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Robert Lee

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Posts posted by Robert Lee

  1. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    An interesting question I would like to need your advice. As my mother-in-law was cremeted . Is there any auspicious re the color of the bone. It was a pinkish and brownish- black particles on the bone itself. Is there a reason behind it.

    Sorry, but there isn't really a feng shui analysis on the colours of bones. So cannot advise you here.

    However, I believe under the forensic science, the colour/shape of the bones can show what kind of illnessa person might have or even tell a lot about a person. I believe you have to read up on such related information to find out more. Can't help you here.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  2. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    I would like to compare a few house numbers that I am comparing for the next year's lease. However, I am not sure how to enter the numbers on that form.

    The current house number analysis is more for apartments number that is usually used in flats. This is because the same layout but in different level may not have the same qi flow within the house.

    So normally, the unit number is 01-22. Which means 01 is the floor level, while 22 is the unique apartment number.

    Anonymous wrote:
    For example, if the apartment address is 1430, NW 8th avenue, #89, Austin, TX, 42567. Which numbers should I enter? In what order?

    So #89 would be yourt unique apartment number. I am not sure about what floor your partment is on,so just add 01 for 1st level, 02 for 2nd level and so on.

    For example, level 1 would be #01-89, while level 2 would be #02-89.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  3. Dear Toh Kim Hong,

    Toh kim hong wrote:
    hi, Very Happyi like to know how to get my main door location? standing in front of the door or centre of living rm or the centre of whole house?Question

    Firstly, you should determine the type of home:-

    1. Landed Property - You take the facing of the house based on the frontage of the building.

    2. Apartments (2nd-7th Level) - You take the facing of the house from the main door facing. ie stand in at your main door looking outwards.

    3. Apartment (8th level and up) - You take the living room/balcony facing direction. ie stand at your living room or balcony and look outwards.

    This will get your house facing for the flying star analysis.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  4. Dear Phil Dow,

    Phil Dow wrote:
    I have recently relocated to Singapore. I intend to move into my new house before the 7th monthwith new furntiture that I have bought (eg. washing machine, bed, dining table, TV). But my container shipment (furniture, household and personal effects) will arrive only after the start of the 7th month.

    If you plan to move in before the Chinese 7th month, then what you can do is performa move-in ritual first.


    After which, the rest of the furniture can come in later even if in the 7th month won't matter to much as it would like additional furniture that is being brought in.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  5. Dear Alice,

    alice q wrote:
    According to the Eight House report, my husband's excellent direction is East. We saw a terrace house that has a North East facing, which is irritation for him. The master bedroom on the 2nd floor has window facing NE and the room door SW (which is disaster for him). Would this house be bad for us is we were to buy it?

    This isn't the most suitable house for him as he is an East group person. Usually for East group person, the South or East facing house will be more suitable.

    However, NE facing house especially for Period 8 (2004-2023) has good Feng Shui luck but needs to have certain sector neutralised to prevent illness/sickness. Given that the house suitability is not Death or Disaster, this isn't as bad.

    Anyway, there are usually more factors to consider such as whether the layout is can benefit from the NE Period 8 Qi etc. So can't tell you exactly if it is a good buy.

    However, if just based on NE and irritation house especially to convert the house to Period 8, it still maybe possible to be considered a Can buy, but may not the most suitable.

    alice q wrote:
    The house was built about 18 years ago and they do not have a floor plan. How can we seek a paid consultation without a proper floor plan?

    You can look at our Can or Cannot Buy Floorplan review to let us review the house before you decide whether you wish to buy it:-

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/products/po-hunting/po-hunting.htm

    alice q wrote:
    If we were to renovate the place (ie quite major) would that change the fengshui of the house?

    Yes, if major renovation is done, the house will change to Period 8. Given it is NE facing, Period 8 is better than previous luck period in most cases.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  6. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    Hello- I am regular user of your tips. I have a very crucial meeting with a prospect overseas.I have been chasing them from past many years and he has indicated interest for a crucial discussion.He has given dates anyday between 9th July to 17th July 07. I would highly appreciate your advise on this at the earliest becuase per your advise, i would have to book my tickets and confirm the date to prospect.

