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Robert Lee

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Everything posted by Robert Lee

  1. Dear K T, Unfortunately, everyone is supposed to be born with a certain destiny path. For some people, the big luck (ie 10-year luck) luck is always with him, such person will normally find that whatever they do, things will always work out for them, with minimal effort. However, for majority of us, luck isn't always with us. This means that we have to work extra extra hard as compared to those lucky few who have luck with them. There is no way you can change this. You can however, attempt to improve it by creating an environment with as many areas in your life being favourable to you. ie a weak Wood, will need more Water and Wood. This means that you need to try to have a career which is Wood (ie teaching), a house which is Water (North facing) as well as many areas of your life as possible. When you have sufficient, you can improve your overall luck. Anyway, a 10-yearly luck which does not favour you isn't entirely bad. You have to consider the 5-yearly, yearly, 6-monthly, &monthly luck which constantly changes. So there will be some luck period which will be better than others 10-year. Some of your big luck even though not favouring you, but if you have the yearly luck, you will still gain luck from those years. So it isn't the end of the world. Your chart, simply tells me that you have to work extra hard to gain success. As you will not have that kind of added bonus as compared to another person who's luck is always with them. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  2. Hi Anon, For a Strong Water, Fire element is wealth element. Since you are a strong element it is good favourable for you. House (flying star) report is different, that tells you whether a sector is not balanced. Usually because say a sector has star 5 and star 2 (which are Strong Earth stars). With presence of Fire element especially in that sector, it will make the sector even stronger. Thus, activating the possible inauspicious stars. Ba Zi is your own personal element, so as long as you have a house for example South facing (Fire Element house), this improves your luck for your own ba zi. As for each sector what cures to fix, this is where you have to balance between the house and ba zi. ie. certain colours ie Fire (red), Earth (Yellow), and sometimes Wood (Green/brown), must be applied according. Some sectors can react adversely if such colours are present. So you have to balance between how much of such colours can be present in any sector. And this you have to use the flying star chart with higher priority. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  3. Dear Users, EDITED: In addition to the release of v12.50 yesterday,a minor release on the v12.51 was released a day later. 1. To fix a bug where the clash/harm/punishment/self punishment wasn't showing properly, thus not giving a proper analysis for the yearly luck analysis. 2. In addition the Yearly Luck analysis description was further refined. 3. Executive Summary released for all users to enjoy. We have made a massive revision to the Pillars and Group Analysis modules. These two reports each contain different advanced analysis modules. In this latest revision, we integrated common components so that they can be shared between reports. In addition, we made the Pillars of Destiny module even more robusallowingcrossanalysis between 10-year luck and it's yearly luck. This will make it easier to add even more analysis module and make the modules interact more closely together. 1. Addition of the Five Element Balance chart in each 10-yearly luck pillars. This will allow us to re-calculate the impact of the 10-yearly luck pillars to your existing five element distribution. Which impacts how much more of a particular element you need compared to another. We are working to bring this available to even the yearly analysis so as to give greater depth to the forecast modules. We may still revised the element percentage so as to give proper rating depending on 10-year, 5-yearly, yearly, 6-month etc. For time being only 10-yearly chart has been released. In future, we will expand it further. Example 1:- Water Wood Fire Earth Metal 49 % 1 % 49 % 0 % 0 % You are a Weak Fire. Generally, you will need more Wood and Fire, while avoiding any Water or Earth. In order to be effective, you should know how the current 10-year luck period affects your original five element distribution. So for this 10-year period you should fine tune your favourable elements as follows:- Favourable to you Your favourable element Wood (1%) and Fire (49%). You will need more Wood (1%) than compared to Fire (49%) to improve the luck for this period. Staying in a suitable House Element - Your luck will further be improved if you are staying in a house facing direction which represents Wood Having a suitable career - Wood element career such as Engineering, Filming, Hospital, etc. Having more favourable colours - You can further boost your luck by ensuring your bedroom decor/car colour/dressing are in green/brown (Wood element). Unfavourable to you While, your unfavourable elements are Water (49%) and Earth (0%) You will to avoid Water (49%) more than Earth (0%) to improve the luck for this period. Avoid staying in an unsuitable House Element - Your luck will further be reduced if you are staying in a house facing North direction which represents Water Avoid an unsuitable career - Earth element career such as Advertising, Arts, Communications, etc, will make this period less auspicious for you. Avoid unfavourable colours - Should ensure you avoid bedroom decor/car colour/dressing are in blue/black/gray (Water element). 