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  1. Hi Sir, thanks for pointing out the whole things about feng shui. As I'm new and just read everything about basic Feng shui so I do not know what next? of course I not going to do the kindergarden FS if I have a chance to move to the next level. Maybe you can advice me what is next. Hope to hear from you soon. Cheers
  2. HI Sir, Thanks for your great advice on the pie-chart. I have done determine on the compass facing. I going to renovate my house in a few weeks time and since I have determine the facing, can I say I will base on the direction to paint the desire color?Example North : Water (Black / Blue) also able to paint White (Metal enhance water) for North sector. NorthEast - Earth etc.Can I base on the basic direction color to determine the fix fixture like TV features wall on North sector in White or silver? Actually color/element of the house sector is base on the general direction or base on the person? Hope you can clear my doubts on the above matters. Again, Thanks you for your prompt reply. Cheers Lim
  3. Hi Sir, I have found the center of the house base on your recommendation using the balance methods and draw out a full view plan. Also I have use the PIE chart methods to plot the direction by standing at the center of the house and take the measurement. Just concern is the center bagua is small or it look ok? Kindly advice pleaseAs mention, is it correct to stand at the center (using the balance method) and took the reading which I had did? Hope to hear from you soon. Again.. Thank you. Sorry for the double post.. Here is the link for the images : https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4ejcZOcbtlQSUdJMmtJVE9UeWc/edit?pli=1
  4. Hi Sir, I have found the center of the house base on your recommendation using the balance methods and draw out a full view plan. Also I have use the PIE chart methods to plot the direction by standing at the center of the house and take the measurement. Just concern is the center bagua is small or it look ok? Kindly advice please As mention, is it correct to stand at the center (using the balance method) and took the reading which I had did? Hope to hear from you soon. Again.. Thank you.
  5. Hi Sir, I need your advice and hope you can help. Currently I leave in Savannah Condopark and have 2 question and hope to hear your advice. 1. House facing direction? - Should it be determine by door facing or the bigger window where the lights shine in everyday? I live in the lower floor. 2. As you can see from the pix, I leaving in a odd shape house and would like to know how should I determine the center of the house. I trying to apply the 9 grid on it. Hope you can help. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks you.
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