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  1. Hi Does the following info still shows we're compatible , as our bazi element & horoscope are compatible, even though we have 6 clashes ? Does it reflect serious damage? Ba Zi Element : I'm strong wood, she is weak fire. Horoscope Compatibility: I'm Tiger, hers is Pig (1) Heaven Stem Clash between year pillar (jia) & month pillar (geng). (2) Heaven Stem Clash between year pillar (jia) & hour pillar (geng). (3) Heaven Stem Clash between day pillar (jia) & hour pillar (geng). (4) Earthly Branch Clash between year pillar (yin) & month pillar (shen). (5) Earthly Branch Harm between month pillar (wu) & day pillar (chou). (6) Earthly Branch Clash between month pillar (wu) & hour pillar (zi) Please advise, thank you. Paul W.
  2. Hi My girlfriend & I have the the following clashes in our bazi, does it mean we should never get into a marriage? It won't work? I'm strong wood, she is strong fire. (1) Heaven Stem Clash between hour pillar (yi) & hour pillar (xin) (2) Earthly Branch Clash between month pillar (wu) & day pillar (zi). Please advice. Thank you Paul W.
  3. Hi Is the retail of Health & beauty products considered wood element? or is it a combination of wood & earth elements? Best regards Paul
  4. Hi Mr Cecil My personal office door is directly facing (about 2m away) a toilet door & a storeroom door, since the toilet door & storeroom door is just side by side. My office which is located in the west sector has a window facing west, has double #8 star & #1 star, while the toilet has #7 & #2 bad stars. What should I do to ward off the negative effect of facingthe toilet door &storeroom door? Thanks very much Paul
  5. Thanks very much
  6. By the way, the South facing window sits on the South & South-east sectors of my office, the West facing window sits on the South-west & West sectors of my office. Thanks. Paul
  7. Hi Mr Cecil, My office building is on the eighth floor,I have 2 main windows (Big South & West facing windows) which are themain source of air circulation & sunlight.The 2 windows facesthe power lines directly (about 50m-80m, roughly around that distance from my building) .. Other than using curtains or blinds, are there any other effective options to neutralize the sha qi from the power lines? Thanks very much Paul
  8. additional info:Both these 2 lofts have sufficient sunlight into the house from the big window (facing door), especially loft #11-11 the area is very bright & airydue to 2 big windows, as reflected in the drawing. Thanks Paul Poltik
  9. Hi Mr Cecil I'm of strong wood, North-east house (Ken), while my fiancee is of weak metal, South House (Li). We've opposing good-bad directions. We've registered a health & beauty productsdistribution business together in my fiancee's name. 1. Please refer to attached layouts loft 19-08 & Loft 11-11, pleaseadvice which loft should I chose as our office? or are they suitable for us? 2. Please advice where would it be suitable to beour bedroom & storeroom? 3. Where should I place a Buddha altar? additional info: (a) Loft room number #11-11, the number #11-11 is not auspicious & main door isfacing a neighbour's main door, but there's a light bulb just outside between us. (b) Loft room number #19-08 & #11-11, both have mian doorsfacing directly at a window : I thought it was necessary to block it, so I hadmarked a partition on the layout. Thanks very much Paul Poltik
  10. Thanks Mr Cecil I've attached the apartment's flying chart below, it's in period 8, if I knock down that storeroom wall will bad stars be released? I think it has #3 & #5 bad stars? If it has, does that mean there's nothing I can do to stop the negative effect of the storeroom in that sector? (4) Store room next to the main door is also not good right, what if I knock down the part of the store room wall nearest to the main door, as shown in the picture? Such questions best to plot a flying star chart to check what stars are at that location. For example, if the storeroom had currently locked bad stars e.g. #5 or #2 or combinations of them and knocking the wall down and releasing especially such stars may be detrimental.
  11. Hi Mr Cecil My fiancee belongs to the South house (Li), while I belong to the North-East house (Ken). I've attached the floor plan of Apartment 1 which we like. But we've opposing favourable directions. Hers: N - Logevity, NE - Disaster, E - Prosperity, SE - Health, S - Excellent, SW - Irritation, W - Spook, NW - Death Mine: N - Spook, NE - Excellent, E - Irritation, SE - Death, S - Disaster, SW - Prosperity, W - Longevity, NW - Health (1) I'll sleep close to the west side while she sleeps close to the South side, as shown in the picture attached below, will this solve the problem? (2) I've listed the position of a buddha altar in red & it's facing the door, is this position ideal? (3)Our apartment 1main door is directly facing the other apartment's main door. I read that luck or good qi will be sucked away by the other apartment or vice versa, can I place a pair of Qilin outside to solve the problem? (4) Store room next to the main door is also not good right, what if I knock down the part of the store room wall nearest to the main door, as shown in the picture? Best regards Wangchuk
  12. Hi Mr Cecil My fiancee belongs to the South house (Li), while I belong to the North-East house (Ken). We're looking for an apartment in Beijing and we're considering Apartment 1. I've attached the floor plan for your reference. What's your suggestion? Info: (1) The main entrance of the whole building is facing North. (2) My fiancee & I aremanaging our business together. We're both breadwinners. (3) We intend to use the master bedroom (apartment 1), I'll sleep close to the west side while she sleeps close to the South side? (4) But the main door is directly facing the other apartment's main door. I read that luck or good qi will be sucked away by the other apartment or vice versa, what are the remedies? (5) I'm considering converting the storeroom to an open shoe resting area with hanging jacket cabinet for winter. The (storeroom) wall closest to the main door will be knocked down. Please give me your advice. Thanks very much Wangchuk
  13. Hi Mr Cecil, Mytoilet is located inmy excellent sector (NE), what can be done to prevent leakage? Can the use of a pair of wooden flutes arranged in the chinese 8 (???or the use of bagua-shaped lighting on the ceiling (placed in the middle of the toilet) prevent the leak? I`m of strong yang woodtiger. Best regards Wangchuk
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