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Robert Lee

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Everything posted by Robert Lee

  1. Hi Anon, Generally, Binomials is mathematical away define the Heaven Stem (HS) and Earthly Branch (EB)relationship. Just like the different combination of the HS and EB which gives you 60 unique combinations. This is one of the unique interaction of two different HSand EB. It is quite useful in many areas where you need to make sense of the general element of the HS & EB, used in main chart and all luck pillars so fairly useful. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  2. Hi Anon, 1. If you take the entrance of the building, you will be doing a feng shui for the entire building. This means that you will be doing the feng shui for tall offices within the building itself. Which is a larger scale of analysis typically used for when you are planning to build the entire building itself. 2. Each office unit within the building does have it's own feng shui, so you should be looking at the individual feng shui of the office based on the main door or office frontage. Since your aim is to check on your own office, then you should point 2. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui
  3. Hi Fenger, In our Traditional Chinese custom, usually when there is a death in the family, most people will not wish to hold any marriage at least not after 100 days. It is generally considered inauspicious to do so. The actual length of period that most people will avoid having a marriage in the family really depends on your own traditional believes / superstitions. There are some people who will avoid having a marriage for a year, some even 3 years. So it is very difficult to put an actual figure as to the actual length that you must have before any marriage is held. It all depends on the individual. This has more to do with Chinese Believes and Supersitions. Take the Westerners for example, they can even get married a day/week after the funeral procession. It does not bother them at all. Which is why I say that this has to do with Chinese Believes and Superstitions. But for practical reaons, I think in modern society, no one will want to wait 1 or 3 years before getting married. So normally, it is quite acceptable to the Chinese that as long as it is after 100 days, it should be ok have a marriage. But ultimately, it depends on you and your family (especially your elders like your parents/grandparents on how may days apart before they are comfortable to have a marriage.) Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui
  4. Dear Carmen, Each are different analysis, depending on what you are looking for each analysis is used for different purpose. I would recommend that you follow these rules:- 1. Check out your ba zi element, find out what direction you house faces ie North facing house is Water element, if water element is your favourable, then it is suitable to your ba zi. Even if not so suitable, as long as it is still your favourable element as in second check should still be ok. 2. Check your 4 good & 4 bad direction (eight house report), if North is one of your favourable element, then it is a suitable house for you. Else it isn't. If isn't, ensure that it is not Death or Disaster, if it is then you will find better luck if you move out to a more suitable house. Generally, if these two conditions are ok, then I see no much reason to move out unlessyou have other major feng shui flaws. These are two ways of checking if your house is suitable to you or not. Of course, there should be other issues to consider, but these helps you know if a house is suitable to you or not. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research.
  5. Dear Desmond, One must always realise that Feng Shui is not a miracle cure for all sorts of problems. Feng Shui main goal is to attempt to create a nice environment that everyone will feel comfortable in it. Once you feel comfortable with the environment thing should go much better for you. In terms of an Office Environment, there are a lot more factors which is beyond Feng Shui. Such as Boss and Employee relationship. There is no amount of Feng Shui that can change the attitude of a boss to an employee. This is more towards Human Luck or Human to Human relationship or even Employee to Employee relationship. I mean if you do your job well, and the boss still picks on you, there isn't much you can do. This has to do with the boss attitude towards you. You may have unknownly offended him without you knowing or another employee who has better relationship with your boss could be adding flame to your situation. Frankly, there is no way Feng Shui can help you here. Probably, looking towards another better employment would be a long term solution. If you work very hard but still unable to gain success. It could be that your current job environment isn't suitable for you, so you are unable to get any success. So in such situation a change in environment can help you. But ultimately still depends entirely on yourself and your work attitude. In any case, it is always good to get into your boss good books. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  6. Dear Catherine, Frankly, in terms of shapes and form, sleeping with a window behind you isn't as good as sleeping with a wall behind you. So if you only have this two choices, I would say that sleeping with the wall behind you is much better even though the wall is saeparating the toilet. My only question here is that is the toilet bowl located just behind the toilet or on the opposite wall. Basically, the major issue about the toilet is where the toilet bowl location is. If it is direction behind you, then it isn't that good. If it is the shower or basin, then not as bad. But again, it really ultimately depends on whether you have other options of placing the bed.Bed placement should take the following priority:- 1. It should follow the shapes and form placement with greatest priority. Meaning should be located where you can see the door and window and back with a solid wall. 2. Only when it conforms to the shapes and form, then only then can you attempt to see which is a better sleeping direction or position, so that you can see who to sleep on which side. Other considerations like bed facing toilet door or toilet bowl located direction behind the bed. These should be avoided if possible. But unfortunately, due to many houses built now a days being so small, it is very difficult for you to really have much of a choice. So if you do not have a choice, then really there is very little you can do about it also. Thus, it is essential that when you first buy the place, all these issues should be considered. Only then can you avoid such a situation. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  7. Dear Vincent, Frankly, I got so confused with your description. One moment you mentioned that your bedroom is in the West so that sector has star 5-1-2 (ie Mountain-Base/Time-Water). Later, you mentioned that you are sleeping pointing in the East direction which I presume you mean that your bedroom room though in the West sector of the house, but you are sleeping facing East. If so, why are you bring the Flying Star star East sector 1-6-6 (ie. Mountain-Base/Time-Water) information into consideration? Sleeping facing East direction does not mean that you have the 1-6-6 influence in the sector. Your bedroom sector since you mentioned is located in the West part of the apartment will have Star 5-1-2, which isn't good as there will be lots of sickness and misfortune. In addition, your sleeping postion is East which is Death which makes it further in auspicious. So, point here is that you must balance up the inauspicious West sector, and if your bed position is not changeable, then ensure that it at least follows the shapes and form concept. But I really can't say for sure as I am not sure what is West direction under your Eight House. If it is under your Excellent, Longivity, Prosperity or Health, then it really does not matter if your sleeping direction is Death, as you already get the suiability from the West section being your auspicious sector. However, if your West sector is again one of your bad direction, then it will not be a suitable room for you. But regardless of whether the bedroom is suitable for you or not, having stars 5 and 2 in that sector isn't good. So you need to balance up the sector whether or not the sector suits you or not. Else whoever stays i that bedroom will have lots of health or misfortunes. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research.
