Hi Master Cecil, Thank you so much for the quick response and for your insightful feedback =) As you've illustrated, it would be better to move the entrance doors slightly to the right to allow for a smoother flow of chi into the home. For the areas that you've highlighted dark red, should these areas be completely walled off or could furniture or closet/storage space be placed in these dark red areas as well? As long as the furniture/closets/etc are not directly obstructing the path from the mouth into the rest of the home, would this be OK? Moving the doors affects something else too I think. I've attached another image showing the approach to the front entrance with the doors moved to the right (EntranceAndStairsExteriorInterior_DoorMovedRightV2.jpg). There are two pillars supporting a roofed entrance (to protect from the rain/other elements). If the doors are moved to the right, the right-most pillar is now slightly in front of the right entrance door... is this considered a poison arrow? Should this right pillar be moved so that it doesn't block the right door? And finally, you mentioned that the staircase is not in the best location... what's your opinion of swapping the stairs and the dining area (see attached EntranceAndStairsExteriorInterior_DoorMovedRight_StairsMovedBackV2.jpg); the stairs would be moved back and the dining area would be moved ahead next to the front exterior windows. How would chi flow be affected in this layout? As always, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Master Cecil!