2. Revised the Yearly summaryin Ba Zi Part 3 Previously in our last revision, the yearly report keep only showing Good and Average. The Bad and Very Bad did not show up properly. To help differential year which is unfavourable as compared to year which is bad and have clashes or harm. We had revised this so that it breaks up into Very Good, Good, Average, Bad and Very Bad. This will make the previous years which were classify as Average more clearly. Example 2:- [1984] jia-zi - Luck against you but Bad [1985] yi-chou - Luck against you but Average [1986] bing-yin - Luck with you but Bad [1987] ding-mao - Luck with you but Very Good [1988] wu-chen - Luck with you but Average This portion to summarise the luck for the year was greatly enhanced. It now shows you Yearly Luck with/against you etc. It now adds further fine tuning of Very Good, Good, Average, Bad and Very Bad summary analysis as opposed to just Good, Average & Bad. It also now considers clashes / harms to see if they are major or minor clash. ie minor clash with HOUR/LIFE/CONCEPTION pillars are not shown anymore, as they do not impact anything. It also considers PUNISHMENT and SELF PUNISHMENT into grading it's overall effect. It also gives grades the year based on how suitable to element and give higher priority of rating a year very bad if the clash is found, while harm and punishment is less bad, and self punishment is least bad. Given that there is more comprenhsive analysis done, the final analysis for the year summary might be different from previously analysed. But it gives a more accurate assessment of the year. Though, this does not impact your analysis as it is just a summary of the year whether we consider it good or bad etc. This revision in the grading of the year will be expanded to the yearly forecast chart 10-year colour coding only. Most analysis does not use this portion to so nothing major except description. There are more complicated analysis ruleset now in place so, it is far more accurate to be able to properly define the year being Very Good, Good, Average, Bad or Very Bad. This was a feature not possible in older version due to the complexity of the 10-yearly andyearly. In our latest revision, we made it possible to relate them together, rather than depending on a separate detailed analysis report. In addition, we also show all the symbolic stars available for each year. This will make the analysis even more useful in determining potential romance luck etc. 3. More details released for the Yearly Forecast Module The Yearly Forecast module will now contain more details for each of the monthly analysis. Example 3:- Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 Good 3 Good 4 Average 5 Good 6 Good 7 Bad 8 Bad 9 Bad 10 Average 11 Average 12 Average 13 Average 14 Good 15 Good 16 Average 17 Bad 18 Good 19 Bad 20 Bad 21 Good 22 Average 23 Average 24 Average 25 Average 26 Good 27 Bad 28 Average 29 Bad 30 Good 31 Average 4. Executive Summary for Age This is an example of an small portion advanced analysis report which has been released to all users to enjoy. A very plain english explanation of the luck pillar. In addition, it also points out useful information about possible career Major or Minor change / academic luck / romance luck that happen in that period. This is one portion that we have tested for a long time and found it ready to be released for all users to enjoy. Example 4:- Executive Summary for Age 3 - 12 (1974 - 1983) Unfortunately, luck isn't with you during this 10-year period. This means that you have to work even harder on your own to gain success during this period. 1974-1978 luck is much better than 1979-1983. You are also very lucky to have nobleman luck where you will meet some people who will always give you a helping hand. Be prepared for some slight hichups especially for any major event. However, once you overcome it things will usually end well. This is a good period for you, especially if you are studying as you have the aid of the Acadamic star. Remember to ensure that you look after your health by watching your diet and ensuring you keep yourself fit so as to avoid any potential health issues. Major Nobleman Luck [1974-1983], Especially in [1974**] [1978] [1981] [1983**] Minor Yearly Career Movement Luck in [1977**] Major Academic Luck [1974-1983], Especially in [1981] NOTE: 1. Year marked in red colour or YEAR** is a very inauspicious year, so expect adverse effect on the Career / Romance / Academic Luck. 2. Year marked in green colour or YEAR* is average year, so must be extra careful else you get adverse effect on the Career / Romance / Academic Luck. Otherwise, nothing else major to point out from your current luck period. 