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  1. Flying Star changes every year or every month, so, it very difficult to have your house layout correctly to have good feng shui? The more I read into it, it seems like it is very difficult to have a house that is auspicious for everyone. If it is good for the husband, it might be bad for the wife, or other people living in the house. So it makes it soo confusing. Some people said that the date you were born effect your destiny or fate, so if you live in a house that is auspicious or inauspicious, that is because you were destined to live in that house with good feng shui or bad feng shui. WHat are your thoughts on that?
  2. So it is good to have a long drive-way in to the house? Also, since the lot isn't a square shaped lot, the backyard is wide+/*-r than the front, can trees be planted in the backyard and the sides of the house to make it into a square shaped lot? Will that make the lot more auspicious or is there no hope for this lot?
  3. I am looking at this house, see attachment, the house with the red X. To the right of the house is a corner lot house and it is slightly turned. Do you think that the corner of that house is creating a poison arrow to the house with the X? Also, do you think the curve of the road is also causing a poison arrow to the house with the X since the house is on the outside of the curve. Thanks!!
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