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  1. Appended by Cecil: HP number removed avoid being spidered by Google and Yahoo. Thks for yr advise. But are there any procedure steps needed to exhumed & cremated through Feng Shui till the final placing at the Temple ? Steven
  2. Does Feng Shui Require to Evacate Tomb & to Temple
  3. Pls kindly advise ***I belong to the East and Qua 4, rabbit- metal, time in the morning (mao) my house main door facing E2 at112degree away from my auspiciousdirection.What will happen to my familyand me ?How can I remedies this ?I am a bread winner, seeking urgent help. Pls kindly advise ASAP. Thanks & best regards.
  4. I am staying on the 10flr. Where do I take the reading of the compass direction. Centre of the hse facing the main door and at the centre of the door ( as seen your sample) or the balcony or living roomAs my main door entrance is my dinning area, where else my living are hardly used window are close most of the time and balcony are open and also the dry yard. Is my dinning area a good location ? Why some FS said youcannot sleep in the direction that you are not aware of people coming in ? Is the cooker above the toilet OK ? even I have box up. How to remedy ? How about open shoe rack beside the main door. Thanks for your kind advise. Best rgds. Chong Fu Keong
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