  8. Dear Anon, This depends really on how far apart are the two doors. If quite a distance still acceptable. If too close, the reason behind it is that conflicts will tend to arise. It sounds to me like it is a house on the opposite side of the road? Then not an issue. You could always have like some plants or fence that help to block the direct view of the door to door. But like mentioned, if it is a distance away not really an issue. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  9. Dear Catherine, You need to get this issue right here.There is two direction suitability. 1. Eight House suitability ie North - Excellent / Longevity etc. 2. Ba Zi Element ie North - Water etc. The two theories each have its own purpose. Direction element is used on a much larger defination ie facing direction of a House ie faces North so considered a North element house. Whereas, for eight house this is more suitabled to apply in a smaller scale, ie facing direction of your study table / bed, or selecting the best bedroom. The two theories may conflict, but if you apply them as stated above (ie eight house for suitability and small scale division of sectors, while ba zi for general broad scale direction). Then you won't go wrong. The ideal best direction is where both theories tell you the same thing that it is auspicious. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  10. Dear Anon, The problem here is that Eight House analysis helps to tell you whether it is suitable or not. There is very little you can do to correct any issue about this kind of suitability issue. What I can say for this is that:- 1. As long as a house isn't Death or Disaster, then it isn't too bad. Else franly, the only way you can really expect to gain much better luck from such a situation is to in the long term move to a more suitable home to get a quantum leap in feng shui. 2. If your home like inyour case Spook or Irritation isn't really so bad. What you can do is ensure that you have another area which help to compensate for this problem. Remember thatassessing feng shui is just like taking an exam. Failing one question does not mean the you fail the entire exam. As long as you still are able to pass other question, or in this case fix up all other possible leaks, then you can help to offset this one failure. 3. So my best advice is to fix up all other leaks. ie making sure that you locate your bedroom in a more auspicious sector of the house or that you enhance your ba zi element with more favourable elements or fix up any flying star house inbalances. As long as you do that, it will help to offset this not so suitable house. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  11. Dear Cilla, Not having luck with you isn't really that bad. Except that it means that you will have to work extra harder in order to achieve any success as compared to another person with luck with him during the same period. However, ultimately, you still have to ensure that you have a good business model. As no amount of luck can help you if you do not have a good business model. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  12. Hi Anon, Unfortunately, the better placement of a bed position can only be done if you have the options to. In your case, you do not have much of a choice. A bed facing the toilet door isn't really that bad. Most of the time most houses are so small now a days, that you get this almost all the time. As our home toilet is usually not as dirty as a public toilet, frankly this is a minor issue compared to other issues. So my advice is just keep to your current best position, and keep the toilet cover down and/or toilet door close when not in use. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  13. Hi Seco, Congratulations on your new home Yes, if all the changes are done for this period 7 house, it should change it to a period 8. To further make the change effective, you should hold like a house warming party to help make ensure that the house is changed to a period 8 house instead of retaining the period 7 influence. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  14. Dear David, Basically, you cannot just choose which period is better and take that analysis. The period is there for a purpose. You need to specify which period the house was built. And that will give you the analysis for the house number. What you need to remember here is that a house number is supposed to help you to see which unit is better. This is especially for units of the same layout plan but located on different levels. It does nothing more than this. The results of the analysis isn't very important as it is there only to show how good or bad the analysis is. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research.
