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Posts posted by dlah

  1. Thank you for your advice I do appreciate it.
    I work most of the day away from home, but I do hold a second job and on weekends find myself sitting at the desk working. My room serves as an office/ t.v. room and bedroom. Most of the time it is used to sleep and relax, but on occasions it is also used for work.
    Thanks for the help

  2. I just moved into a new apartment, the bedroom is rather small and there's not a whole lot I can do with switching things around. My problem is my desk that also has a hutch for a bookshelf faces the bed. Both the desk and chest of drawers are large pieces and sit side by side on one side of the room, while the bed sits on the other. When I sit on the bed I feel as though I am being weighed down. A small crystal on top of the chest of drawers seemed to help a little. Is there anything I can do to make my room more feng shui "friendly"?

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