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Robert Lee

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Posts posted by Robert Lee

  1. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    i just want to know what would be a good depth for my pond?

    Approximately, what is the size of your current pond? The feng shui ruler has different an auspicious segment approximately at every 8 inches interval.You can use that as a guide. Or 2 ft/5 ft/7 ft/9 ft are also where the auspicious marking falls under.

    Anonymous wrote:
    and is there any cure to my pond my pond is located in a western compass location. as i have read in you're previous articles west is not a favorable location for a pond, but i have already that pond ever since i transfered here. do we have any cure for this with out destroying it because i have a lot of koi collection there. please respond and il wait. i even have a plan of keeping 68 fishes there.

    Whether or not a pond at a location is good, depends a lot on how it benefits the flying star of the house. If the stars in the west sector has the auspicious water star 8 (for a period 8 house for exmaple), then it is good to have a water feature there.

    This is the proper way to determine whether a water feature is good or bad as each house is unique and not every house is bad to have water feature at the west side.

    You should use the flying star report (a free one can be generate in our member area). To check on where is your auspicious wealth star for your house. Period 8 would be star 8 in the water star position, Period 7 will be the star 7 in water starpoition etc.

    URL: http://login.geomancy.net

    Anonymous wrote:
    i am a rabit born aug24,1939 i plan to renovate it dig deeper can i have a good date for the repair of my garden maybe this may-june thanks a lot lope to hear from you

    As for good dates, you can make use of the free auspicious date reportto check on he good dateswe have at our website:-

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-dateboth.htm

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  2. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    Hi.. I have a question to ask about stove and toilet.. As per attached picture, will there be any leakage of wealth? Cos that is the only favorable position in my kitchen to place the stove, and in order to avoid the toilet entrance from facing the stove, I have purposly build a wall to block it. Would need your advice.. Thank you..

    Generally, as long as these two worst setup is avoided, should be ok:-

    1. The stove does not face the toilet bowl directly.

    2. The stove is not located just behind a wall sharing the toilet bowl.

    The rest depends on other factors. Given that there is at least a walkway and wall, the stove would not face the toilet directly. Underfeng shui concept, ifyoucannot see it, it no longer becomes a problem.

    As for the rest you have to check on other layout issues within the kitchen.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  3. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    I am currently working on the plans for a new 2-storied house to be built this year. Thank you for advising me as to whether I should consider each story separately for feng-shui orientations. Or do I consider the centre of the house regardless of the storiesRolling Eyes?

    1) If the 2 story house belongs entirely to 1 owner, then you should take the facing of the house from the frontage of the entire house, and the center point will remain the same for both levels.

    2) If the house is divided into two separate owners, then you each will have their main door entrance just like an apartment. Therefore, the center point and facing will be based on the individual level's main door facing.

    I believe your situation falls in the para 1, so you should take the same centerpoint and your general house frontage as your guide.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  4. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    Hello... my question is regards to the placement of dragon and tiger picture puzzle. It's me and my husband's I chinese sign. Thank you very much in advance.

    Actually, just treat it as a typical painting.

    As long as the dragon or tiger isn't to like fighting each other(which represents disharmonious - not good for relationship.)Or looking too fierce looking (which can be a sha qi).You can treat it as a normal painting and hang it where you like it just as a decorative item.

    If puzzle is has conflict or fierce looking meaning, then better not to display it. In feng shui, as long as the picturedoes not have any bad meaning associated when you look at it, it is fine to display it anywhere you like.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui

  5. Dear Christina,

    Christina Krishnan wrote:
    Hi, I am pretty new to fengshui. I used the free report to check on my 4 good and bad sectors. I would like to find out if one needs to put something auspicious in the bad direction to avoid problems or do we put them in the good direction? How do we also calculate our lucky days for starting a new job?

    Basically, the 4 good and 4 bad sectors which is the Eight House concept is only used for checking on suitability of a house and the best directions for sleeping/working/study position. That is about all.

    For a house, you only use it check if a bedroom is suitable, where is the best position to sleep, where is the best position to study/work.

    So a bad sector does not mean that you cannot put auspicious things there. It just mean that sector is not the best sector for you to use. You are still allowed to place items whereever you want to just minimise the doing anything important in that sector of the house.

    Christina Krishnan wrote:
    How do we also calculate our lucky days for starting a new job?