5. Other Advanced Ba Zi Analysis improved. Many more Advanced Ba Zi Analysis modules have been updated but not released to general public. These analysisare now being used for our on-site audit as well as expert review to assist us inanalysing your chart in greater detail. Thesenew features are available for all Ba Zi Premium report users. Users may now login to re-generate the report so that you get the most uptodate and even more accurate analysis. Hope you enjoy the various improvements. Warmest Regards Robert Lee Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  4. Dear Users, We have upgraded all Pillars of Destiny Standard which was still accessing an older v8 report to be able to access the many improvement from the v12.50. The Overview Summary report which usually onlyPillars of DestinyPremium used to enjoy will now be made available toPillars of DestinyStandard. . The main difference is that Ba Zi Standard will not have a detailed analysis module until only 5-yearly analysis as well some of the new modules listed by the recent Pillars of Destiny Premium. Hope you enjoy the upgrade. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  5. Dear Margaret, So in singapore especially, the unit numbering for your home would be shown as #03-10. Where 03 is level, and 10 is the unit number for that level. Thus, there is two fields. I believe it should be safe for you to use 3 in the first field and 10 in the second field when using our Apartment Number report. In your case, depending on the layout, if the layout plan is such that the door isn't located too oddly or being blocked, you can take the center of the house to the main door. Else, you should take the frontage based on the living room's balcony where most light come into the house.Generally, you take for example from balcony looking out if you take this as the frontage. All really depends on your layout plan and positioning of the door. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  6. Dear Anon, Unfortunately, since you mentioned that this is the only possible position you can place the altar. Then, there is very little you can do to re-position it. I mean Feng Shui is also actually about common-sense. I mean if course when possible if you are able to it is best to place it in the best possible position. But sometimes, these things happen and there is no possible alternative for you. So you just have to make do. When you look at feng shui, you have to look at it in a wholistic approach. Meaning that there are major issues right down to minor issues. It does not mean that just because one area is wrong, you will be faced with issues. Frankly, it takes a couple of problems such as a house with bad exterior feng shui, interior feng shui, unsuitablity to the home, bad ba zi luck period etc. Many factors which are unfavourable to happen at the same time before it is declared as a DOOMSDAY. Otherwise, as long as you fix up whatever you can. There shouldn't be much of an issue. In this case, this isn't the worst kind of placement. Just not as good, because it would seem that you are like employing the Guan Yin to be a security guard for the home. But like you mentioned, no other better placement. So it will have to make do. Maybe, the best way is just to offer more incense so as to make up for the flaw. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  7. Dear Christine, Frankly, Feng Shui is by no means a miracle cure for every single situation. In feng shui the main goal is to attempt to create a harmoious environment so that everyone will feel good. When you feel good, you will feel more relax, sleep better, work better and thus giving you the ability to focus on your career. The only thing here you can do is to ensure that you check the element compatibility between the you/husband and your step-daughter. This will help to reduce some tension between the three. ie a weak wood andweak fire will be in best harmony if you have more Wood (green/brownin the room for example). Use the compatibility report in the member area. To help you on this. Though the report is listed under the paid report, it works for free report access as well no difference. Other then that, you will have to use your sincerity and loving care to touch your daughter's heart. Meaning that if you truly show that you care and love her, she will eventually accept you better. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  8. Dear Anon, Basically, in terms of bed placement. You should follow these priority:- 1. It is most important that the bedroom is located at the one of the 4 good directions based on the Eight House concept. Meaning that if you divide the house from the centerpoint, your bedroom should be located West (in your case). As long as the bedroom is in a good sector, the issue of the bed position becomes less of an issue, as regardless of where you actually sleep, you are still sleeping in a suitable sector of the house. 