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  1. Hi Master Cecil, (not sure why my earlier post is hidden) In your first time open door guide, it is recommended to place oranges at 4 corners of the living and dining area. As mine is a resale unit, the configuration is abit strange. Although i will knock off some of the walls during renovation, for the first time open door guide, i suppose i still need to place the oranges? From the pic, i think sector A1 and A2 is living while A3 is dining. So i just place the oranges at the "O" area or should i place at the "X" area as well? The five fruits and fa gao should be placed somewhere between letter A1 and A2 right? or should it be between A1, A2 and A3? Also, Windows to be left open for the 3 days after i leave the unit? Lastly, I am single and for the day of opening, i should look at my own auspicious timing to go in? If one of my family member is going together with me, should i cater for their timing as well? Thanks for help.
  2. Hi Master Cecil, In your first time open door guide, it is recommended to place oranges at 4 corners of the living and dining area. As mine is a resale unit, the configuration is abit strange. Although i will knock off some of the walls during renovation, for the first time open door guide, i suppose i still need to place the oranges? From the pic, i think sector A1 and A2 is living while A3 is dining. So i just place the oranges at the "O" area or should i place at the "X" area as well? The five fruits and fa gao should be placed somewhere between letter A1 and A2 right? or should it be between A1, A2 and A3? Also, Windows to be left open for the 3 days after i leave the unit? Lastly, I am single and for the day of opening, i should look at my own auspicious timing to go in? If one of my family member is going together with me, should i cater for their timing as well? Thanks for help.
  3. Hi Master, For first time opening of door, understand that part of the procedure is that must place oranges on stove. If mine is a resale unit and the stove is not there because its the removable kind and previous owner has removed it. Does it mean i skip this part or do i put it on alternative places? Thanks!
  4. Hi, understand it’s not advisable to renovate during 7th month. I would like to check if it’s fine to renovate during Qing Ming? Thanks!
  5. Understand. Thks Master Lee!
  6. Thks for response. By the way, all this can be rectified I suppose?
  7. Hi, Reference to right hand drive, can I check if house 1 under the picture is considered as in path of poison arrow? Is T-junction only applicable when its direct 90 degrees head on? Also, if there is a temple house separated by another 2 house, is it ok in terms of fengshui? Thanks!
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