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  1. Thank you Master Lee It was a very helpful indeed.
  2. Thanks alot Master Lee Those points you mentioned were really informative. I did not even think of that. Besides those that you mentioned, you did not comment on whether facing a canal is ok? I read somewhere in your web that a unit was damp before and it was infested with termites because there was a canal nearby. Does that apply to this picture? Please let me know whether the pond facing is ok as well. Thank you.
  3. Hi Master I plan to buy my second home soon. The units i chose are from Block 348A unit 559 and Block 347B unit 523. Both 5 Rooms. layout attached. http://www.adoragreen.com.sg/sitePlans.html Block 348A, unit 559 faces a Tjunction, pond and beside the pond there is a hospital, the balcony is facing the hospital. Block 347B unit 523 faces a playround but on the side there is a canal, I read that its not good to have a canal nearby. Could you please advise me as the flat selection is next week. Currently am staying in a flat that faces an open field which is auspicious so if moving to these new flat is not good, I might just consider staying in my current place instead of moving.
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