2. As rooms are small now-a-days, so it is frankly, very difficult for most people to have the luxuary to arrange furnitures so that it can fit the best placement for every furniture. So we should focus on ensuring that the bed placement is placed in a practical manner priority goes shapes and form placement of the bed. Such as the following:- http://www.geomancy.net/events/Popular_FS_Talk/fs_talk_slide_37.htm Reason being is that as long as you have a suitable bedroom, regardless of where you position your bed it is generally still suitable to you. Sames goes for table etc. More importantly is you should ensure that all the furniture especially the corner of the table etc should not be cutting the bed where you will be sleeping. As long as this rule is followed, you are pretty safe. 3. Only, when the two above priorities are in place, should you then see if you the suitable bed position based on the Eight House can be also put into place. If you have space restriction, then of course better to follow the shapes and form placement as above. If you have still have some flexibility left in the placement of the bed, then you should make sure if possible it faces one of your better directions (ie avoiding Death or Disaster) where possible. 4. Other rules, ensure that the wall at where anchor the bed should not be a window. 5. You should not place the bed facing the door such it faces the door when you enter the room. As this is a coffin position. Frankly, I am unable to see your layout, so will not know for sure if it is truly ok or not. As long as you follow the above rules, you should generally not need to worry too much anymore. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  9. Dear Anon, Generally, Eight Aspiration / Eight House / Flying Star are part of what is known as the compass school of feng shui. 1. Eight Aspiration where the directions for the various sectors are always fixed based on the bagua direction is the least important of the many concepts. 2. Eight House is more personalised thatn Eight Aspiration where each person depending on the year of birth, will have a certain 4 good and 4 bad directions. This helps you determine whether a house or sector of a home generally suits you or not. If a house has excellent feng shui but it doesn't suit you then, you get very little luck from the house itself. 3. Flying Star is something like a birth chart of the house itself. Similiar to like Ba Zi is a chart of a person's luck. This concepts helps you determine where are the good sectors and bad sectors in a home itself. It does not consider any suitability to any individual person. But generally, helps you determine the various magnetic influence, ie where is your potential wealth sectors, where you should position your water feature. It also helps you determine where there are potential sickness related stars or the various stars (ie sickness, robbery, misfortune, lawsuits etc.) So in general, you should always use flying star to help correct existing problems. Ensure that the house at least should be suitable to you and that all family members have a suitable bedroom etc. Eight Aspiration is only applied when all Flying Star and Eight House requirements are done. This is because Eight Aspiration such as South-West is Romance sector are very static templates. Why I say this is imagine, what this concept tells you is that for everyone on this earth your romance sector is South-West. So this means that say in an office if there is a particular girl that other male colleagues like, they all rush to follow this tip that by placing 99 roses in the South-West sector of the home, they will automatically get the heart of the girl. Unfortunately, this will never work simply because it is simply too general a concept. The only additional analysis which isn't considered is the external Shapes and Forms. You must always remember, that matter how nicely you do up your interior of the home, but if your surrounding and exterior building is collapsing or run-down, then no matter how much you enhance within your home, it will not help you that much. This is why despite having all these compass schools, the most important in a home is not the interior, but rather the external factors. If you can get house with excellent external factors (ie a house with receive position, then you already have won half the battle in choosing a good home.) Only then should you focus on your interior. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  10. Hi Anon, A large part has to do with the external factors such as the boss calling the shots. I am afraid there is very little you can do in terms of Feng Shui to cure the situation. You will have to work hard to changing the boss opinion of you through better human to human relationship. