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  1. Master Cecil, I am relieved when you say my house is ok in terms of fengshui. Thank you again.
  2. I forgot another point. The river flow is slow as it is reaching the sea but it is muddy.
  3. Dear Master Cecil, Thank you for your reply. You are right, it is Klang River. For zoom-out view, please refer to the link below: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/39533552/house%20near%20river%202.doc
  4. I have just bought a house which is near to a river. I have attached a drawing to show the position and location of my house and the river. Please advise if the house is too near to the river. Actually I can't really see the river even from 1st floor as the river bank is quite high acting like a small hill. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/39533552/house%20near%20river.doc Thanks in advance.
  5. Thank you so much.
  6. Dear Master Cecil,I am guessing A is a poison arrow and B is not the posion arrow. Please advice. src="http://angel- element.com/poison arrow side view.JPG" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="Side View" title="Side View"> div>Thank you.
  7. Master Lee,
  8. Thanks again to Master Lee for the clarification. Yes, I am referring to the poison arrow marked 'A" only.It is at the same height as the master bedroom. It is pointing directly at the master bedroom window. Good to hear it can be cured by day curtain. It is also good to hear it is not affecting my main door. iv>The shape of my house and the house at the opposite is different, therefore the poison arrow is not cancelling each other, if my understanding is correct. I will install the day curtain.v>Thanks again. you are very helpful.
  9. Thank you again to Master Lee. /div>Regards, James
  10. Thank you Master Lee for your prompt reply.The picture was taken exactly from the centre of my main door. So it is a poison arrow?The other picture is taken exactly from the centre of th window of the master bedroom. Is it advisable to try to cancel the purchase? iv>Thanks again
  11. Dear Master Lee, I am glad I found this forum. I have a question on poison arrow. I bought a semi detached house and I found out there are 2 small triangle sharp angle from opposite houses pointing directly to my main door. iv> Please click the link below for the pictures of the opposite house. http://www.angel- element.com/IMAG0171.jp g http://www.angel- element.com/IMAG0174.jp g
  12. style="font-family: arial; font-size: small; ">Dear Master,Sorry for re-post as I don't know how to insert pictures. g">http://www.angel- element.com/IMAG0171.jp ghref="http://www.angel- element.com/IMAG0171.jp g">http://www.angel- element.com/IMAG0174.jp g iv>Appreciate if Master can identify whether this is a poison arrow or otherwise.Th anks in advance. Regards, v>James n>
  13. Dear Master, I am glad I found this forum. I have a question on poison arrow. I bought a semi detached house and I found out there are 2 small triangle sharp angle from opposite houses pointing directly to my main door. Appreciate if Master can identify whether this is a poison arrow or otherwise. Thanks in advance. Regards, James
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