    Apologise, but I just came to your post today. Probably a little too late for now. However, in future, please make use of our free Auspicious Date link:-

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-dateboth.htm

    You can make use of it to check the best dates for yourself in the future.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research


    Dear Anon,



    Anonymous wrote:
    I dislike my chinese namebutone feng shui masters claims that it has a good number of strokes altogether.All the while i never like to use it because it sounds cheap to me.



    Name Stroke is one way to determine the luck of the name. But a good name stroke should also go with the name sound and name meaning. No point having a name that you do not like how it sounds.



    Anonymous wrote:
    Even thoughmy namehas got a good number in terms of its strokes, should I changeit becausei feel that it is difficult to pronoun and these chinese characters doesn't sounds good to me?



    In general, our advise is no point changing once you reach an adult age. Simply because you will hardly use the full name especially if you have an western/english name. So really pointless to change if you hardly use it.



    A name for a newborn will be extensively used especially in the school days. So that is why choosing a name for newborn is beneficial. But once you reach an working age, you are less and less likely to use your full name.



    The name luck only impacts a small portion of your heaven luck area. So if you are changing just for the sake of improving luck, then no point. However, if you are changing because you really dislike it, then no harm.



    In general, we do not usually advise changing a name unless it is really necessary.



    Hope that helps.



    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research


  8. Dear Tiong Tuan,

    ong tiong tuan wrote:
    If i m not gg to do any major renovation,it will still be under period 7.So is period 7 flying star chartstill applicable?If no, what shd i do?

    Generally, if you bought a period 7 house and do not do any major renovation, it is likely that the house will retain the period 7 house luck unless the previous owner have flown it over to new period. So sometimes this can be hard to say for sure.

    Of course, if not sure the best way is to always check if the current house luck suits the house or not. If it does, best to try to fly the house luck over to the new period. This will often eliminate any doubts you may have.

    ong tiong tuan wrote:
    If i m gg to do renovation, how can it change it to period 8?

    As long as there is sufficient major renovations (any hacking of walls or tiles should often be enough). If not you can always have a symoblic fly over by repainting the house ceiling all at one go. Then having at least 3 major celebrations in the house to attempt to fly it over. However, a symbolic fly over may take longer (a year or so) for the house luck to change over.

    Whether or not it is worth to fly the house luck over depends on whether the house layout benefit from the new luck or not. Most facing direction often will benefit more from flying over as you will more likely be able to activate the period 8 rather than period 7 (which is a fading prosperity luck).

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  9. Dear Lynn,

    Lin Yu wrote:
    I am wondering if I am a strong metal and don't have water element in my bazi, am I suitable for wood element jobs? Because last time, when I was teaching kids, I tend to get sick easily, is it due to the fact that wood drains water? And I am thinking of going into nursing, but I am a total yin person without any yang elements, do you think that I should do that? I don't want to meet anything from the other world -_-...

    As a Strong Metal, your favourable elements tends to be Water/Wood/Fire. However, individually depending on your five element percentage, the most favourable elements may vary from person to person.

    This means that if your water is 0%, while your wood is 30%, then you benefit more from water than wood. If your wood is 0%, while your water is 10%, then you benefit more from wood than water.

    So at this point I can't tell you how much wood you have so not sure if wood is exactly the most favourable for you or water. But judging from what you have mentioned here. You may already have a strong percentage of wood. So you may not benefit more from wood. So you should try either water of fire elements related careers. You can refer to this link for more about five element and careers:-

    URL: http://talk.geomancy.net

    As for whether you have more yin or yang, generally from our experience that only tells us more if you are an more active or passive person. Normally, that does not mean that you will meet anything out of this world.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  10. Dear Tiong Tuan,

    ong tiong tuan wrote:
    understand that from yr website stated that 8th floor and abovewill use balcony as facing instead of building.

