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  1. What if one has a room that needs to be used (kitchen, family room, office, etc.) in the home, but it is located in the SW, Five Yellow position in 2010? Or if the main door is there? What advice, besides, as I have heard, not to use the room or door AT ALL for the year? Can this be right? What are we missing in terms of understanding how to address this issue and still actually live in our home? Thank you.
  2. Mr. Lee, thank you so much for this simple (to you), invaluable (to me!) painting advice. iv>I am a huge fan of your approach to Feng Shui and take to heart your maxim to "first, stop the leak." v>We live in a South 1 facing period 7 home, and after February of 2004 things began to go, with a few exceptions, less well. We live in the Rocky Mountain west region of the United States, where finding a consultation was difficult, but we did find one Eastern-trained practioner/geomancer, and his advice to us was welcome, if a bit renovation- heavy. I am so grateful to you for advice, as the details of this house sprucing-up have been left to us. Stacy
  3. We've arranged to have the windows done before February 14th, and the painting, too- barely! I've read dozens of back posts here, trying to learn and make sense of it all. Q uestion: is paint color a matter more of personal choice, or is it very affecting to the energies of the home? At this point I'm about to paint everything white just to be neutral! div>Also, if we have to paint in the South after Feb. 14th, is this ok or truly bad for us?
  4. We are scheduled to have replacement of windows and painting in the North sector, and some repairs involving walls and heating unit replacement in the Southwest sector of our home in 2010. /div>Stacy
  5. We have a long rectangular house, with one of the narrow ends as a facing direction. We am contemplating moving our front door to a better position along that face. The problem seems to be that the garage is placed along that front face, attached to the house, and it covers almost half of the face. We have been told that we should take the garage down, or make it open to the elements as a patio, to take advantage of the front facing chi and to benefit the new door. The door is slated to be positioned in the middle of the front face, and can be either inside or outside of the existing garage wall. Our question is, will it be necessary to remove or alter the garage to receive the best effect from the facing direction and new door.
  6. Thank you.
  7. Sirs, For several years, my husband and I had our bed with the head facing north; the bed itself was in the northwest. North is good for me, northwest is good for him. We were trying to have a child. We finally had a daughter. It was considered quite remarkable I was able to have a child at all, so this is a great blessing for us. Then, when our daughter was five months, I became quite ill. I sucessfully recovered, but became very concerned about the position of our bed- the northwest being the death position for me. We changed our bed to the north/northeast, with me sleeping on the north side and my husband sleeping on the northeast side. The head of the bed now faces east. (the bed could not be placed along the north wall, because of the door opposite, so the east wall was available.) Within our bedroom, this was the best compromise, we felt. The bedroom itself is the north end of our home, which is rectangular. What is your advice on this issue? I am very scared, sometimes. My husband does not believe strongly in Feng Shui, but respects my concerns. Thank you.
  8. Which should I use in interpreting things in my home? I feel very confused about this. Thank you.
  9. Sirs, I've had a mirror on the wall above our stovetop for a couple of years now. The stove is against a wall that leaves the stove user with his/her back to the kitchen entrance, and I had heard it was advisable to place a mirror there for the cook to be able to see the entrance. Also, I heard reflecting the burners (in effect doubling them) was good for wealth. Now, I was told that a mirror placed above the stovetop could be bad for members of my family- children especially. Shall I remove the mirror from above the stovetop? Thank you.
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