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  1. Dear Cecil, Can you please help me with this problem. Our building was built in 1961 then a new floor was added to the building in 1984 which I assume it changed the birth of the building to period 7. One of the apartments has been up for rent for the past two years with no luck. Its a beautiful apartment and people loves it when they see it but never come back again. The apartment faces 200- 202.5. My question is, if no one is living in the apartment,would enhances cures needed? How can feng shui help in this matter. Thank you and have a nice day, Luna
  2. Dear Cecil, After browsing many many feng shui sites, I came to one conclusion: your site is the most sensible, reasonable and helpful one of all. I've been to sites where they want to sell you just about anything and everything. The information they are willing to give is so trivial and one senses that the only thing they are interested in is to make money and sell you products that might and might not fit in with your decor or your culture, and of course doesn't serve the purpose of curing and or enhancing. Sorry for the long message, but I have a friend who spent a fortune buying all types of figurines to cure then to enhance and then eventually all she got was more figures on her credit card and no luck! I believe that what one should do is get your advise first because it makes so much sense and it is always sincere. I also believe that people should buy things that pleases their eye and provide a sense of beauty and blanace. Again sorry for the long message and thank you for a wonderful site. Luna
  3. Dear Cecil & Robert, Happy new year and thank you for all your help and efforts. Although I find the theories and application of feng shui sometimes frustrating and at other times "less" frustrating, but for sure very interesting. When I tell my friends about feng shui they ask me questions that i find confusing to answer, I wish you can help me in finding answers. How would any kind of element/color affect people's luck? How can for instance metal coins suppress the affect of certain numbers in a house? Is it safe to say that those born on the same year/day/hour have the same character or luck? Thank you again for your advise and look forward to your answer.
  4. Dear Cecil & Robert, I'm an East group with a kua number 3. My front door faces SW which is one of my worst directions, another point is that the 5 yellow happens to be in the SW this year...how can I cure this? will hanging a five rod chime help? Thank you
  5. Dear Cecil, According to the flying star chart my house generally enjoys good luck this year, but according to the eight house theory, my main door "and I don't have another door to my apartment" is the the worst direction for me. My question is which theory should I consider more important? Thanx
  6. Hi Cecil,Robert, Our office building was built in 1998 which is the seventh cycle. The front door faces West "keng". After following the steps in one book, I found that the entrance has the following numbers: earth star 9, facing star 2 and mountain star 7. To my understanding the three numbers have an extremely bad influence. How can I protect the office door from such bad influences. Thank you
  7. Hi Cecil, Robert, The toilet in our office is located in the SE. My dad's Kua number is 8 which means he belongs to the west group and SE is one of his unlucky directions, in this case is the location of the toilet considered a good location. Or, according to the eight aspirations it will drain out the wealth of this sector. The entrance to the office is West which is a good direction for him. Another thing, a small part of the South is missing how will this affect the fame of the company. Sorry for the long message. Thank you Luna
  8. Dear Robert & Cecil, I am reading Lillian Too's Flying Star FS. I've been do so for the past three days and I am still stuck on the first chapter. With all due respect to Lillian too, either this book is too advanced for me or my brains are not functioning well these days. My question is does your course cover the flying star method in details. Will I be able to analyze a site based on this theory after I take the course. Thank you
  9. Dear Cecil and Robert, There's about 7 or 8 decorative tall columns outside right in front of the main door of our office. I cannot do anything about them. Is there a cure for such thing. Thank you very much .
  10. Hi Cecil, There's 2 steel water tanks on the ground level and I think about 4 on the roof. All of them are covered. I can see the ones on the ground level from my kitchen window. The general view from the back area is some trees and another tall building which is about 20 meters away from our building. Thank you Cecil.
  11. There's 2 water tanks in the back of my building (NE). Both are few steps away from my apartment as I live on the first floor. I know that water in the back is not auspicious, what can I do to block the negative energy. Thank you
  12. Dear Robert, According to Lillian Too's book, the NW & S corners are afflicted areas until the end of this year. Her advise is to move out to another bedroom, or stop using the entrance all together if the main door is located in the NW or S, Or go on holidays "for a whole year ?!" I think this is very extreme. My bedroom happens to be located in the NW and my main door in the S. Its impossible for me to move to another bedroom or use another door. I would like some input from you as what possible cure I can use other than moving out ! Thanks for your help. Luna
  13. Dear Cecil, I have an aquarium in the SE corner of my living room "right hand side looking out of main entrance". I read that, although its very auspicious considering the 8 elements it should not be placed on the right hand side. Where should I place it since the left hand side of my house is my dining room, kitchen? Is it OK if it faces the main door? Thank you "always" for your great help. Luna
  14. Hi Cecil, A friend of mine gave me a set of six BuddhaThey are all laughing Buddhas carrying bags "money I hope" ! and sitting in different positions. One of them is not carrying a bag, but raising a hat above his head. What do these figurines represent and where is the best place to place them. Thank you for your help. Luna
  15. I wanted to ask the same question, however I read somewhere that there's a kind of "vacuum black fish" that can replace the black fish and that the number should always be an odd number. Confirmation to this will be appreciated. Thanks Luna
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