    It is best you keep to this standard. If it is below 8th level, it is best you take the main door as per the definition. Only on some unique/special situations (ie main door is at odd positions), then you may take the facing direction instead of main door direction.

    ong tiong tuan wrote:
    Question 1
    Can we use our balcony as facing
    our balcony is SE2 137,opposite isour main door NW2 315

    As mentioned above, best to keep to the standard that 2nd -7th level you make use of the main door as your facing direction for flying star assesment.

    However, if the water star 8 falls in the balcony frontage, then you will benefit from the auspicious house luck if the house is period 8.

    ong tiong tuan wrote:
    Question 2
    If we use balcony as facing to receive the "Qi", then is the main door of any impt since most of the time will be closed?

    The door main door may be closed most of the time, but because you enter in and out from that door, the qi will still flow in and out from the house.

    Even if you take the main door as the facing for the flying star analysis. As long as the star 8 falls at the main door sector or the living or balcony area where open space can help to activate the area. So really, the facing direction is first to determine the type of flying star chart the house will have, then ultimately whether the house benefits from that chart or not depends on the layout.

    ong tiong tuan wrote:
    Question 3
    Somewebsites stated thatunit below 8th floor,shd take wholebuilding asfacing.

    ong tiong tuan wrote:
    We are confused as other websites stateduse main door as facing for below 8th floor.

    If you are assessing the flyingstar for:-

    1. Entire block - you take the building facing.

    2. Individual apartment within the block:-

    a) you take the main door if 2nd-7th level

    b) you take the living / balcony if 8th level and up.

    3. Landed property - you take the facing of the building.

    4. Plot of land - you take the entrance of the plot of land.

    So depending on what you are applying the flying star for, the facing direction will be different. But as mentioned, if you are assessing a house on 7th level, you should take the main door as the facing direction as per standard definition of a house facing direction.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  11. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    Hi, My husband and I are staying in a flat where our main door is directly facing the kitchen door. I know that it is not auspicious. It's not possible for us to shift to another flat, is there any remedy for this?

    Is there space available between the main door and the kichen door? If yes, then you can try to put some partition to prevent the kichen door from being seen directly. This is the best possible solution if any.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  12. Dear Linda,

    Linda Cropper wrote:
    I live in a house surrounded by poison arrows from the roofs of other houses nearby. Is a pa kua above the front door sufficient protection?I understand that you can aim cannons at the offending arrows. Should the cannons be inside the house or outside and should there be some sort of shield behind them if they are inside the house?

    Generally, any external threats (posion arrows) you may have to use ba gua to protect your house if you are not able to block it.

    For example, a fence or trees that can block the poison arrow can also act as a way to prevent the sha qi. Or ifthe poison arrow from the roof cuts into your windows, then a day curtain can also help to precent most of the sha qi into the house. This would be the most friendly method to solve this problem.

    If there are still potential threat cutting in the house, then like what yous aid some decorative items (cannon or dragon) can also be placed pointing to the sha qi to help eliminate the threats. However, the best would be to use more friendly methods.

    In Feng Shui, if you are no longer able to see the threat, it no longer becomes a problem. If you cannot, then a bagua may have to be the only choice. If you use a bagua, then one will do to protect your frontage.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  13. Dear Linda,

    Linda Han wrote:
    Is there something that can be done to improve / lessen the problem between the two?

    Firstly, though there are some clashes/harms between the chart, but they are not considered major as they are like month clashed with hour or day with hour or hour with hour. Major clash are day to day, or year to year. So this are considered minor clashes signifying some occassional conflicts.

    As a weak water vs strong metal. The binding element is water element. So the more water element present in your relationship such as bedroom colour water element colours (blue/black/gray). This will help to smoothen relationship between the two of you.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  14. Dear Lynn,

    Lin Yu wrote:
    Is there something wrong with the forum? Sometimes, I just can't see the 2007 posts.

    I am able to see the 2007 posts from your account. So I don't think there is anything wrong with the forum.

    Did you try the View the Messages Posted in the Last 60 days? Are you able to see the new messages?

    If not, can you tell me what browser and version are you accessing the forum with? Also, do you allow cookies in your browser as the forum will need to create a cookie to personalised your login so that it can sort the forum by the latest post since last login.

