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  1. Thank you very much, now I understand.
  2. My house is built in 2000 period but after a major renovation this year which includes hacking a wall, hacking and replacement of floor tiles I think it should be a period 8 house now. With the house as period 8, Facing N1, my master bedroom which is in the east sector now have the number 6, f-1,s-6 which makes it 166. Is this good? I'm a gua 7 that makes the east a death sector. However star 6 is metal, 1 is water, and under bazi I'm strong fire. Is it as bad for me?
  3. Now I understand the facing concept. My facing is actually N1 but the main door is in the sector SW under flying star. Under period 8 it is star 5, f9, s7. 5,9,7 is this a good combination?
  4. Since I am a strong fire do I need water and earth to tame me down? Should I avoid wood?
  5. Thank you. However I do not understand from the diagram, wood is only 26% whereas fire is 42% how come wood is the strongest. Likewise for water and metal water is 7% but metal is the weakest.
  6. Hi, I was told by a few people that I'm a weak fire according to my bazi. Since my birth month is April which is Febuary in the chinese lunar calendar which they say is spring which is after winter and weaken my fire. Fromyour bazi analysis I was deduced as a Strong fire, but I thought the bazi analysis of my birth month is supposed to take into consideration of the season already. Please help identify my elements. Thanks.
  7. I'm not sure if period 7 or 8 is good for me yet. But I know, my renovation of the house will include wacking of wall, making flooring and furniture from scratch. It's totally empty and not furnished yet. So I guess it would probably become a period 8 house.
  8. I just bought a flat which has completed since 2001 however it is not occupied till 2005 when I purchase it and renovate it. Should I consider this a period 7 or 8 house?
  9. if my master bedroom sector (67.5 - 112.4) is death, is there a possibility that there could be a good sector under the death from flying star? I mean sector 67.5 - 82.4, 82.5 - 97.4 and 97.5 - 112.4. How should we go about find it?
  10. When I stand behind my house main door with a compass, it shows south. When entering my house, I faces the balcony which is facing north. A lot of pp say that my house sits south face north. But some of my friend also says that my house sits north facing south since maindoor is facing south. When I look at the eight house type in this website and follow the guide, standing in the center of the house facing the main door with a compass, is shows 210 which is southwest. So is my house a south house, north house or southwest house? please advise, Thanks
  11. Thanks you
  12. Thanks for advise. Just another query, what if the breadwinner do not have the facing of the house andthe bedroom isin the death position. What can they do?
  13. Nowadays in HDB flats we do not have much choice as where to place the master bedroom. What if the house facing is good for the husband and the more suitable bedroom is given to the wife, but the more suitable position is at the same time death to the husband?
  14. I am a strong fire (gua 7 west man) and my wife is a strong earth (gua 1 east man) according to theanalysis tools in this website. What element is needed for the both of us that will not be a conflict to us either? We just got into this new hdb apartment, and I believe thefacing is at the balcony which isNW 353' and the sitting is at the main doorSE 170'. I got this information after reading the "Facing direction ofa home" by Mr Cecil Lee. Is the facing of the house good for us? Our master bedroom is at the NE 75' sector of our house and we are planning to put our bed facing SW 225' in the NEE sector of our bedroom since that is the only position possible. Base on the flying star, I divide our house into a compass of eight sector, and our bedroom happened to be in between NE and E segment in which NE is good for me but not for my wife and E is good for my wifebut not for me. Please help advise what should we do, and advise if the position and facing is alright. And according to the flying star sector, Since my house is a bit L-shape, the NW sector of the house is missing, according to the west man reading, that is my wealth sector, will it affect me? Or what should I do. Please help, we had previously hired a feng shui master which costs sin dollar $888.00 who did nothing. He merely come into my house, saying I am a west man so is my wife, so my house facing NW is suitable for us. Our bed position should be place to avoid the door, our kitchen stove will be facing SE which is very good. He did not even tell me where is my wealth sector, the green dragon and white tiger position and what should or should not be placed in those position. When asked about the position for living room and dinning room, he simply say which ever also can. I dont even get any report of written advise or concrete information for us, its all verbal, throughout the section, he only took out his luo pan once in the kitchen, he even ask me where the sun rise and sun set to deter the direction. I feel very cheated and hopefully others don't get con by him like me. I still paid him as agreed earlier, I strongly believes in Karma, if he want to cheat he will get back his returns. Its too late when I know about this web site and Mr Cecil Lee.
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