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  11. Dear Anon, Usually, when the year the house was built is in question, we normally use two different period house which we suspect the house to be built and then do a comparison to see which is more likely to be thechart that is present in your home. If you can tell for sure when you had any major renovation done, then you can be pretty sure which chart influence is still present for your home. Period 6 (1964-1983) while Period 7 (1984-2003). Now we are in Period 8 (2004-2023). Generally, if you had any major renovation done in period 7, then it is very likely that your house belong to the period 7, else it will still remain as a period 6 chart. So unless there was a major renovation done during period 7, then your chart will still remain as a period 6 chart. In anyway, now that you enter into a period 8 chart, you should check out the period 8 chart, as even if your home is still period 6, the only option for you to fly over to the new period will be a period 8 house. There is no way to can obtain a period 7 house chart anymore since it has already pass. However, if your house had a major renovation in period 7, and you had not done any major renovation this year. Then you have the option of keeping the period 7 house especially if the period 8 isn't as good as period 7 house chart. Most of the time for houses in period 6, there is a pretty high chance that some renovation may had already altered the luck to a period 7 chart. But what you need to note is that it does not mean that period 7 chart will automatically take preceedence of the period 6 chart especially if no renovation was done to effect the change. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  12. Dear William, For move in date, what is usually needed is the Name, Gender & Dateof birth(& if possible hour of birth) of the Breadwinner and Spouse. You will also need the date range which you plan to move into the house. ie Jul 2005 to Aug 2005 etc. It would seem that your house will be completed about a year later, so why not look for the date nearer that time. Unless of course, you meant Aug 2004. We have an auspicious date for two person to help you narrow down the best possible date for that month. You can use that to help you find a move in date, start of renovation etc. But it will require which months to search into. Something similiar to our Monthly Auspicious Date service:- URL: http://www.geomancy.net/products/po-dates/po-dates.htm Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  13. Dear Robert Labrecque, Generally, a vacation is just a short term stay at a different place like hotel or in camping a tent. Frankly, this isn't going to be an issue in feng shui. Your earth luck feng shui will still come from your Home. As for geomancy and camping, well you can still apply feng shui (if you really want, by knowing what direction is good using the Eight House). This concept can be used in virtually any thing you want better placemen (ie your work table, bed etc). So applying that to camping is still possible. But it is really not necessary as mentione vaction is just a temporarily short term stay. Unless of course you plan to stay in a place for a longer period ie 6 months more, then probably finding a good temp. place to stay will still be beneficial. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  14. Dear Eugena, Basically, flat number is a additionalflying starnnumber analysis to help determine which unit number in an apartment with the same layout is better. For example is #06-08 better than #12-08? etc. Very useful in house hunting process where you have two units of the exact same layout and facing, except they are on different levels. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui
  15. Dear Lit Neo, I won't be able to answer how the previous fortune teller gotten your element, as he could have used a very simple year of birth or other methods to deduced your chart. All I can tell you is here at our website, we use Ba Zi Feng Shui to determining your element by using your Day Month Year as well as Hour of birth to determine your element. This is because each year has different element depending on which day he/she is born in. Example (2004 - MetalMonkey in Wood Year, you can have a Strong Fire person born in a Wood Monkey Year, Weak Fire born in a Wood Monkey Year etc.) So whatever our website has generate for you should be the correct analysis as it does an indepth analysis to analyse your chart (whether it is free or paid reports). Therefore, on our website or if you ask us to analyse for you, you will be a weak Earth. For a weak Earth, wealth will of course be the element you can destory which is Water. However, as a weak Earth, you will not be strong enough to benefit from your Wealth (Water) unless you strengthen yourself with Fire or Earth. In any case, your luck is down because of the following. This is assuming that you are refering to your member account personal profile under Lit Neo (16 Dec)for the ba zi analysis. -- Begin Extract -- Age 17 - 26 (1998 - 2007) = [2003-2007] yin (Wood) = Inauspicious Period [JAN-JUN 2003] gui (Water) - very inauspicious. [JUL-DEC 2003] wei (Earth) - a little auspicious. [JAN-JUN 2004] jia (Wood) - very inauspicious. - (Must be extra careful this year) [JUL-DEC 2004] shen (Metal) - very inauspicious. [JAN-JUN 2005] yi (Wood) - very inauspicious. - (Must be extra careful this year) [JUL-DEC 2005] you (Metal) - very inauspicious. [JAN-JUN 2006] bing (Fire) - a little auspicious. [JUL-DEC 