    Feel free to e-mail support@geomancy.net so that I assist you better on resolving this issue you are facing.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  15. Dear Richard,

    Li Guo De Richard wrote:
    My eldest brother is geting ROM one month before my chinese wedding. Will my brother ROM clash with my chinese wedding?

    Generally, ROM already officially recognise the marriage legally. So it is as goodas holding a traditional wedding ceremony for many people.But most still go by the traditional wedding as more important event.

    However,it is advisable to keep at least 3 months - 6 months apart to ensure that the two couples do not clash each other's good luck.

    If cannot be avoided, then probably the couples should not attend each other's ROM or Wedding Ceremony to avoid the good luck from being clashed away.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  16. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    Hi, is it true thathome Main Hall Ceiling cannot be painted in blue? I heard people said that if it was painted in blue, it is as if we are under the water and we will have difficulty in breathing (financial stress, family problems.......eg)

    Generally, blue is generally water element under I-Ching concept, having water over you is like you are drowned under water. That is the general symoblic meaning. That is why for roofs of the house it is inauspicious to have blue/gray roof colour.

    But ultimately, whether or not the colour is good for the room also depends a lot on the flying star luck of the area. Generally, some stars benefit from having blue colour to represent water. So generally, light pastel blue should be perfectly fine. However, dark blue may not be so idea.

    However, for ceiling colours, the most netural colour is keep it white to make it look bright. Even if you want colours, choose light pastel colours should still be fine. As light pastel colours means there is a mixed of white (metal). So the colours won't be as overwhelming as dark colours.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  17. Dear David,

    David Sim wrote:
    Hi My birth element is weak water. Is it advisable to lay wooden laminates on the floor as it is unfavourable element?

    Generally, in any house the flooring/furnitures can usually only be tiles, wood, metaletc. So not likely to completely avoid a certain element.

    You can minimise it by choosing alternatively material or adding carpets for example. More importantly, it is the colours of the overall room that will impact the luck of the room rather than just the material of the floor.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  18. Dear David,

    David Sim wrote:
    Hi My master bedroom lies in my disaster line. Two toilets sit between my master bedroom and the centre point. Do the toilets negate the bad influence of the disaster line?

    Generally, your individual eight house (4 good or 4 bad) directions mainly helps to determine whether a house or bedroom sector or facing direction is favourable for you or not. So it helps you determine whether a sector is good for you to use or not.

    So if the bedroom falls in your disaster sector it means that that room isn't the most suitable room for you to make use. The most suitable house would be one that most of the good sectors of the room would fall in the suitable areas. And where most of the unsuitable areas falls in less useful areas such as the toilet or storeroom or rooms you do not spend so much time. So it is more whether how much time you spend in the area that determines the impact of the unsuitable sector.

    Toilet by itself does not negate any suitability issues. It does help to drain of any inauspicious influence from the bad flying stars. Say if that sector has star 2/5 (illness/misfortune stars). The toilet will help drain of the badinfluence. However, it does notdrain off your disaster influence. That sector is still your disaster sector, butbecause it is thetoilet you are unlikely to spend most your time in that area. Soyou will likely be less affected by it.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  19. DearChong Hoi,

    Chan Chong Hoi wrote:
    My masterbedroom is in the NW 'death direction' and my best sleeping direction is east 'prosperity direction'. Should I sleep with head facing east not withstanding the bedhead is in NW position.

    There is nothing much you can do about the room being your death sector unless you there is an alternative bedroom for you to sleep in that is more suitable. At least, you are sleeping in East facing position which will help to offset the death sector issue.

    The other thing you can do is to ensure you boost your own ba zi luck by choosing the colour scheme favourable to your ba zi element. Of course you also need to be careful that certain elements such as Earth (bright yellow)/Fire (bright red) colours can activate the inauspiciousillness/misfortune stars in the sector. Otherwise, most coloursas long as light pastel colours should be fine.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  20. Dear Cindy,

    Lim Cindy wrote:
    Today, we found a medium sized dark brown bat in our house! We believe its sleeping now. We are afraid that it might be flying around the living room soon in the evening. What should we do now?