  15. Dear Jarno, There are two concepts here which you need to get it clear:- 1. Eight House In terms of concepts, the best concept to apply in a micro environment (ie selection of suitable bedroom), we find that the Eight House concept where 4 good and 4 bad directions are used. This is a concept based on YEAR of birth. Even though, this is so, this is a simple yet effective method. But this will give a slight conflict to the Ba Zi in some cases. 2. Ba Zi Ba Zi uses the day, month, year of birth and even hour of birth, so is able to give you a better analysis. However, it also has its limitation in terms of direction. The direction factor in the ba zi is better used in terms of suitability of a house facing element, which means say a weak water person, North facing house will be considered an Water element house, thus in terms of ba zi suitability this is better. Also, in Ba Zi direction of Travel which is a macro factor, will be suitable to use this as the suitable direction of travel or migration etc. So in terms of ba zi the use of the direction is better done in a broad scope. While in terms of choosing room, using the Eight House will be more suitable as it does a better job in a micro analysis. 3. So now that you know this difference, you will find that the difference in analysis may be there, but each has it's own use. One for a smaller area of use (Eight House), while ba zi more on a larger area of use. 4. In terms of Ba Zi, in terms of luck analysis, each 10-year, and year luck each have a suitable direction of luck travel which denotes which luck period is favourable to you or not. In such analysis, you must use the ba zi analysis direction where North - Water, South - Fire, East - Wood, West - Metal. This has nothing to do with Eight House, so eight house concept cannot be used here. 5. In terms of bed placement or choosing suitable rooms, as mentioned Eight House is better, so suitable facing direction will be used here. 6. You use ba zi facing directions only in more macro, or to help you determine which element of the house is suitable and we usually use the facing of the house as the element. ie North facing house is Water element. 7. The issue here is to use both concept to find which is common. ie North - Water element favourable to a weak water person, if your Eight House also tells you that North is Favourable eight house direction (ie prosperity), that means North is a good direction under both concepts. In your case, East is suitable to your Eight House, but under Five Element East is (Wood), which is not so good. So this is least beneficial compared to North. In our ba zi report, we give you both that analysis, but already help you factor which is used in what. Just remember, ba zi more macro or broad level, while eight house on a micro or small level. Hope that helps in clarifying this issue. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  16. Dear CJ, Again, here you still do not understand how Flying Star analysis works. 1. A house will have a flying star based on the year it was built. Meaning if it is built anytime before 1984-2003, this will make it a period 7 house, with a 20-year chart showing period 7 star as the base star. This will not change unless you effect a change to next period 8. 2. Such a period 7 chart will have different luck when you are in period 7 itself, and a slightly different chart when you view it in period 8. This is due to the fading prosperity effect. Meaning that if you viewed the report in 2000, the stars number 7 will be automatically auspicious, this is because of the special period 7 influence. However, if you viewd the report in 2004 onwards, period 7 will revert to it's robbery star, thus becoming inauspicious. This will take effect regardless of whether you have FLY the house to the new period or not. Meaning that a period 7 house, will still generally be auspicious, but it will be losing some of itsinfluence after 2004. 3. However, because you still retain the period 7 house chart, it still means that your mountain star for the house is still star 7 for both Mountain Star or Water Star but it will be your fading Mountain Star prosperity as well as fading Water Star prosperity. However, in addition to that, you will have the future auspicious Mountain Star and Water Star 8 as your upcoming auspicious luck. So you can still activate the star 7 given your reigning influence based on your base star is star 7. But because you have crossed over to the period 8, the star 8 becomes your future prosperity mountain and water star. 4. So the report isn't wrong on this. This is how it works. Just like if you have a period 8 house, but when you cross over to 2024, the influence for a period 8 house in a period 9 will be less auspicious, because the period 8 star will lose it's property and the upcoming star 9 will be the upcoming property. 5. So the issue here is to understand, that when star 7 is by default an inauspicious star. ONLY IN PERIOD 7, i.e. IF YOU ARE STILL IN PERIOD7 (1984-2003), WILL BE AUSPICIOUS. So now that it has past period 8, this star reverts to it's inauspicious influence. 6. This is why by default if it's found a lone even in a period 7 chart, it will lose it's influence. But if a double 7 is still found for a double 7 house, it will be auspicious because of the reigining base star 7. However, in any case, a period 7 house will start to lose it's auspicious influence in long run. So you cannot expect to have as much luck from a period 7 house in a period 8 era. So the report is giving you all these updated analysis. And that is why if you viewed the report when generated say in 2003, and now in 2004, the luck will be different. Though, not too much, but will have some slight changes. 