    There are two ways:-

    1) Is to use the free auspicious date report for upto next 30 days which helps you check on good dates that are suitable to you as well as deemed generally a good date under the Tung Shu (Alamac):-

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-dateboth.htm

    2) The other is to check out which dates in your ba zi's daily forecast represents an auspicious date.Those days that are auspicious coupled with themonth that is most auspicious will likely to be the best possible date for you.However, this will forecast is onlyavailableas a paidba zi premium with the monthly and daily forecast.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  6. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    How does chinese lunar calendar works to select the gender of baby and how accurate it is? How can I calculate chinese lunar age?

    I presume here that you are refering to a chinese method of deducing the best date to give birth to a boy or a girl, right?

    If so, then I won't be able to tell you for sure. As this is a method passed down from previous generations, so it might have some logical deduction method. However, from what I heard from older generations who had tried it, is there is some degree of truth to the formula. So no harm trying it.

    Maybe the best way to know if it works or not is to try it.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  7. Dear Lindberg,

    S Lindberg wrote:
    Which should I use in interpreting things in my home? I feel very confused about this. Thank you.

    Proper Feng Shui evalutions uses proper feng shui tools such as:-

    1. Ba Zi - To help understand about yourself what element you belong to, what type of luck and what kind of Heaven Luck you are give.

    2. Compass Schools (Eight House/Flying Star) - Eight House to determine how suitable a house is to you, and your 4 good and 4 bad directions. While Flying Star determine how is your house luck. Just like the ba zi helps you understand your personal luck, the Flying Star helps you understand how your house luck is form.

    3. Shapes and Form - Allows you assess how your house external environment will affect your house.

    4. Usually, with the above tools, it will give you a good overview of your overall luck. A person's luck is affected by:-

    4a) Heaven Luck - Which is the luck you are given. So the ba zi/horoscope helps you here.

    4b) Earth Luck - Your home and environment. So the compass schools and the shape and form concepts helps you here.

    4d) Human Luck - Your relationship andownhard work.

    So proper feng shui will uses these tools to assess. To see how best to get the house in the right colour, placing the furniture and layout so that everyone feels comfortable to stay in the house.

    As for Black Sect Tantric Buddhist (BTB) appears to have been a modern "invention" fabricated in the mind of one person: Thomas Lin Yun. It has no no basis in or connected to Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. BTB is not recognised by many practitioners of Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. Traditional practitioners also consider BTB to be Psuedo-Feng Shui. It is based primarily on a marketing scheme derived from superstition and profit.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

  8. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    I reliase that my wealth sector is located in the toilet and store. How can i maximise my wealth sector to benefit me financiallyor minimise my losses (as financially i have not been doing well).

    If your wealth stars falls in your toilet or storeroom area, you will not be able to maximise or activate that wealth luck.

    In fact, if the wealth stars falls in your toilet, it will symbolise a leak of your wealth. One method is to place a chinse hulu (bottle gourd) usually to help minimise this is to attempt to symoblically trap the some of the wealth before it leaks out. If it the wealth area falls in your storeroom, then you can't benefit from it as it is locked up in the store but would be better than having a toilet located there.

    The only other thing you can do is attempt to fix up all other leaks in your home, choosing the right colour scheme to enhance your personal luck, and to activate other wealth areas in the house. This will help to offset the problem of the wealth star falling in the toilet/store area. I have some guide on the common leaks to look out for in this talk reference:-

    URL: http://talk.geomancy.net

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  9. Dear Lim Lim,

    lim lim wrote:
    I want to make a business with a partner. The business would be in graphic design such as making brochure, name card, etc. I found out that I was a weak earth and the color favourable to me would be yellow and red (according to your free report). And my partner would be a strong metal and her favourable color would be red and blue/black/gray. Now how can I make a logo (shape and color) that good no just for me or for her, but good for both of us and good for the future of our business. I desperately try to mix and match the logo shape and color but I can see wheter it is good for both of us and the future of our company. Please give me a guidance for this problem. I desperately need it. I really appreciate it your sincere guidance. Thank you very much Mr.Cecil and Mr.Robert.

    Weak Earth and Strong Metal can bind harmoniously with Fire element. Fire strengthen weak Earth and Fire will destroy the excess Metal from your partner to control the strong Metal.

    Then as for creating wealth in the logo, you can add either Water element as water destroy the fire, or Metal element as Fire destroy metal to create wealth.