2006] shu (Earth) - a little auspicious. [JAN-JUN 2007] ding (Fire) - a little auspicious. [JUL-DEC 2007] hai (Water) - very inauspicious. Unfortunately, luck isn't with you during this 10-year period. This means that you have to work even harder on your own to gain success during this period. In addition, the two 5-yearly luck period are also inauspicious, making this an even less auspicious period for you. Luckily for you, there isn't any major clash during this period to make it even worst for you. You are also very lucky to have nobleman luck where you will meet some people who will always give you a helping hand. -- End Extract -- So your generally big luck is against you this 10-year period, 5-year luck is also against you. In addition the yearly & 6-monthly luck isn't that good for you. So that is probably why you are facing problems this year. Assuming that you do not have any further impact from other factors like your earth luck (your home), you will need a lot of your favourable elements (Fire & Earth) to improve your luck. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  16. Dear Users, 1. We have completed re-designed our Certificate. All students certificate in in the past month will be receiving this new certificate dated 15 May 2004. Sample of the new printedcertificate We improved the entire certificate design so that it looks better and more attractive, with several new features to allow people to be able to verify your certificates with us. A. New certificate URL: http://www.geomancy.net/courses/sample-certificate-appliedfs.jpg B. Old certificate URL: http://www.geomancy.net/student/appliedfs-certificate/cert-fs199903150087.htm This is a sample copy is a plain certificate without thechinese seal, signature and several authentic certificate embedded featuresto allow people to verify if your certificate is authentic. 2. So far, all certificates delayed due to the re-designed certificate has been printed out and sent out. Should you still not receive your certificate within this month, please contact us at support@geomancy.net. 3. More details will be made available for all ex-student torequest a new copy of the certificate to replace their old certificate at a small admin fee. For those interested, please contact support@geomancy.net. Hope you enjoy the new certificates. Thank you. Warmest Regards Robert Lee Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  17. Dear All, This year has been extremely been an extremely busy start of period 8 (2004). 1. I am pleased to inform everyone that Geomancy.netcelebrates it's 8th year on the web since 1996 when the first public resources were first made available. 2. It so happens that this is also the start of the Period 8. So in order to celebrate it, some of our online packages are having extremely great deals until 31 Jul 2004. So remember to check it out:- http://www.geomancy.net/products/products.htm 3. The site has grown so much. It has over 7 years of forum messages since we hosted our own forum in 1997 as well as numerous free feng shui tools and many comprehensivereports. 4. Wow, time has past so fast! 5. Geomancy.net wishes every member: HEALTH, WEALTH and HAPPINESS! Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  18. Dear Users, We had made several changes to the websites in the past weeks:- 1. UPDATEDWEBPAGE TO SUPPORT NEW WEB BROWSER We updated our webpage especially the menu to be able to support many of the latest browser and prevent spidering our public e-mail contact addresses (which should reduce many junk mail we receive). 2. SHOPPING CART & RELATED We have updated all pages to support dual pricing display USD and SGD pricing at a glance. The shopping cart will remember your last selection in the current choosen for quick check out. This will allow users to opt to select which ever pricing they can better relate to. We also revised several packages so that they now cater to what users normally look for in some of the services such as House Hunting and Home Consultations. 3. SECURE MEMBERS AREA LOGIN This feature was apparently not working properly especially after updated our web server software recently. We have just fixed it so that users can now opt to login in secure mode. In additional, the member area web server software had been updated such that all reports generate much faster. 4. FORUM MAILING LIST We had fixed the problem of some users not receiving mailing list posting from the forum several weeks back. 5. NEW STUDENT CERTIFICATE DESIGN Many of the certificates for our courses requested this year was delayed as we were getting a new certificate design ready as a future standard. More information will be made known in a few weeks as we get it ready. It has been a busy year for us, and we like to once again thank you for all your support and feedback. We constantly improve our website from your valuable feedback. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  19. Dear Users, Users should find that all reports are generated much faster now due to new encoding. 