7. So you must remember that a flying star chart has two influence, one is the house base star reigning period, as well as the current reignining period. 8. Generally, all existing period 7 house, will be in it's fading prosperity in the current period 8 era. However, it will not lose it's property immediately, it will generally mean it will not be as auspicious in a period 8 and will slowly lose it's influence in the long run. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  17. Dear Sir, I will be getting my resales flat soon and would like to advise on the feng shui before moving in. I had check in your website and was very impressive of the services provided. Regards Johnny 1 Sep 2004 -- Thank you for your response Mr. Lee. I really wish you could be somewhere here near manila-philippines so i could have my unit checked. It is such a relief to get your opinion most specially when you mentioned that fengshui should not be so rigid. I also agree with you when you say that little lucky ornaments being promoted by some masters are for business intentions and non-sense. Best regards and more power to you and your team. Con Roque Manila, Philippines 8 September 2004
  18. EDITED: A minor update made to fix an error in one of theWater Star which instead showed it at Mountain Star due to a typo during a check in the stars. (ie instead of checking against water star, it compared to the mountain star). This has been corrected in the v8.02. Dear Users, In addition to the previous update, I have added a few new features for the flying star report. This is because it seems that many users are not clear on issue about period 7 and period 8. 1. Please note here that a house build in say period 7 (1984-2003), will continue to retain it's 20-year base chart of period 7, until you decide to change it to the next period. This goes for period 6 (1964-1983) as well. This means that it will not automatically mean that your chart will be a period 8 chart the moment you enter into period 8. In fact, what it means here is you have an option to check if period 7 or period 8 is better. Then decide on making the move to a period 8 chart. 2. However, what will change is the influence on certain stars ie star 7 will not be considered auspicious on its own now that we are in period 8, meaning that it will revert to the original Robbery Star which is inauspicious on its own. Thus, if you viewed the flying star for a period 7 house now, compared to before 2004, you will find that the luck will change a little. This is because the period 7 houses will now be entering what we call the fading prosperity. It will not completely use it's influence but will not be as strong anymore. 3. So in order to make this clearer in our latest report, what we have done is to give users an opportunity to view the next period influence and thus give you the chance to see if you should change to a new period. If you do decide to EFFECT the change in period, it is best you re-create a new profile under that period and use that instead of your old period. 4. So you should now see an option such as this under the flying star chart Example:- View the house under 1984-2003 the Next Period 8 Influence 5. In addition, the older yearly/monthly module is really no longer needed as the current flying star report not only show you the 20-year, current year and all the current year months star from Jan to Dec. 20-Year Chart North-West (Metal) 2 Earth 3 Wood 8 Earth Zuo Fu Xing, Current Prosperity Year 2006 4 Wood Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun (4) Wood 3 Wood 2 Earth 2 Earth 1 Water 9 Fire Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 8 Earth 7 Metal 6 Metal 5 Earth 4 Wood 3 Wood So what we do now is to provide you a link to view the next year detailed chart at the bottom of the report. Hope you enjoy the updates Warmest Regards Robert Lee All the last posted updatesfor flying starv8.00 Dear Users, Just as the all the Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi) editions got a major upgrade. We had also worked on to improve our Flying Star And House Hunting Reports. We are pleased to announced the public release for the Flying Star & House Hunting v8.00 1. Flying Star (Xuan Kong House Report 1A. Flying Star (Xuan Kong) House Anlaysis Report The flying star chart has undergone a major revamp, with improved looks as well as detailed Yearly & Monthly (full 12 months) charts all fully colour coded for easy reference. It also includes a quick link to view the detailed portion of the report from the summary chart. North-West (Metal) 2 9 5 Year 2004 6 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 4 3 2 2 1 9 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 8 (7) 6 5 4 3 North (Water) 7 4 (Main Door) 9 Year 2004 1 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 8 7 6 6 5 4 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 3 (2) 1 9 8 7 North-East (Earth) 9 2 7 Year 2004 8 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 6 5 4 4 3 2 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 (9) 8 7 6 5 West (Metal) 1 1 6 Year 2004 7 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 5 4 3 3 2 1 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 9 (8) 7 6 5 4 Center (Earth) 3 8 4 Year 2004 5 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 3 2 1 1 9 8 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 7 (6) 5 4 3 2 East (Wood) 5 6 2 Year 2004 3 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 1 9 8 8 7 6 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 5 (4) 3 2 1 9 South-West (Earth) 6 5 1 Year 2004 2 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 9 8 7 7 6 5 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 