    You can refer to this five element chart for example of the five element and colour/shape:-

    URL: http://talk.geomancy.net

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  10. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    I am planning to buy a landed house, front facing South, backyard is facing North. The housing area will have 200+ houses. It's at the middle of hill. The hill top is facing North. Behind the hill is a durian plantation farm and a grave site. The distance of the grave site to the house is about 500m. Will the grave site has bad effect to the house owner? Is it advisable to buy or avoid buying this house?

    Generally, having a graveyard close to your home isn't advisable.

    The fact, that you are concerned and are asking this question, will also mean other people who will be interested in your property will have the same concern. As such, you will find that it will be very hard to sell this home once you bought it.

    So since you have a choice, it is probably not advisable to buy it.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  11. Dear Maverick,

    maverick ong wrote:
    I'm a strong yin metal person but my house main door facing directionis East (ie. wood element). How to resolve the conflict ?

    Clashes in your house facing element isn't really as bad as having a house falls in your death/disaster sector based on your eight house. This is because if your house faces your death or disaster sector, you cannot really correct this problem. As the house either suits you or not suits you. You just cannot force a house to be suitable to you. Just like if you bought some clothings, if it fits you can wear it, if not you have to get a bigger or smaller size clothes.

    Based on your ba zi, your element can be enhanced from a suitable house facing element, a suitable career/business element or a favourable colours/house decor/car etc. Basically, anything that you can relate your five element to. You can refer to this chart for some guide:-

    URL: http://talk.geomancy.net

    So ifthe house element does not fit you, then you correct from getting other areas a suitable career/job scope, a suitable colour scheme for your clothings/room/car etc.Oreven, having the right element people work with you or spending time with family members that is of your favourable elements.This will improve your element so that even if the house element is not favourable for you, you will still not be too affected by it.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  12. Dear Wena,

    Anonymous wrote:
    Good day! I have a small pond at the right side corner of our property. I want to know if how many fish should i buy and what kind of fish should be put in the pond in order to bring good luck to the whole family? Right now, i bought 8 orange goldfish and 1 black. I want to buy more fish buti am not sure if how many should i add?

    Anonymous wrote:
    I read it before as one of the topics regarding the quantity but unfortunately i couldn't find that posted topic.

    I believe you are referring to this previous post that Cecil has replied. This has typical good numbers ie 7+1 or 6.

    URL: http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=1&mid=15901

    Of course, under most other numbering, 9 or 18 etc are usual number of fishes that represents auspicious number of fishes.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  13. Dear Yen Zhen,

    yan zhen goh wrote:
    I am a Ram person of weak water element (2nd Nov 1979). Many horoscope books havestated that I am always incompatible or have many difficulties with Tiger & Dog people. Actually, I get along extremely well with them! (incl my best friends & most reliable subordinates as well)What could be the factors? I have 5 earth elements in my chart; could that be a factor too? I'm extremely interested to find out about this. Thanks in advance!

    Frankly, horoscope is a very simplistic way to determine compatibility as it assigns each horoscope sign with some compatible and incompatible horoscope.

    However, if you think more deeply, there are only 12 horoscope sign, so your horoscope is based on the horoscope that you are born in. So for example, if you are a Ram, then the horoscope sign you tend to clash most with is Ox for example.

    With so many people born, it does not mean that all the compatible signs will always get alone together. Each year will also have different element person born. This means that you may be a weak water Ram, another person may be a weak wood Ox. Although, Ox and Ram clash, but the element compatibility minimise the clash as water produces wood. So even though horoscope are not compatible, the element is compatible so it reduces the friction.

    Furthermore, when it comes to relationship, there is a much greater influence from a person's Human Luck. Whether or not two persons can get alone depends a lot of the human luck factor. Even if the horoscope are not compatible, but if ther human luck factor such as there is sufficient time spent to allow you to understand the other person, or if you each tolerate each other's flaw, or even if there is some special interest which makes both person click. All these factors, can still make your relationship good despite what is forecast in your compatibility.

    So really, lots of horoscope forecast should only be taken for fun. Besides the compatibility issue, the human luck factor is equally important.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  14. Dear Jacky,

    jian rong chen wrote:
    How do we consider there is missing corner in a house plan?

