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Everything posted by myfs_139129

  1. I've tried browsing through this website, i still don kow where can i check my 'pian cai' can anyone help?
  2. Hi Cecil I wanted to know how is my 'Pian Cai'. But i try searching the whole web, i just cant find it. also can i ask, for job scope related to design and medias are belonging to which element? Andy
  3. Hi cecil i am currently in National Service, i intend to sign on as a Diver at Naval Diving Unit. I am a strong fire element, is there any problem that will happen to me as i will be with water element throughtout the 10 yrs of service. Andy
  4. Hi Cecil I am Andy, i bought a fish tank and put blood parrot fish in it, and i left the whole tank in side my room as living hall is to cozy for me. Is there anything that will affect the FengShui? My house is facing south-east. Also, when i open the main door of my house and look down to the main road, there is actually a big drain just in front of my HDB building, is there any problem too? lastly, as for keeping of fish, is there any fish that are best for fengshui? or it doesn't matter, and how many fish should i keep in the tank? Your reply is really very important to me, thanks Andy
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