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Everything posted by myfs_128261

  1. Normally, when things go very smoothly for people, things like Ba Zi, Fate, Karma or Feng Shui don't count. Only when things go really,really BAD do people start to delve deeply into these, only when it's TOO LATE to cure the problem. And in an act of sheer desperation, they will TRY and BUY anything just to get themselves out of their very deep troubles, without really first understanding WHAT they are getting into just to get themselves OUT of their miseries. Unfortunately, I was one of them.I have had more than enough of my share of problems for the past two years, which were so far the MOST problematic times of my life. So, after seeing and EXPERIENCING more trouble in early 2007, I went into panic mode. Bought this, moved that, did this because this site said so, did that because that book said so. So far, I have yet to see any tangible changes in my life or in my luck. It's probably Fate that showed me this site on my 37th birthday. Maybe Fate is telling me "GO THROUGH THIS SITE CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO DO ANY MORE QUICK FIXES AND BUY SOME MORE ODD THINGS". I hope those who read this will do the same. This site will enlighten people,as it has enlightened me.
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