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Posts posted by myfs_139800

  1. Hi

    I am actually concern about the view from my bed as i will have full view of the toilet because of the glass wall. The exterior of my condodo not have a glass wall.

    I have the choice of a concrete wall or a glass wall for my toilet. Was wondering which will be more ideal. (It is thewall facing the side of my bed.)

    My full width mirror(height above the basin)will also be facing the side ofmy bed. Have read from somewhere that it will affect relationship of couples if they side of ur bed has something reflective facing it.Is there a cure for it ?

    Also i m concern, with the glass wall the toilet bowl will be facing the side of my bed. I will have full view of the toilet bowl from my bed. Is that bad fo feng shui? Will it affect anything?


  2. Hi

    1) Is it ok tobuild a glass wall instead of the concretewallsuch that the master bed room / bed will have the view of the toilet.

    2) With the glass wall, the toilet bowl will be facing the bed. Is that bad for feng Shui? If so, is there any cure? or can i place a bathtub at the glass wall so the toilet bowl will be block.

    3) There is a huge full width mirror . It is at the height of the basin. I heard that having a mirror at the side of the bed is bad for feng Shui. Is this layout bad for fengshui? Any cure?

    4) The back of the masterbed room door is facing the toilet door is that bad for feng shui?

    Thanks a million and looking forward to hearing from you.

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