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Posts posted by myfs_145115

  1. Master Cecil,
    I would liketo cure mountain star #7 located in my bedroom, right where my bed is.
    My bedroompainted white has the following flying stars:
    Water StarMountain StarBase star
    Right side of bedroom97 9
    Middle part of bedroom881
    Left side of bedroom43 5
    I read that mountain star 7 is metal so I was thinking of using waterelement toneutralize this.
    Can I useblue/light blue bedsheets to do this?Or put picture of water elements like waterfallsin the bedroom?
    I want to cure the mountain star 3 also. How do I do this?
    My personal element is earth.
    Thank you very much.

  2. Dear Cecil,
    There is a wall (of a bathroom) located 4metersacross the main door of our house. I wanted to put a painting on this wall.
    Do I need to avoid any particular kind painting since this wall is directly facing the main door?
    Another concern is on the second floor right above this wall is the toilet. Can I put painting that depict good luck on this wall?
    Thank you.

  3. Master Cecil,
    We moved into our new house one year ago. My dad, who is in his 80s, has been hospitalized four times this year.
    His bedroom has Mountain Star 9, Water Star 7 and Base star 2. Is this causing his sickness? If we have no other rooms for him to move into, what can be done about this situation?
    Thank you.

  4. Master Cecil,
    My kitchen is located in the southeast (wood) with WS 2 and MS 5. My cabinets are in white and my ref is stainless steel color. Hopefully thiswould control the earth element.
    I read in another website that the fire element should also be weakened. Can I use the color light blue for my back splash to do this?
    Thank you.

  5. Master Cecil,
    Thank you for your advice.
    I would like to seek further clarification regarding the main door facing the bedroom corner.
    The main door is 2.3 meters from the bedroom corner.
    Based on the previous layout, the protrusion seems to be very small.
    But based on actual measurement, the protrusion is 20 centimeters. Is the protrusion still considered tiny and can be ignored or should I move the main door to the right?
    Thank you.

    On 10/15/2010 7:04:33 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    1. Please see attachment. 2. In my
    opinion the main door face only a tiny
    area of the bedroom corner thus
    generally OK.3. From the layout, can't
    really tell whether to go upstairs, it
    is from A to B or from the area B to
    A.4. Ifthestart of the
    staircase is from A to B; then best to
    close the main entrance door when not in
    use; as if we stand at the main door and
    see the staircase ... "coming down" this
    is symbolic of wealth flowingdown
    the staircase and the"nearest"
    exit point is via the main entrance.5.
    Thus in terms of "wealth" leak;if
    the entrance of the staircase starts at
    A; this is inmy opinion, a greater
    concern than the tiny protusion of the
    bedroom corner wall.On 10/15/2010
    3:07:14 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Cecil,I read that main
    door should
    not face a corner.
    I am attaching a
    layout of the
    house. Is the main
    door facing
    the bedroom corner? Is
    bad?Thank you.

  6. Master Cecil,
    Thank you for your advice regarding the toilet door of the master bedroom.
    May I also seek you advice regarding the door of bedroom 3 facing the corner of the ensuite bathroom?
    Thank you

    On 1/8/2011 11:03:08 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    1. Frankly, for a lay person; the
    current toilet door location is to many;
    the least of the concern when compared
    to the attachment: where the toilet door
    faces the side-of the bed.2. Thus,
    another phrase is : " this is better
    than the devil in the deep blue sea!"3.
    Other considerations:3.1. A toilet door
    immediately 90 degrees to the master
    bedroom door (not based on Feng Shui)
    but commonsense: not too friendly, for
    an elderly or anyone on a wheel-chair.
    Simply called: not disabled friendly
    (that's all).3.2. Baby safety (Families
    with youngsters in the home)For those
    who have babies or small child or young
    children (playing) in the toilet; the
    existing toilet door at the side makes
    it harder for supervision of activities
    in the toilet. For example, if mum lies
    on the bed. And if a child is in trouble
    or calls for help; less likely to hear
    if the door is at the side. (Of course,
    we should never allow our child to be
    alone in the toilet whatsoever).On
    1/7/2011 2:35:05 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Master Cecil,Is it a concern
    that the bedroom door faces
    corner of the ensuite

  7. Master Cecil,
    Thank you for easing my mind that this is not a major leak. But is this still considered a minor leak?
    Many thanks.

    On 11/6/2010 3:14:19 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Do take note that it is not
    just about the centerpoint
    (centrepoint) or the
    center-of-gravity.Please see
    attachment: and where is the
    area occupied by the CENTER

  8. Master Cecil,
    Many thanks for the illustration. Given that the centerpoint is in the bathroom (bathtub) area, is this inauspicious? Should I make the bathroom smaller so that the centerpoint will fall outside the bathroom?
    The house faces W3. MS 6, WS 1 and BS 8.
    Again, many thanks.