    Once you properly define the outline of the house (which forms the major outline or support for the house. Anything missing area within the Square/Rectangle shape, is defined as a missing corner. Anything, that extends out of the square/rectangle, is defined as a protrusion.

    A small missing corner is fine, but if the missing corner covers a large area, then it becomes a big issue. You can refer to this link for whether it is auspicious or inauspicious:-

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/theories/fs-building.htm

    Jian rong chen wrote:

    My flat have 1/4 missing corner at SE and 1/2 at E. Is this missing corner is a significant fengsui implication?

    As mentioned, if it covers a big portion of a corner when you divide the square or rectangle, then it is usually a problem. So the 1/2 mising corner at the East would be more significant than the 1/4 missing corner at the South-East.

    There is very little you can do about a missing corner except:-

    1. If this missing corner is on a landed property, you can extend a roof to cover it, or have some stone outland of garden landscapeto make it look like it is a square when you view it from the top.

    2.Iffor apartment, some use mirror to falsely createan extension or use a concave bagua to attempt tosuck Qi back the missingarea. Neither is as effective as the 1st option but that is the best you can do to minimise the missing corner's impact.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  15. Dear Yan Zhen Goh,

    yan zhen goh wrote:
    May I find out the key differences between these two? At first I didn't catch those words when I was reading the compatibility reports which were generated in this website... How serious is this? What is the significance when two people's heavenly stems clash/ harm? Thanks!

    Under the ba zi, there are 4 degrees of incompatibility (Clash/Harm/Punishment/Self-Punishment). Of which two more problematic clash are the :-

    1. Clash (being the worst), normally means a completely different nature of horoscope sign that is not compatible (quite similiar to if you think about water and fire).

    2. Harm (is next), normally this means some minor differences between the two which does not necessary see eye to eye.

    In the compatibilty report, we do a detailed check against all your ba zi pillars to see what are the types of clashes/harms that will be found.

    Given, that more than 12 different heaven stem/earthly branch are being compared. Some clashes/harms present is perfectly fine. Especially, if the clashes are from non-important pillars such as the hour vs conception pillar.

    The more major clashes are Year to Year and Day to Day clashes. As that will denote, potential horoscope incompatibility or day element incompatibility.

    So unless there are major clashes, most of the rest occuring are quite normal or not really as significant.So we normally view it as a total:-

    1. If there are 2 major clash/harm, it does show some minor incompatibility.

    2. If there are no major clash/harm, but there are at least 4-6 minor clash/harm, then it also shows porential incompatibilty as too many small issues can also become a big problem.

    Otherwise, most of the rest will denote minor forms of disagreement between the couples, most of the time can be reduced through having the common element to help improve the relationship.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  16. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    I juststarted learning BaZi and like advise on the character below, if is of Weak Self Element, or falls under Follow The Leader Category.

    Firstly, what did out free report defined your chart as?

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-element.htm

    If our report defines you as a weak self, then you are a weak self. If our report defines you as a Strong self, then you are a strong self.

    Frankly, a Follow The Leader chart is really nothing special at all. Not if you apply the properly five element concept properly from our website.

    You see each person is defined either as a weak or strong element. This depends on whether he has more favourable elements or he has more of his unfavourable elements.

    Once you have that properly defined, the next thing is to determine your five element percentage. The ideal is such that all 5 elements should have 20%. Elements you have less than 20%, some of it is good for you, while Elements you have more than 20%, means you already have enough of it.

    A follow the leader type, is more because your chart is more unbalanced, so you sometimes need to go with the flow of the elements you have more in order to bring your chart in balance. Which is no different from what our website does by checking what element percentage you have and what elements you need more or less.

    To better illustrate what i mean, that this five element breakdown for example:-

    0 Extremely Weak Waterfficeffice" />

    2 Weakest Wood

    3 Weak Fire

    2 Strongest Earth

    5 Strong Metal






    Assuming this is a Strong Metal, so that means that he is strong because of too much Metal 46%, than 23% earth. So Metal should be avoided. While Earth 23% is already more than 20% so adding more won't be good.

    His favourable elements would be Water/Wood/Fire. Fire (20%) already enough so adding more will only make Earth stronger and thus make this person too strong. So what the person lacks most is Water (0%) followed by Wood (9%).

    Adding water will help exhaust the excess Metal, and thus bring the chart in balanced.

    If using this same chart, if you are a weak Fire, that means that this person is weak because he lakes more Wood (0%) than Fire (20%).

