Dear Master, thank you very much for your advice. My interior designer has a very interesting idea in the altar design, but I am doubtful about its appropriateness, and would like to seek your advice again. 1. Per my request, she located the Altar in location "A". However, she had the altar designed with transparent (glass) backing, and is about 6" away from the wall (there is a gap between the back of Altar and Wall). Is this acceptable? The Altar sits on top of the TV console too. 2. In seconddesign option, she had it made like a rectangular box that is wall mounted (suspended)in location "B". There is a spot light above the buddha. Is this acceptable? 3. The 3rd option is to have the altar in location A, and have the TV and sound system placed on the opposite wall. That would mean that the Buddha is facing (watching) the TV, may not be exactly in front. Is this acceptable as well? Thank you.