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  1. Dear Cecil, I am quite lost and am hoping for a general advice in regards to a property I have put a deposit in. The house is a home and land package which we are not allowed to make any changes to the floor plan.The concern we have is that the kitchen is directly underneath the master bedroom's ensuite. I have heard that it is inauspicious to have kitchen underneath bathroom. However, I have also heard that as long as the toilet bowl is not directly above the stove it should not be a problem (the stove is underneath the bathroom's sink). Is this true? As it will cost us a fortune (and we may not be able to afford it) to rip the kitchen out and move it somewhere else. The main reason we decided to put a deposit in is due to its affordability. I have attached the floor plans which shows the bathroom and kitchen locations. If we have to move the kitchen, would it best to move it to the area where the theatre room is or should we move it to where the dining/family is? Your general advice will be greatly appreciated. Warm regards, Sue
  2. Dear Cecil, I'm the same person who posted: Posted in: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui) Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2009, 19:14 PM, Quote & Reply 1. Yes, fortunately, two things are in place:- 1.1. It is far better in this layout plan i.e. the frontside is not at the rear of the home. This is much better than the frontage facing the "T" junction. 1.2 Yes, the landscaping with young trees does help (alot; tremendously) your plot of land. 1.3 In addition, with your car porch and garage, it is good for these to be at the back of the home. With all the above three considerations, and that the young trees will ultimately mature and grow bigger, this is a plus point. Thus in my opinion, although you have the "T" junction, the above three points 1.1 to 1.3 overweighs this inauspicious "T" junction. Anonymous wrote: Dear Cecil, I really hope you can give us general advice because I'm really confuse. I have put in a deposit on a new two-story duplex. I really like the house, it's bright, in a great location and more importantly we can afford it. It has a separate garage and driveway at the back. To access the driveway/garage, there's a small lane at the back (I've attached a drawing to explain it better). The problem is: 1. half of the garage (a quarter of the house) are on T junction from the small lane; 2. there's a small lane at the back of the house. I've heard that it's not a good thing to have a house "sandwiched" by two road because there's no support for the house. 1. Is it help that there's an island of small trees at the back of the house? 2. And can the garage be the support for the house based on the fact that the garage is a whole different building? 3. Will the T junction at the back be a problem? Your general advise will be greatly appreciated. Warm regards. Thank you for your reply. It helps a lot in the decision making. I'm sorry I had to make a new topic because the website won't let me post a reply on that topic. I just like to clarify one thing in regards to your advise: Are the landscaping, the car porch and garage at the back also help the house situation which is between 2 road (small lane at the back, normal road at front)? Attached is the drawing to illustrate the situation better. Warmest regards, SK
  3. Dear Cecil, I really hope you can give us general advice because I'm really confuse. I have put in a deposit on a new two-story duplex. I really like the house, it's bright, in a great location and more importantly we can afford it. It has a separate garage and driveway at the back. To access the driveway/garage, there's a small lane at the back (I've attached a drawing to explain it better). The problem is: 1. half of the garage (a quarter of the house) are on T junction from the small lane; 2. there's a small lane at the back of the house. I've heard that it's not a good thing to have a house "sandwiched" by two road because there's no support for the house. 1. Is it help that there's an island of small trees at the back of the house? 2. And can the garage be the support for the house based on the fact that the garage is a whole different building? 3. Will the T junction at the back be a problem? Your general advise will be greatly appreciated. Warm regards.
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