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Everything posted by myfs_130401

  1. Hi Master, I'm shifting in to my new house but there is this corner of the opposite block cutting directly into all my bedrooms. Can you advise what can I use to block the "shaqi" please? Possible to use mirrors or have to use the "8 coins" method? Appreciate your kind advice. Regards, Amelia
  2. Hi Master Lee, Does the Kua number works with the Flying star or both latter works independently. I would like to know the flying star but how does this work? Still confused......
  3. Hi Master, Thanks for your great advice. By the way, is it advisable to have my dining table near the toilet area since the centrepoint of my house is near the toilet? I intend to have another door before the entrance of the toilet to block off the qi. Do I still need to place a bottle gourd to block off the qi? Appreciate your great advice again. Thanks!
  4. Thanks Master Lee for your advice. 1) By the way, based on my layout is it advisable to have a see-thru divider in the middle of the house (near the kitchen) to block the qi from leaking to the balcony? 2 )As the centrepoint of my house is near toilet, the qi will also leak through the toilet right? I intend to have another door to the entrance of the toilet area so will this be able to block off the qi if I don't place a little bottle gourd in the toilet? I will also be placing my dining table near the toilet area. Is it suitable? Appreciate your great advice. Many thanks! Amelia
  5. Hi Master, Can you enlighten me on the centrepoint of my house please? Thanks, Still Confused
  6. Hi Master, Is there a chart for the "Stars" in the house? My house is a Period 7 but I'm not sure where is the star 7 in my house? As I'm still new to fengshui and knows only about the 8 sector rules. Please enlighten me. Thanks, Amelia
  7. Hi Master, As the main door of my house is facing directly to my balcony, I would like to place wooden strips (with tiny openings) to block the "leak" . However, the strips will be blocking my buddha's view towards the main door. Is this ok? Can there be any blockage in between my buddha to the main door? By the way, is it alsook to have a frosted glass panelindirectly facingthe buddha? Appreciate your kind advice. Thanks, Anonymous
  8. Thanks Master Lee, Does it matter for main-door position even if it's not at North facing door? Can I just place the Northtemplate on the North side of the house and that there will be the 8 sectors right? My current door position is facing North North East and I'm staying on the 9th floor and my balcony should be facing the South West. Do I get the concept of 8 sectors right? I can't email the drawings as it's too big a file to attach. Appreciate your kind advice. Regards, Anonymous
  9. Hi Master, I really have problem identifying the centrepoint of my new odd-shape house and needless to say to draw out the 8-house sectors. Can you please help me so that I can move on to do the necessary arrangement please.............. Thank you very much!!! From, Anxious Owner
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