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  1. Hi, I am born in China but now living in Canada. For the Ba Zi reading on this website, is the date, day and time we are using the old chinese calendar and time or the north american calendar and time? As well the time of birth, how accurate does it need to be? My parents are unsure of the exact time (minutes) but they think is around 6 am. I have gotten my Ba Zi reading in china a few times, each one has different saying and gave me a different answer. How do I know which one is the real one? I been having extreme bad luck in recent 3 years, divorce, then lost all my money in investment and business and with my readings before my luck was suppose to be better in these three years. Please help! My date of birth is 09/09/1984 using the old chinese calendar. birth time around 6 am. Thanks!
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