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  1. Hi Master Lee Thanks again for the kind advice ! Regards
  2. Hi Master Lee, Thanks again for the advice, regarding the study desk being in line with the toilet is no issue right ? Guess then i shall proceed with the suggested layout. Thanks ! Regards
  3. Hi Master Lee, Thank you so much for your help, i have took measurement and the layout you suggested seems to fit nicely. However in the initial layout i have actually drawn a smaller window, i have redrawn the window. The standing fan itself is actually situated away from the window, however the circular frame of the fan extends slightly into the window region (around 13cm), i am actually fine with that just unsure that from Feng Shui angle is that aright ? Lastly as i will be spending much time on the study desk will it help if i place a crystal or a small artificial plant towards right of the study desk to block out the bad chi from the toilet. Thank you once a again Master Lee, i like the layout you have suggested if the above two is a non-issue i probably start shifting this weekend =). Regards
  4. Dear Master Lee, I would like seek your help regarding the following layout of my room, my room is being shaped at a really odd shape, currently i am about to introduce a study desk which will also house the computer into my room I am thinking of placing my study desk(LAYOUT 1) or Cabinet (LAYOUT 2 & 3) which might hopefully block away the odd corner to make my room more rectangular shaped, there is still a little space to enter the odd corner for cleaning purposes, am i right in doing that. And regarding the placement of the standing fan is it true that i have placed it at the wrong location, since the toilet is just outside of my room and placing the standing fan there will spread the negative chi. In Layout 1 would it be bad if i am actually facing a odd shaped wall while seated upon my study desk , also with my back facing the door? Will the poison arrow be affecting me if i am seated there. In Layout 2 would then the 2 circled poison arrow beside the window be aiming at my bed or will it considered be blocked by waist level cabinet (approx 80cm). While in Layout 3 the placement of the desk would then be inline with my toilet, not sure would it be a good idea. Would then seek your adivce as to which will be a better layout, my kua number is 6. Should i then leave the odd corner as empty as possible Thank you so much for your patience and kind help.
  5. Hi Master, Thank you for reply, guess then i shall not do anything about it. Regards
  6. Hi I am a new user here and i have read several remedies regarding the cure for bed room door facing toilet door. Most of them suggested closing of both doors, installing of curtains, placing of plants, etc. Though these maybe be simple procedures, i am sharing the apartment and i am not entitled to install curtains or redecorating the toilet. And the closing of doors requires cooperation since the toilet is shared. Wondering will the closing of just the bedroom door helps? I have read that by placing coins above toilet doors, however i am not very sure of this procedure could you please enlighten me on this.Ithank you for your great help Regards
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