4 (3) 2 1 9 8 South (Fire) 8 3 8 Year 2004 9 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 7 6 5 5 4 3 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2 (1) 9 8 7 6 South-East (Wood) 4 7 3 Year 2004 4 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2 1 9 9 8 7 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 6 (5) 4 3 2 1 1B. Detailed Sector Analysis also includes Yearly Analysis The detailed sector analysis chart is fully colour coded to quickly show whether a sector is auspicious (blue), inauspicious (red), average (green).New additional analysis such as comb. of 10, mountain and water star etc. Added the colour for the proposed element. The full monthly and yearly charts are all summaried. Later one more analysis will also be aded for the Monthly chart in this report. Center direction 20-Year Chart Center (Earth) 3 Wood 4 Wood 8 Earth Zuo Fu Xing, Current Prosperity Year 2004 5 Earth Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 3 Wood 2 Earth 1 Water 1 Water 9 Fire 8 Earth Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 7 Metal (6) Metal 5 Earth 4 Wood 3 Wood 2 Earth NOTE: Month's should be taken as the Chinese Lunar Month) Current Sector Description Generally this location is your Zuo Fu Xing, Current Prosperity (8) area. It is extremely good to spent more time here provided there are no inauspicious star in this location. Eight-One Combination Explanation [3] & [4] - Star 3 represents Male. Star 4 represents Female. When Female comes, the Male will follow. Means it is the Male's Romance luck. Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water) Analysing: Strong Wood (3) vs Weak Wood (4) Strong Wood (3) (Inauspicious Star) represents Lu Cun Xing, Disputes, Quarrels, Conflicts. Weak Wood (4) (Average Star) represents Wen Qu Xing, Education, Romance. Relationship Analysis Wood (3) has the same element as Wood (4). Wood star is inauspicious, and there is no elements to control or neturalize it. Thus, this is considered an inauspicious combination. Proposed Solution Make use of Fire (red) to exhaust and weaken Wood Five Element Analysis (20-Year Star vs Year Star) Analysing: Weak Earth (8) vs Strong Earth (5) Weak Earth (8) (Auspicious Star) represents Zuo Fu Xing, Current Prosperity. Strong Earth (5) (Inauspicious Star) represents Lian Zhen Xing, Misfortune, Sickness. Relationship Analysis Congratulations! Earth (8) has the same element as Earth (5). This happens to be in the period 8 which controls star 8. Thus, this is considered an auspicious combination. Activate Mountain Star No mountain star to activate. Activate Water Star No water star to activate. Sector Overall Summary This is generally a considered an bad sector. Likely, the year star isn't inauspicious, so it means this is not the worst sector for this 20-year period. 2. Finding a Good House (Most suitable House facing report) 2A. The same detailed analysis as the Flying Star summary is also applied to the House Hunting Report. In addition, we added a star rating to make it easier to see at a glance whether a sector is good or bad. NW2 (307.5-322.4) - North-West Main Door Facing (315) 20-Year Chart North-West (Metal) 6 Metal 8 Earth 9 Fire You Bi Xing, Coming Prosperity Year 2004 6 Metal Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 4 Wood 3 Wood 2 Earth 2 Earth 1 Water 9 Fire Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 8 Earth (7) Metal 6 Metal 5 Earth 4 Wood 3 Wood NOTE: Month's should be taken as the Chinese Lunar Month) Breadwinner's Suitability Health Current Sector Description Generally this location is your You Bi Xing, Coming Prosperity (9) area. It is average sector having good and bad include. But on it's own generally considered auspicious. Eight-One Combination Explanation [6] & [8] - Prosperity and good fortune. Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water) Analysing: Strong Metal (6) vs Weak Earth (8) Strong Metal (6) (Auspicious Star) represents Wu Qu Xing, Luck from Heaven. Weak Earth (8) (Auspicious Star) represents Zuo Fu Xing, Current Prosperity. Relationship Analysis Congratulations! Metal (6) helps to exhausts Earth (8). Earth element is weaken by Metal, which in turn makes Metal stronger. Thus, this is considered an auspicious combination. Five Element Analysis (20-Year Star vs Year Star) Analysing: Weak Fire (9) vs Strong Metal (6) Weak Fire (9) (Average Star) represents You Bi Xing, Coming Prosperity. Strong Metal (6) (Auspicious Star) represents Wu Qu Xing, Luck from Heaven. Relationship Analysis Congratulations! Fire (9) destroys Metal (6). Metal element is destroyed or weaken by Fire. Thus, this is considered an auspicious combination. Sector Overall Summary This is generally a considered a good sector. Final Analysis This is a GOOD house! In addition, it suits the owner of the house because it falls in his Health sector. This house is of an element representing your wealth element. 2B. Link to Detailed House Analysis Report We added a link to allow users to view the more summarised Flying Star House Analysis report of that sectorwithout having to create a new profile. 