    On 11/6/2010 10:13:30 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    These are futher illustrations:-1.
    Frankly, even between your layout a and
    b; the center-point is pretty close to
    each other. Only thing is that under
    layout plan a, it falls within the
    toilet area (long bath)2. Under the so
    called: center-of-gravity method:2.1.
    The usual suggestion is to copy a layout
    plan. Paste it on a cardboard and
    cut-out the outline of the interior
    "living" space. And balance this onto a
    nail or in.2.2. Under the eye-ball
    method, please see attachment:
    ILLUSTRATION B; so long as the missing
    area (IN YELLOW) is roughly equal to the
    area of theextra spacewhich
    I called protrusion (not exactly a
    protrusion, here)ifcan refer
    to the attachment in GREEN.Using
    eye-ball method this green area is
    roughly the area of the yellow missing
    area. On 11/6/2010 7:00:10 AM,
    Cecil Lee wrote:
    Since within the
    living area,
    there is an open
    courtyard =
    academically speaking, this
    area should be
    considered against
    courtyard. Then based on the
    concept of center of gravity;
    layout A closely match this
    concept: where roughly the
    missing corner matches the
    additional space or the
    additional non living space or
    protusion area may be reduced
    slightly where the area of the
    lanai (courtyard) equals the
    other protrusion. Currently i
    only eyeballing it only.
    11/5/2010 7:35:33 PM, Anonymous
    Master Cecil,Please
    see the revised
    attachments. By
    the way, there is no
    garage door
    since the house is within a
    compound. Thank you.On 11/4/2010
    10:36:20 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:
    It is
    best to you split it
    into two
    that of
    layout A and another for
    As currently, it cannot be
    11/4/2010 10:35:18
    PM, Anonymous
    Master Cecil,Kindly
    is the
    centerpoint -
    Layout A
    or Layout B?In
    Layout A,

    included the garden
    which is within the

    perimeter wall
    of the
    WithLayout A,
    centerpoint will be

    bathtub area.
    Ifthis is

    correct centerpoint,
    I move the bathtub?



    constructed.Main door


    did not include

    to get
    flying stars.MS 6,
    WS 1,

  9. Master Cecil,
    I am resending the message with the new Layout A and Layout B.
    Kindly advise which is the correct centerpoint. Layout A or Layout B?
    I included the garden in Layout A. The garden is within the perimeter wall of the house. With this, the centerpoint with be at the bathtub. If this is the correct centerpoint, do I move the bathtub? The house is still under construction.
    House faces West 3. MS 6, WS 1 and Base star 8.
    By the way, there is no garage door as the house is within a compound.
    Thank you.

  10. Master Cecil,
    Please see the revised attachments. By the way, there is no garage door since the house is within a compound. Thank you.

    On 11/4/2010 10:36:20 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    It is best to you split it into two
    files that of layout A and another for
    B. As currently, it cannot be shown.On
    11/4/2010 10:35:18 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Master Cecil,Kindly advise
    is the correct
    centerpoint -
    Layout A
    or Layout B?In Layout A,
    I included the garden
    which is within the
    perimeter wall
    of the house.
    WithLayout A,
    centerpoint will be the
    bathtub area. Ifthis is
    the correct centerpoint,
    I move the bathtub?
    constructed.Main door
    did not include
    to get the
    flying stars.MS 6,
    WS 1,
    BS8.Thank you.

  11. Master Cecil,
    Kindly advise which is the correct centerpoint - Layout A or Layout B?
    In Layout A, I included the garden area which is within the perimeter wall of the house. WithLayout A, the centerpoint will be the bathtub area. Ifthis is the correct centerpoint, should I move the bathtub? Thehouse is stillbeing constructed.
    Main door faceswest3.
    I did not include thegarage to get the flying stars.MS 6, WS 1, BS8.
    Thank you.

  12. Master Cecil,
    Thank you for your advice.
    As the house is still under construction, would it be better if the toilet door of bedroom3 face the side of the bed or remain as it is which is facing the bedroom door?
    Thank you again.

    On 10/20/2010 8:59:33 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Given that it is also not
    practical to shift the
    bathroom door to the side of
    the bed, you really have to
    live with it.
    If not too happy, then, close
    the toilet door when not in
    use. As it is also not like
    one can relocate the toilet.
    On 10/16/2010 7:54:38 PM, Anonymous
    Master Cecil,The bedroom 3 has
    its bedroom door facing a
    portion of the toilet
    door. Is this acceptable or
    how do we cure this?Thank you.

  13. Master Cecil,
    If the start of the stair will be at B, is this considered a major leak and must be cured?
    The centerpoint of the house (intersection of 2 lines excluding garage and backyard area)is near thecorner of the bathroom and the bedroom door.Is thisa concern?

    Thank you for your advice.

