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Posts posted by myfs_119706

  1. Hello,

    I read a few books on Ba Zi analysis recently, but unfortunately none seems toillustrate Earthly Branch (EB)clashes well. Most just showexamples of clash, and teach you how to detect one if present.

    I would like to know what is the impact on the Self element whenthere are Earthly Branch clashes foundin theBa Zi?I can see that a clash may sometimes help to removeundesirable elements, hence making Self strong (which would otherwise be weak if there were noclashes found).

    But, does a EB clash simplyimplies thatthe elements that were involvedare "destroyed"? If we proceed todetermine thestrength of Self from here,dowe exclude these "destroyed"elements from the picture? Thank you.



  2. Ihave a question onthe season of birth. The northern and southern hemisphere have different season cycle,e.g. Winter in the north is actually Summer in the south.Does that mean the analysis on the month pillar needs to map to thegeographical season accordingly? say, if I am born in december inthe southern hemisphere, my season of birth is Summerand Fire is strong.. but if bornin december in the northern hemisphere, theseasonis Winterand Wateris strong. So, which season cycle to use for the analysis if I am born in the South? Thank you.

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