2C. Executive Summary in a compass layout We summarised the good and bad sectors for the summary and show it in a compass layout so that users can see at a glance which sector is good or bad for them. NW2 315 307.5 - 322.4 NW3 330 322.5 - 337.4 N1 345 337.4 - 352.4 N2 0 352.5 - 7.4 N3 15 7.5 - 22.4 NE1 30 22.5 - 37.4 NE2 45 37.5 - 52.4 NW1 300 292.5 - 307.4 North-West North North-East NE3 60 52.5 - 67.4 W3 285 277.5 - 292.4 West Select the closest exact direction of your main entrance (eg main door). Assuming that each outer square represents a 15 degree angle. East E1 75 67.5 - 82.4 W2 270 262.5 - 277.4 E2 90 82.5 - 97.4 W1 255 247.5 - 262.4 E3 105 97.5 - 112.4 SW3 240 232.4 - 247.4 South-West South South-East SE1 120 112.5 - 127.4 SW2 225 217.5 - 232.4 SW1 210 202.5 - 217.4 S3 195 187.5 - 202.4 S2 180 172.5 - 187.4 S1 165 157.5 - 172.4 SE3 150 142.5 - 157.4 SE2 135 127.5 - 142.4 2D. Executive Table Summary We also summarised the direction, and break down each group by the facing direction on a single line. Making it easier to see what sector is good or bad from a table layout. Corrected a bug where excellent house direction never seem to show any summary in previous version. Type of House Direction of Main Door Excellent House Auspicious House NE1 (22.5-37.4) , NE2 (37.5-52.4) , NE3 (52.5-67.4) , SW1 (202.5-217.4) , SW2 (217.5-232.4) , SW3 (232.5-247.4) , W2 (262.5-277.4) , W3 (277.5-292.4) Auspicious but Unsuitable House NW2 (307.5-322.4) , NW3 (322.5-337.4) , N1 (337.5-352.4) , N2 (352.5-7.4) , N3 (7.5-22.4) Inauspicious House E1 (67.5-82.4) , E2 (82.5-97.4) , E3 (97.5-112.4) , SE1 (112.5-127.4) , SE2 (127.5-142.4) , SE3 (142.5-157.4) , S1 (157.5-172.4) , S2 (172.5-187.4) , S3 (187.5-202.4) , W1 (247.5-262.4) , NW1 (292.5-307.4) Hope you enjoy the various updates. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  19. EDITED: To link previous post. Dear Users, This is some updates to the previous release of v12.5x. We noticed some irregularities in the analysis modules. 1. FIXED THE YEARLY LUCK SUMMARY RANKING [1962] ren-yin - Luck with you but Very Good [1st 6 months] ren - is very inauspicious. Heavenly Stem Clash: bing-ren [2nd 6 months] yin - is a little auspicious. [1963] gui-mao - Luck with you but Bad [1st 6 months] gui - is very inauspicious. [2nd 6 months] mao - is a little auspicious. Earthly Branch Clash: mao-you Earthly Branch Punishment: zi-mao Possible Romance Encounter: Mao Nobleman Stars available to help you: Mao & Si Academic / Study Influences: Mao [1964] jia-chen - Luck with you but Average [1st 6 months] jia - is a little auspicious. [2nd 6 months] chen - is very inauspicious. Earthly Branch Self Punishment: chen [1965] yi-si - Luck with you but Bad [1st 6 months] yi - is a little auspicious. Heavenly Stem Clash: yi-xin [2nd 6 months] si - is a little auspicious. Earthly Branch Harm: yin-si Earthly Branch Punishment: yin-si Possible Career Change / Change of Location: Si Nobleman Stars available to help you: Mao & Si [1966] bing-wu - Luck with you but Good [1st 6 months] bing - is a little auspicious. [2nd 6 months] wu - is a little auspicious. Earthly Branch Self Punishment: wu a. Corrected the ranking system that helps defined the Year being Very Good, Good, Average, Bad & Very Bad. The latest ranking give every possible option equal ranking so more accurately give you an idea of how good or bad each year is. b. Fixed a but in the Part 3 report where some of the year summary does note match the analysis from the other modules such as our Group Analysis summary. This was due to a bug in the system obtaining the wrong pillar information thus not giving the right analysis for some of the year. c. Fixed the yearly forecast report so that the year colour coding will match the part 3 and group analysis summary. This update should correct all the various analysis modules so that they will reflect the same analysis.It adds on the many enhancement made in the v12.5x, you can read more about that from this link:- http://forum.geomancy.net/webboard/wbpx.dll/~geomancy/read?16336,17 Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  20. Dear CJ See & all other paid flying star users, I am using this posting to explain to all users who seems to have this confusion about the flying star. 1. Everyone should remember, that the flying star analysis from our website, gives you the analysis of the period based on the year the building was built. ie. If a house is built in period 7 (1984-2003), it means that it should show you a chart that is based on a period 7 20-year house chart. ie. If a house is built in period 6 (1964-1983), it means that it should show you a chart that is based on a period 6 20-year house chart. 2. What it DOES NOT do is to automatically show you the next period influence (ie now is 2004, so it is entering into period 8). It will not by default show you a period 8 chart. Why? Simply because a house built in whatever period, will continue to retain influence of that period chart. Meaning that if a house built in 2000, will continue to retain a period 7 chart even if you enter into the year 2004. What changes each year, is the yearly chart ie 2004 / 2005 each will make certain year more auspicious or less auspicious for certain sector. 3. It DOES NOT mean here that just because you entered into a period 8 house, that your chart automatically fly to the new period. THIS IS WRONG OR MISTAKEN! What it does mean is that for all home owners (ie those whose house is build in period 6/7), you now have a choice to make, should you keep within period existing chart or change to the new period. REMEMBER THIS IS NOT AUTOMATIC! You actually do have the option to check if existing chart is better or worst then new period. If new period is worst off, then best not to change, but if new period is better luck, you should change. 4. If you choose not to change the luck, the house will continue to retain the luck for the old period. However, the one issue that will change is that the STAR7 which is originally an INAUSPICIOUS Robbery Star will actually remain as a inauspicious star (in all periods except period 7). Only under period 7, the star is actually an auspicious star rather than inauspicious. So this means that all house will suffer this impact. Meaning that if you were to view a chart done before 2004, and compared it to now, there will be some changes to the analysis of how well a sector is because this star 7 loses its auspicious status in period 8, even though the base star can be star 7. Thisis why we call period 7 a fading prosperity. Which means luck will still be there, but as time goes by it will fade away and no longer be as good as it used to be in period 7. 