    On 10/15/2010 8:29:36 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Further to what I had mentioned, just
    re-looked at the layout plan:-1. Looks
    like the large expanse of windows and
    main door open towards the car garage.2.
    Other than the concern for the rain,
    always good to have some openings at the
    side of the lawn and at the bedroom, the
    windows could be opened.3. This is to
    avoid any remote possibility of carbon
    monoxide - if the garage door is closed
    and the fumes from the vehicles
    inadvertently "craw" into the home.
    (Nice-to do: Some invest in a reasonably
    priced carbon monoxide detector in the
    living room area and bedroom).4. Of
    course commonsense not to store any
    inflammable items in this garage. On
    10/15/2010 7:04:33 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:
    1. Please see attachment. 2. In my
    opinion the main door face only a
    area of the bedroom corner thus
    generally OK.3. From the layout,
    really tell whether to go
    upstairs, it
    is from A to B or from
    the area B to
    Ifthestart of the
    staircase is from A to B; then best
    close the main entrance door when
    not in
    use; as if we stand at the
    main door and
    see the staircase ...
    "coming down" this
    is symbolic of
    wealth flowingdown
    staircase and the"nearest"
    exit point is via the main
    Thus in terms of
    "wealth" leak;if
    the entrance
    of the staircase starts at
    A; this
    is inmy opinion, a greater
    concern than the tiny protusion of
    bedroom corner wall.On
    3:07:14 PM, Anonymous
    Cecil,I read that
    door should
    not face a
    I am attaching a
    of the
    house. Is the main
    the bedroom corner? Is
    bad?Thank you.

  14. Master Cecil,
    I would like to seek your advice on the attached layout. Based on Eight House Theory, the occupant of bedroom 2 longevity location is northeast while east is the death location.
    I noticed that the east/death line passes through the bedroom door and a larger portion of the bedroom is in the east location. How bad is this?
    The flying stars of this roomare MS 9, WS 7, BS 2.
    Is the placement of the bedroom door (opening to the stairs landing going up) a concern?
    Thank you for your advices.

  15. Master Cecil,
    1. I read that the toilet should not be above the stove. Is this also applicable to the shower area above a stove?
    2. Is it bad to have a stove facing the wall of the toilet/powder room? Pleasesee sketch 1.
    3. The door of the toilet/ powder room faces the dining table. But what is immediatley seen when the door is open is the lavatory/sink and not the toilet. Is this a concern? Please see sketch 1.
    4. Is thereany concernif a bedroom door face a storage door? The stuff inside the storage are used/unused toys, linens, pots, dinnerware, and the like. Please see sketch 2.
    5. How about a master's bedroom door facing the door to the open deck? Is this an issue? Please see sketch 2.
    6. Reading about poison arrows coming from pillars and room corners, can we avoid this by having the corners rounded during construction ?
    Thanks so much.

    Sketch 1.Sketch 2.
    bedroomtoiletstorage deck- open area
    powder roomstoveroom
    dining table
    living room
    master's bedroom
    note : red line - door

  16. Master Cecil,
    I read that the toilet should not be before the main door.
    Does this also apply if the toilet is on the second floor, above the garage ? Is the toilet considered to be before the main door and therefore is a concern?

    main door
    living room
    1st floor2nd floor

  17. Master Cecil,
    1. In the master's bedroom, which is the better location for the toilet:
    a. southwest sector with MS 3, WS 4 and BS 5 or
    b. north sector with MS 2, WS 5 and BS4?
    My Kua number is 8 with pillar of destiny - yin earth fire horse. Based on 8 house, southwest is a good sector for me.
    2. How bad is it to have the toilet door facing the side of the bed? Should this be avoided at all cost?

  18. Dear Master Lee,

    I will be constructing a 3-storey house. The main door& the house will face West 2. I was born inDecember 1966 withKuanumber 8.

    Is itok to put the stairs or the toilet/shower areain the north sector? The north sector has flying stars 5 and 2. I asked this because I was informedNOT to putstairs nor toilet inthe north sector.

    The master's bedroom will be on the third floor and will occupy the SW, W and NW sector. (By the way,thehouse has a floor area of 75 sq. meter or 807 square foot per floor.) Where should I put my toilet? In the SW, W or NW sector since all are good directions based on my kua number.

    What is a good sector to place the altar?

    Is it good to place other bedrooms in the East (flying stars 3 & 4)and NE (flying star 7and 9)?

    Looking forward to your advise. Many thanks.

  19. I am interested in buying a townhouse located within a compound.

    The compound has 6 townhouses on the left and 6 townhouses on the right.

    The left and right townhouses are separated by a driveway.

    The driveway which leads to the street hasitsgate that opens to the north-east direction (the Devil's Gate).

    The townhouse itself has its door facing northwest.

    Is it advisable to buy the townhouse?

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