    His unfavourable element is Water and Earth, while metal is his wealth. Metal he has too much, so this element should be avoided. While Earth 23% is next element he should avoid. However, for Water though adding water weakens him, but water helps to exhaust the excess metal that destroy Wood. So adding some Water after having sufficient wood/fire is perfectly good for this person.

    So you see, if you apply the five element principles properly, there is really no need to worry about whether this chart is a follow the leader or not. That principles is actually based on attemping to go wth the flow to balance the chart. So, if you apply the five element concept properly from our website, there is no need to worry about follow the leader chart which is nothing more than attempting to balance the elements properly.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  17. Dear Lousy Luck,

    Lousy Luck wrote:
    Hi, is it advisable to mount this painting on a ledge on the ceiling behind the main door (the phoenixes will be facing out of the house)? or should i put other image, like a painting of a dragon?

    Generally, the phoenix painting should face inwards. It should not be facing out of the house.

    A painting of the dragon would be more appropriate if you the painting is facing out of the house.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  18. Dear Miriam,

    mir. station wrote:
    i'm hoping you can help me. i am moving to a new home next week. the master bedroom only has space for the headboard of the bed to be on the south wall. is there any cure for the poor placement of the bed? due to the size of the room the bed can only go there. i do not want to develop sleep problems!

    As you mentioned, since that is the only space you can place the headboard, there isn't much else you can do to position in another better favourable direction. So, in this case, there is nothing else you can do about this except to improve other areas of the room that you can correct.

    For example, make sure the room have a suitable colour scheme decoration that fits your ba zi, and or have other table facing in your good direction to compensate from this problem. Also, any other area you can correct in other areas of your home will also help.

    Remember, there are many many factors that influence your luck. So even if one area is not good, it does not mean that you will have bad luck. So as long as you fix up all other areas, your overall luck will improve.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  19. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    My greetings for 2007 to you and all. Are there any taoist amulets or blessed papers you have one can print for this year? thanks

    Feng Shui is not really a religion. True Feng Shui is all about best colour scheme, best placement, most suitable house to create a harmonious environment etc. No charms or religion or worshipping are involved. True feng shui also do not rely on any feng shui items (ie 3 legged wealth toad etc).

    Since you are looking or taoist related items, you would be better off consultinga taoist priest. They will be in a better position to provide you with what you are looking for.

    Hope that that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  20. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    I would like your advise as to what animals are friendly towards a red rat?

    Based on general rat horoscope signs, then you can refer to this link:-

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/astrology/astro/crat.htm

    Which means Rat / Dragon / Monkey horoscope signs should generally be better match.

    As for the "red" rat, I presume you are refering to a Fire rat? If so, that depends on whether you are a weak fire or strong fire rat.

    The best element compatibility depends on for weak fire, would be like wood/fire. So when you put together with your favourable horoscope, it can wood/fire dragon or wood/fire monkey for example.

    While the best element compatibility for strong fire would be like earth/water. So when you put together with your favourable horoscope, it can beearth/water dragon or earth/water monkey.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  21. Dear Anon,

    Anonymous wrote:
    Could you please tell me what is the 8 aspirations chart report, 8 house report and yearly flying star for? and I would like to know which report takes priority when I use it.

    The order of important is as follows:-

    1) Flying Star is to assess the luck of your home using a mathematical formula. This tells you where is your illness/misfortune stars and even where is your wealth star. Any inauspicious star has to be neturalised while any wealth star should be activated. So you need to correct this irregardless of whether a room is suitable to a person or not.

    2) Eight House is to tell you whether a house suits you or not, or whether there is a bedroom that you can use. So this tells you whether the house is suitable to you or not. Even if the house has good flying star, if the house or room does not suit you, you cannot maximise the luck from the house.

    3) Eight Aspiration is a static concept that is based on the bagua. This means that everyone's romance sector is South-West for example. This is the least important of the 3 concept and should only be applied when when all the other concepts are applied.

    Anonymous wrote:
    Why are there yearly flying star chart and monthly star chart, if the yearly chart is good on the NE and the monthly star is not good in for NE then what should I do for the NE?

    Just like your ba zi, where a person's luck changes every 10-year/5-year/year/6-monthly/monthly/daily and hourly. The flying star also changes from year to year, month to month and even day to day if you want to check.