5. However, whatever double combination that that occurs which is the same as the base period ie a double7 in a period 7 base chart will still be auspicious. This is why in your case, this analysis is this way. So please do not be confused or mistaken in the fact that the flying star report DOES not consider all these changes. It does. 6. However, I will agree with you that in order to avoid such future misuderstanding, I had actually updated the report now to provide additional link to allow all existing report under the current report to view changes that can be expected in the next period. This will allow you to make a better decision as to whether or nor to change to the next period without even re-creating a new profile. 7. Once you do decide to make a change to the next period, it is better you create a whole new profile for that year, so that the base analysis starts of from a period 8 rather than period 7. This will be necessary for all users. So as to avoid confusion in the future. 8. In addition, with the latest v8.00 report, you will noticed that all yearly and in fact the full months chart are already being displayed in the analysis. The only issue is the detailed monthly analysis is not yet available (both in old and new version). This is being tested and once it is ready will release to all users to enjoy. 9. As for the mountain star, given that it is still a period 7 house, star 7 and future star 8 are all auspicious mountain or water stars to activate in a period 7 house. For period 8 house, it should be star 8 as well as the future prosperity star 9.So this isn't wrong in the analysis. As mentioned, until you decide to EFFECT a change to move to the new period, your present chart will remain as it is. 10. And that is the reason why I decided to post this so that all other users will not make the same mistake or ask the same questions. 11. The report is actually very much updated and very much more imporoved. Just that, I overlooked the proper presentation of the report to cater to letting users understand about this changing period issue. Anyway, the addition of the next period report and next year report are now added to the Flying Star v8.01 so this willit clearer for all users. 12. So in summary, for all existing house in period 5/6/7 house, have an option to check if it is better to move into the next period. In addition, our report will give the latest year analysis when you generate the report. Meaning, that if you enter into 2005, you can re-generate the report for that year to view the changes in luck for you home, so that you can attempt to fine tune the analysis. Hope that all other users will also be clear of this issue when you use the flying star report especially in this change period. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui
  21. Dear Ulla, 1. In all honesty, the various practitioners or masters who utilize time zone or location factors to modify the original ba zi are relatively recent developments advocated by modern practitioners. 2. Perhaps the only method that could be somewhat logical is applying the location factor to adjust the location to the current moon location. However, even this approach presents numerous challenges. For instance, a slight deviation of 0.01 degree in latitude or longitude can significantly alter your ba zi chart, resulting in less accuracy compared to not considering the hour of birth. Additionally, most individuals do not possess the exact information. 3. Utilizing the GMT time zone to adjust a ba zi chart is not a recommended practice. This is due to the oversimplification of the GMT time zone, which only impacts longitude changes, rendering it inaccurate. 4. Our stance on this matter is to avoid adding unnecessary complexity to the analysis. It is advisable to use your local time (irrespective of the country) for ba zi analysis. 5. Understanding the fundamental principles of ba zi reveals that the hour pillar does not have a significant impact on the 10-yearly, 5-yearly, yearly, and monthly luck pillars. Reference: On GMT and more... 4.1. Typically, the hour pillar introduces additional pillars for combinations and clashes, potentially influencing whether a person's outcome is weak or strong. Without the hour pillar, most other hours tend to exhibit a consistent weak or strong nature, with only a few exceptions. Therefore, the impact of the hour pillar on luck pillars is minimal, except for minor yearly clashes or harms. Overall, the general luck remains relatively unaffected. 5. Consequently, it is still possible to analyze a person's luck effectively even without the hour pillar. 