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Everything posted by myfs_139496

  1. I still dont quite understand and is pretty confuse. Well, some books and notes say it is ok to activate wealth using water in bedroom. An aquarium can be placed inside with flowing water [Yang water]? From what I know, still water is Yin? For those who mention no point activating your wealth luck if it is in your bedroom, what is the rationale? v>Well, Singapore is a place where houses are built not by us and I would presume at least 50% of the wealth spots are in bedrooms, study rooms, kitchen, toilets, store-rooms, dining rooms etc...
  2. Hi Master Cecil
  3. Hi Master I know many people tends to build a partition in between main door and window to prevent "Qi" from flowing out. I always like to think of various alternatives and I have the following thoughts: - 1) Leaving the main door close most of the time. I thought this might be an alternatives for some who has problem keeping their window closed instead. For new apartments like condo and newly built HDB, this can be easily achieved. 2) What if the inflow of air from the window is larger than the door? Is the partition still necessary? 3) What is the window is far away from the door? Say for instance 8 to 10 metres away? In school, we study that flow of air will slow down over distance. Assuming distance is far, "Qi" won't flow in from the door and then flow out from the window. Thank you
  4. Hi Mr Cecil I have read through your forum and I found answers pertaining to a placement of fish tank.In my thought, thosefish tank feature in this forum mainlycontains a lot of water, little light and fish. I wonder whether the theory of fengshui for aquarium placement is valid when the aquarium is a planted aquarium. A typical exampleas shown here: http://www.aac.acuavida.com/gallery/AAC_2009/mini_acuarios/William+Ng/135c.jpg.html The reasons are as follows: - 1) In planted aquarium, soil [Earth element?] comprises up to 20% of the total volume 2) Water[Water element?] takes upapprox 60-70% of the tank volume 3) Driftwood [Wood element?] are placed in the aquarium 4) Strong lighting [Fire element?] are used for photosynthesis 5) Lastly, it has lots of plants I wonder whether this kind of setup is consider as balance element? or still typically a water element?
  5. Hi Master Cecil If the main door is 5m away from the window, will you advise them to build a partition or close the window indefinately?
  6. 1) My main door is about 5-10m away from the window. I wonder how far is consider far enough 2) I did consider a partition but if I put the partition in between the main door and the window, that would make everything weird as it makes the passage way very narrow. Probably 1m.
  7. Hi I read somewhere that if the window is far away, it doesn't matter if your main entrance is facing it?
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