduce the effect bought about by "wu huang", which can bring back luck to you or your family. The element of "wu huang" is earth and the effect can be reduced using a gold element (the 6 coins). Just to let you know, according to the Yearly flying star, this year "wu huang" will be moved to the south. If your main entrance door, room door, bed, etc is located in this direction. You have to be very careful. Hope that helps! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi Randy, Again, from some feng shui book that I have read, if you can't relocate your toilet or your main entrance, I will advise you not to use the toilet above the main entrance (I believe you have more than 1 toilet right?). In addition, you may want to have a lamp at the entrance and ensure it is on for 24 hrs. This is what we call the "chang ming deng" in feng shui which will help to reduce the negative qi with its yang energy. Regards, Chris Ng
Hi Cecil, I'm actually very interested in the books that you are selling over the net. The problem is unlike conventional "feng shui" books in the book store, where I can have a chance to browse through it, I can't do it with your electronic copy. I would suggest you publish some sample contents of the book so that we can judge whether it is worth buying it or not. The other thing is that is there a discount for Singaporean and the price be converted to S$? Any plans to publish a hard copy to be sold in the book store. I believe it will benefit those who is interested in feng shui if the books are good. :> Thanks! Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, I have more than 1 Chinese calender at home and whenever I look at the auspicious time or day, they are all saying different things. SO, which is correct and where can I get the right auspicious time? Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, I wonder has anyone been to the SIngapore Long Beach restaurant at East Cost. Take a look at the surroundings, you will find it must has gone through a feng shui analysis. As I did not bring my compass (luo pang) with me, I could only tell some of the feng shui being applied from form and shape study. The restaurant has 2 doors, one in front and the other at the side (closed). The main entrance is facing the car park, this can be considered the so-called "ming tan shui" i.e. having "water" in front of the building. When you enter the restaurant, you will find that the cashier is located at the right corner of it, which is where the "qi" or energy is consolidated. Above the cashier, there is an altar facing the main door with a flat "ba gua" right on top of it. The purpose of the "ba gua" (I think)is to absorb the good "qi" or energy into the restaurant. On the left side of the restaurant (looking in from the main entrance) is a wall with water flowing down. Again, this is to let good wealth following back to the restaurant. My question is if you are taking direction with reference to the main entrance from inside, the right side will be the wall with continuous water flowing down. From form & shape study, the right side is the White Tiger and it should be tamed (i.e. quiet) most of the time and having anything active is not good as it will trigger the white tiger. I believe the direction where the wall is located must be a good location according to 8 house theory or Flying-Start theory. Any comments from anyone? Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, Recently, my friend asked me a question about the placemnet of the bed in his house. The head of the bed is placed against the wall, which is good because it has a solid backing. However, there is a window on each of the right and left of the bed. This is against what we call the "can feng ju qi" in "feng shui", meaning we will wnat to capture the "qi"so that irt will circulate within the house then to flow in and out the house in one direction. I have advised him to keep one of the window closed at all time, leave the other window open (especially the one in the chai qi wei). Do you think this is a good advice, what other good advice do yiu suggest?? Regards, Chris Ng
rectification for north east cut in the house
Chris_ng posted a topic in Feng Shui Tips & Guidelines
Hi there, I have read somewhere about this issue and let me share with you: North-east in the eight Trigram represent the youngest son in the family (or any male who is 15 years old or below) In terms of the body, North-east represents the hands. This means that with a cut in the Noth-east for your house, it is very likely that the youngest male in the house may have hands problems (injury, cuts, etc) To rectify this, place a DOG statue at the part where the cut occurs. Please let me know whether this is true for you as I want to verify the accuracy of the feng shui theory. Thanks & good luck! :> Regards, Chris Ng -
Hi there, I have few questions about feng shui again: 1. When we apply the 8 house theories, I find that there are different school of studies when taking the direction of the house. Some will take reference from the whole building in general (entrance of the whole building), others may take reference of the direction from the main door. There are some even take reference from the windows, so which is correct. Assuming in my friend's HDB flat, the lift (which stops at every floor) is near his front door. The lift is used by most people. As a result, should we take direction of the building, with reference of the main door of his house, or from the lift direction. 2. I understand there is an on-line training course. As I come from an IT industry and also involved in training our customers, I always find that the instructor-led course is the most effective. The reasons are as follows: a. most of the time, the students have very interesting questions or experiences that will make your training more educational and interactive. b. No all the users can understand all the stuff inside the on-line training, at time they may need to ask questions in which the answers may be beneficial to the rest. 3. Can we have some kind of feng shui seminars in Singapore? We can also set up a feng shui society or club and have regular gatherings to allow people with the same interests to interact? (the forum is definitely a good start). Members of the feng shui club will also get discount for seminars and consultation. I learn feng shui is really out of interests so that I can help people whenever they are in troubles related to feng shui and I really look forward to all these changes in the future. Thanks! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, It takes me quite a time to understand how to calculate the small little numbers (chou xing or fei xing and xiang xing), my question is as follow: 1. How to analyze the 3 numbers withins the 9 square in the Xuan Kong Fei Xing method? 2. How do you determine whether the numbers is in ascending order or descending order? Thanks! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, Many "feng shui" master have recommended to place the "feng shui" items at a specific auspicious day and time. I have tried to read the "tung shu" but it is kind of difficult to understand. Can you go through on how to select an auspicious day, especially when come to hanging & removing "feng Shui" items and day of marriage? Thanks! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, I have some questions to consult your experts: Q1: I 'm a strong Fire person according to my Pillars of Destiny, should I choose direction of house, colors, etc. in favorable of fire or opposite of fire? Q2: If there is a conflicts of direction of house, color, etc. using Pillars of Destiny, 8 house theory & Flying star, which will take precedence? DO we always have to calculate the 3 of them for accuracy? If Flying STar is in precedence, why do we need to calculate the rest? Thanks for any advice! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Eight House and favourable direction of owner
Chris_ng posted a topic in Feng Shui Tips & Guidelines
Hi there, I have some questions that need your help to answer: 1. I understand under the 8 house theory, we can determine best direction according to: a. Direction of the house is facing (chuo xiang) b. The favorable direction of the owner (min gua) If there is a conflict of the two, which one takes precedence? Do we always need to apply a. and b. when we apply the 8 House theory, or either one will do? 2. With reference to Q1, what happen if your favorable direction is where the White tiger is located or is in the direction where the Bad Luck star is located? What will be the effect and how do we circumvent it? Regards, Chris Ng -
Hi there, Assuming the entrance of the house is opened in a direction where it is not auspicious at the particular year. We further assume it is opening at the North-east direction where it is not favorable for the youngest son if there is a "sha qi" at the entrance. If in the house there is only 2 persons, husband and wife and no children, to whom will the family member get the bad luck? Thanks! :> Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, I'm a west person and my wife an East one. In this case, our favorable directions are completely opposite to each other. Though I'm the bread winner of the family, I was told whatever that is favorable to me will be opposite that of my wife and vice verse. In other works, one party is going to suffer, any remedy to it? Regards, Chris Ng
Hi there, I have read quite a lot of "feng shui" books and they always teach us to counteract "sha qi" using different "feng shui" item. Most of the time, they will advise us to have a "blessed feng shui" item so as to enhance the power against the "sha qi". Where can I get those stuff? Thanks! :> Regards, Chris Ng
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