5.1. Many case studies of famous individuals have been conducted based solely on the date and time of birth, demonstrating the feasibility of accurate analysis without considering the hour pillar. Allow me to provide you with a few instances: a. Given the exact date and time of birth of a twins. One has primary education and one has PHD. Which you think will have better life. Most likely the one with PHD. b. Given a twins again. One stay in US and one stay in IRAQ. which wiill you thihnk will have a better life. Again most likely US as it is more stable and peaceful. c. Given a two person. Person A has 10-year favourable luck to him, but he stays in a house with entrapped feng shui and death suitability to the home. Person B 10-year luck not with that person, but he says in a house with excellent feng shui and prosperity suitability to the home. The Person B will have actually a much better luck then person A. Cos, a person's earth luck has ADVERSED impact upton your bazi. 8. So if you understand this fact, frankly, ba zi is by no means a tool which can forecast 100% all past events. What it can do is give you a forecast of potential pitfalls, and how you can try to maximise your luck. 8.1. Many modern practitioners/masters, try to make you think that ba zi can give you an accurate assesment of your past and future events. But I will ask you how is this possible if this concepts only supposed to provide you with a heavenly given luck? 9. So this is another reason why, frankly, no alternation of hour or even adding location factor is really necessary. In Feng Shui, ba zi only defines your heaven luck, but to fully apply feng shui you have to use all the other tools such as Ba Zi, Compass Schools (Eight House / Flying Star), Shapes and Form and more. 9.1. Only with these combined tools can it give you a proper analysis and how you can improve it. You should not just eat and sleep with only one concept and ignore the rest. 10. So our advice to you is just to leave the hour unknown or unaltered. 10.1. This will really give you a fairly good analysis as well as an even more accurate analysis then attempt to modify a theory with timezone or location factors, which in any case most people don't have a detailed record of the exactly long. and lat. of birth. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  22. Dear Robert & Cecil Lee, Many Thanks for your services in my daughter's name change and my auspicious dates analysis. I will truly in the future recommend friends to your services. Many Thanks once again. Warmest Regards, Susan Cheong Sarkies Bukit Batok, Singapore 30 August 2004 --- Dear Master Lee, Thank you so much for your prompt reply.The new report is A LOT MORE clearer! i am impressed this time and definitely more confident! Cheers, Chee Yuen Singapore 31 Aug 2004
  23. Dear Russ, 1. The start of the Chinese Lunar New Year for 1972 is 15 Feb 1972. 2. Since your birth date falls before the Chinese Lunar New Year on 22 Jan 1972, your lunar birth date should be:- a.. Solar Calendar: 22 Jan 1972 between b.. Lunar Calendar: 1971, 12th month, 7 day, between 3. Since your Year of birth for the Eight House calculation is 1971, it will be as our website calculator has generated Gua 2. 5. Since our online calculators has been extensively tested, it is very rare that it will be calculated wrongly. So the results from our website on this issue is correct. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  24. Dear K T, You should try to re-access the paid online report if you had not done so. The latest version with the Executive Summary will make that period more clearly as it will try to explain potential issues you might encounter especially if clashes / harms / punishment are found. Generally, you need to know that:- 1. Clashes Clashes are the worst impact on a chart. Depending on whether there are heavenly stem such as Main Funds (Health), Wealth (Financial)or so, it might usually mean health or wealth impact. Any clash especially if found with the Day, Month & Year are considered major clashes. 2. Harms These are sort of like obstacles which you have to overcome. These have less impact that clash, it often means trouble and expect some level of difficulty whether such harms are present. 3. Punishment / Self Punishments These are internal conflicts similiar to like whatever you do, you tend to like make mistakes etc. So whatever things you have planned will not likely go smoothly. How they affect your luck, depends on what are the kind of stars, ten deities which give you an indication of what potential troubles might occur. More and more of these are being added to the ba zi report so that users will not need to guess how to read the clashes. Look out for more analysis modulesin upcoming bazi releases. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  25. Dear Users, Just as we had recently updated the entire Pillars of Destiny reports for Standard and Premium users, we have also updated the Free report for all users to enjoy. URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-element.htm The free report will now give you a full summary just as in this example:- Birth Element Since you are a weak Wood, you don't want to be too weak otherwise you cannot take advantage of your Wealth Element. Thus, you should increase yourself with your favourable elements as follows. Favourable Elements Most Favourable Element Colour: blue/black/gray Favourable Element Colour: green/brown Unfavourable Elements Most Unfavourable Element Colour: white/gold Unfavourable Element Colour: red This is a very important concept for you to improve your luck. Five element can be applied in many ways, but most important is the Colours of any objects etc. In this free report, only some information will be made know so that you can understand how to use it. This free report will only show you an example using the Best favourable element. Your personal objects / dressing ie shades of colours:- Water - blue/black/gray Your career ie a Job favourable for you are:- Water - Advertising, Arts, Communications, etc Your Chinese name ie a good name would help to increase your weak element The period ? ie luck changes each day, month, year etc. So different period you will find your luck changes from up and down. Thus you should take advantage of those good luck period for doing any important thing in your life. Overall Big Luck Summary Ul
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