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  1. I am not a feng shui practicioner by any means, but enjoy reading about and learning to apply the principles of this ancient art form. Aside from an investment point of view, I posted this because I thought this would be an interesting case study for the forum to analyze since this type of building design is rare in our daily encounters (with the exception of churches, as you had mentioned). Many FS practioners would automatically say that this is inauspicious due to the missing corners. There are different FS schools of thought, often with very conflicting analysis as in this case and makes things very confusing. When does one analyze based on using one school over another? A balanced blend would be ideal, but sometimes it cannot be done. What does one do in this case? I am hoping that the experts who read this forum can share some insights (and perhaps actual encounters if any) as to what the their analysis was and what the outcome was for the occupants who live in cross-shape structures. I have 2 more questions: 1) In determining facing direction - when is it not the front door? In this case, the front door faces South, but then main road is to the East. There are 3 large windows on the East side overlooking the roadway. Does this mean the facing direction is to the East? 2) What is the reason for not having a skydome/skylight in the center of a structure? I recall that it is not good, but could not find any explanation as to why this is so. Thank you for sharing your insights and for creating this open forum for everyone to learn. It is a treasure of information where one can find a multitude of case studies to further their understanding of feng shui. Warmly, Iris
  2. Dear Cecil, Thank you for your detailed analysis. I am relieved that based on the Shape and Form Feng Shui school, this one-story cross-shaped structure can be used for a learning center. It is indeed a beautiful structure and the developer had put a great deal of thought and care into designing this unique property. It is approximately 3800 square feet , which is a good size for our purposes. Location-wise it is in a great spot- right off the main road coming into the community. In addition, the building behind us is a 2 story structure situated on a slight incline which serves as our "protection" from the elements. I recall reading on the forum that we need to sometimes take into consideration more than one Feng Shui school of thought -- to seek a well-balanced analysis of feng shui aspects ... with that in mind, do I need to concern myself with the 4 missing corners (according to the Flying Stars school)? How would one tackle this? I am attaching a side-view photos of the building as seen from the main road. Hopefully this will make it easier to determine which is the facing side of the building? You are correct that the roof is pitched on all sides. There is also a skylight dome in the middle which allows for sunlight to enter into the center of the structure. It creates a very warm and open feel on the inside and draws the eye to the emblem design on the marble floor of the rotunda beneath. I am excited to learn that this may be a suitable structure for our learning center. I recall reading that cross-shaped buildings were inauspicious due to the missing corners and was concerned as to what needs to be done in this case? Purchasing a property and starting a new business is a big financial investment for us, but this is something for the children and I would love to provide this service to our community. You are a kind-hearted and genuine person thank you for your honest feedback and insights. Warmly, Iris
  3. Dear Feng Shui Experts, I am in based in Texas, and am in need of a general feng shui assessment regarding the purchase of a commercial 1-story building to be used as a learning center. The shape of the building is rather unique in the sense that it is in the shape of a cross (please see photo) -- which allows for a lot of natural lighting due to all the windows on the wings of the building. The natural lighting would be great for the children's classrooms. However, my concern is that this building may be considered an inauspicious shape, since 4 of the corners are missing? Or is the wings considered a protrusion or extension? If the former, is there any way to remedy this? Usually only churches have this cross-shape configuration. The building was built and currently used as a welcome center for the community. Do you feel this is a suitable location for a learning center? Based on looking at the photo, which is the facing direction? South (Front Door) or East (Main road)? This is the link to the property location in MapQuest - address is 4304 N Quinlan Park Rd, Austin, TX 78732, in case it does not pull up properly. http://mapq.st/vfAMWo I have high regards for feng shui principles and thank you all kindly in advance for your advice. I would like to present an offer to the developer for this location and appreciate any advice you may offer ~ Warm regards, Iris
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