    As this is more of a pest problem rather than feng shui. I think you should seek the help of pest control servicesto help you remove the bat from your home.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  21. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    Understand it's not a good year to do any renovation. However, really need to paint the house as its in bad shape. Pls advise when is a good time to do so and thefavourable colours for kua 9(female) and 3 (male). Also which place should the painting commences i.e kitchen or whichcompass direction. If changing of windows is required, can it be done this year. Hope to receive an advice soon. Good day and many thanks.

    Actually, all painting isn't that of a major renovation. Furthermore, it looks more like a repair or maintenance work.

    Just choose a good date and time to start your renovation. At most before your renovation just knock on the floor 3 time and tell all spirits in the house you are planning to start the renovation and apologise for any inconvienced caused.

    You can make use of our auspicious date link to look up a good date:-

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-dateboth.htm

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  22. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    I am getting so tired of people not listening to what I say, people seem to have such weird ideas about who I am , but nobody seems to bother to actually listen to what I am saying, what am I doing wrong? Is there a Feng Shui cure that could help me?

    Feng Shui is not a miracle cure for all problems. Not everything can be solved through feng shui. In this this, this is more your human luck factor.

    Have you try to find out why people not listening to you? Is it because the image you project is not serious or maybe you are doing things that is not normally your friends areused to? Or the suggestion you are putting throgh is too radical for people to understand?

    I means something must be done differently or your actions or way you convey the message may be different such that people are not used to. Usually in that situation, then people might not be likely to listen to you.

    In any case, feng shui will not help you here.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research


    Dear David,



    Teo David wrote:
    Hi Master Lee,

    My home main door is facing my neighbour door which is in the east and my whole block (My living room window) is facing the south which is the main roadinstead. Therefore should I take the facing as the east or south? Need your kind enlightenment. Thank you very much.



    Please check this link for a better understanding of how to determine the frontage of a home: An In-depth understanding of the Frontage of a home. Is it always the main door? Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist. What lead to the Conservatives use of the Main Door only?

    Hope that helps. 




    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research


  24. Dear CY Ang,

    CY Ang wrote:

    From my life gua of 5, my "Jue Ming" direction is North.

    My new HDB flat sits North faces South with themain door in the North-East Sector.The main door faces North.

    Read that the main door should not befacing one's "Jue Ming" direction.

    I can't change the main door direction, what else can I do?


    Generally, that is why finding a house that is suitable is important before you even buy the house. Once you have bought it, it will not be possible to change it.

    So you can only try to fix up any existing leaks in the house,fix andmaximise yourflying star house luck, andimprove your own ba zi luck by having more of your favourable elements. That will help to offset the unsuitability. That is about all you can do for your existing house.

    If an when you do move out to a new house, then you should try to make sure the house is suitable before you buy it.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  25. Dear Anon,


    I am a bit confused with the explanation. I am 'weak water' element. Does that meant I should seek career in 'water' element?

    You are a weak water, because your 6% water is destroyed by 62% earth and your 12% metal isn't enough to strengthen you.Sothat makes you require water and wood elements.

    So yes, water or wood career elements are generally favourable for you. Please refer to this link for information about the five element and career:-

    URL: http://talk.geomancy.net

    Your wealth element is Fire.Fire element is the element that water must destory in order to be able to control it. As a weak water, you are like only a bucket water, how are you going to be able to put out a big fire. You will need many many bucket of water to be able to put out the fire. So same principle. As a weak water you are not strong enough to destroy your fire. So you cannot benefit from it. Thus, by default until you are strong, such career should be avoided.

    In fact, you will benefit more from having career in metal/water to strengthen your weak water. Only then when you encounter fire, then you will be able to benefit from it.

    That is whycareer in wealth and power and authority isn't the most ideal career for weak element persons to jump in.

    So as a weak water, you should surround yourself with more water in as many areas in your life. ie. your house, colours, people around you, career etc. Then when you encounter fire, you will automatically be able to benefit from it.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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