    However, the more important for flying star is to focus on the 10-yearly luck of the house and the yearly luck of the house. Beyond that it is very impractical to apply. I mean do one really have time to keep balancing the different house sector every day/month? This is not really practical.

    Furthermore, all it tells you really is which month is the worst month of the year. That is about all. So all you use that monthly chart is just to take note of which month you should be extra careful of problems that will happen for that year.

    The more important, is to fix up the 10-yearly and at most the yearly sectors. Once that is balanced,the monthly stars will have little overall impact.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  22. Dear Anon,

    Anon wrote:
    Hi, heard from some geomancer that it is not good to use a bed that has no legs because there is no path below the bed for air to flow through. Is this true?

    Yes, that is true. A commonsense reason why it is better to have bed with legs, is because it is far easier to keep the room clean if you have beds with beds as opposed to those box bed. This way, you can keep the floor clean and avoid any built up of dust/germs/bed bugs etc.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  23. Dear Naveen,

    naveen kumar wrote:
    My friendkept 1 arowana at home and 3 in office. Will this type of match will support or will degrade him as he is in troubles.

    naveen kumar wrote:
    plesae kindly suggest us whether to continue like this or not

    If a person likes fishes, there is absolutely nothing wrong for them to rear any kind of fish as long as it makes that person happy. Remember, that the human luck (how good you feel is also important).

    However, if you are asking in about whether it is good or bad to rear fish in feng shui. Then it will depends on several factors:-

    1. Is the water considered a good element for that person? For example, a weak fire person will not benefit from rearing fish because water will destroy fire. Therefore, it is not suitable for that person. This one you have to determine what element is your friend and assess accordingly with this tool:-

    URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-element.htm

    2. The next is whether the sector in the house where the fish is located is beneficial to have the water feature there? If not, you may actually down your wealth. If the fish tank is located in the water wealth sector of the house, then it is good. Otherwise, it may bring him more troubles.

    So from feng shui point of view, the above two points are important to consider whether keeping fishes is good for that person or not.

    Beyond that, if his bazi lacks water and the fish tank sector is good, and yet he still face problems, then his problem is probably due to other factors such as a very bad house luck feng shui, or a totally unsuitable house (ie staying in his death/disaster facing house). Even his current luck period could be inauspicious in his ba zi.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  24. Dear Lkyysp,

    lkyysp lkyysp wrote:
    Can I know if a bedroom is located in NE, where the 5yellows is in 2007, what kind of remedy is recommended to ensure a safe year ahead?

    The main thing to take note is to avoid activating the yellow with Fire/Earth. So avoiding having this room in bright red (fire) or bright yellow (earth). Also, since Metal is good to help balance the star 5, therefore, white/gold (metal) colours would be best to keep the bad stars from being activated.

    lkyysp lkyysp wrote:
    Coincidentally, a electric fan is also placed in the NE of the same bedroom which I strongly feel that it will activate 5yellows. If the fan cannot be moved, what can be done effectively to reduce the ill effects of the 5 yellows?

    I don't personally think the fan will be an issue. Just avoid fire/earth colour should do. Anyway, there are usually other stars in the sector, as long as there isn't additional 2/5 stars then the sector won't be of a major concerned. If not then maybe some additional metal cures may be needed.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

  25. Dear Tatjana,

    Tatjana Hatten wrote:
    I am not quite sure how to even ask the question without getting everything confused. So here I go, on house number I understand that it has nothing to do with Feng Shui just with numerology. I have used the free online calculator for the numbers. Like for example: 107 means prosperity in 1983-2004 but goes really bad in 2004 and up in years. Now what if I buy a house that was built in period 7 and remodel it does that mean the housenumber goes bad or is it still good since originally the house was built in period 7.

    This is a good question. I get what you are trying to ask.

    You see the apartment number analysis is meant to help determine if based onthe exact same layout, but located on different level, what is the type of house luck qi the house has. So this was why the house built is necessary to determine to see how is the qi at different level. So logically, that means that if you remodel the house, the Qi will change. So the period it was built will also have to be adjusted to determine the how auspicious the house number is.

    But the more important factor is how the is the feng shui qi of the house which is based on the flying star of the house. So the luck from this area is far more important than the house number.

    So I won't worry too much about the analysis of the house number. The main purpose is to determine of which house number is auspicious or not. That is about all.

    Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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