1. FIXED! EXPLANATION FOR CLASHNOT SHOWN We noticed that since we launched the Ba Zi Premium v12.05, one portion of the analysis which is found in the Part2 & 3was not being displayed properly (iethe explanation portion of the Clash and Harms was not shown even though there was a clash in that 10-year period.) This does not affect the final score analysis, just that you do not see any explanaion on any clashes found when your 10-year luck pillars is being shown. Which can tell you more about whether a 10-year luck period is good or bad. This has been corrected in the latest version. Please login to regenerate the report if you had previously generated the v12.05. 2. UPDATED! YEARLY ANALYSIS FORECAST When we launched the Forecast portion, we limited the many analysis available for users. Now that the report is ready, we haveenabled more analysis for each year. You will be able to see in a colour coded table the monthly uptodaily analysis for the entire year. For a more detailed analysis of each year, an additional Yearly Review service will be able to reveal evenmore. Please note that the daily analysis are only days favourable to your ba zi only. It is does not consider the tong shu clashes or events so will not be like the auspicious date analysis report. So it only shows your own personal luck flow each day. However, you can use these dates to find a suitable date favouring you. But you should still check the tung shu to ensure the date is suitable also for an even better date. We will be releasing more modules for the Ba Zi Premium later on. For now, hope you find the update useful. Warmest Regards Robert Lee Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  20. Dear Users, Just as we have launched the v12.x for the Premium reports, we have updated it so that those who paid for the Standard reports will also access the latest version with a few additional new modules which standard users will be entitled to access. 1. KEY SECTIONS Key sections of the reports now consist of:- Ba Zi - Overview Summary Ba Zi - Part 1 - UPDATED! Ba Zi - Part 2 - UPDATED! Ba Zi - Part 3 - UPDATED! Updates Sections has layout cleaned up and improved. Most importantly, where possible colour coding of luck period auspicious luck based as follows. This make it easy to know when luck is good or bad. 3. LUCK FLOW ANALYSIS The luck flow analysis in Part 3 of the report has seen the most updates as it contains a summary chart which allow you to jump to the 10-year luck to view the details. It also contain the latest colour coded luck pillars to make it easy to know if the current luck is auspicious or not. Updated to display the luck follow for Yearly instead of upto 5-yearly. Generally, the report will be based on version 12.x, however, it will not be able to access areas such as Luck Forecast or any new features which are added for premium reports. Given that there was such a big difference between version 12.x and v9.x had thus updated the standard report so that they will get a value greater than v9, but less then the v12.x premium users. This update is also to make the future modules easier to launch for both Standard and Premium users. Hope you enjoy the changes! Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  21. Hi Anon, What you need to remember here is that we follow Animal signs based on the Chinese Horoscope. This means we based the animal signs on the Chinese Lunar Calanedar. 23 Jan 1974 to 10 Feb 1975 - Tiger 11 Feb 1975 to 30 Jan 1976 - Rabbit This means that if you are born before 10 Feb 1975 you are a Tiger, if you are born after 11 Feb 1975 you are then officially a Rabbit. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  22. Hi Anon, Unfortunately, not all problems or leaks will have a solution, in this case you will not be able to change the location of the toilet or main door entrance. So only thing you can to is to attempt to improve all other areas so as to offset this issue. Remember that Feng Shui is like taking an exam. Failing one question out of 20 will not mean that you will fail badly. Just like Feng Shui one leak will not mean it is a bad house. So in such cases where there is a leak that cannot be fixed, you should then attempt to correct other leaks so as to offset it. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  23. Dear Anon, Yes, that is how you would superimpose the Eight House chart over your layout plan. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  24. Dear Users, The much awaited Pillars of Destiny v11 that has remained a BETA for a long time, has just been officially released to replace all version 9 reports! We have made several improvements to the v11 publict beta such that we have released it finally as v12.x so as not to be confused with previous v11.x which remained released as a PUBLIC BETA. 1. KEY SECTIONS Key sections of the reports now consist of:- Ba Zi - Overview Summary Ba Zi - Part 1 - UPDATED! Ba Zi - Part 2 - UPDATED! Ba Zi - Part 3 - UPDATED! Ba Zi -Luck Forecast - NEW! Ba Zi - Broken into Individual Sections - UPDATED! Updates Sections has layout cleaned up and improved. Most importantly, where possible colour coding of luck period auspicious luck based as follows. This make it easy to know when luck is good or bad. 2. LUCK FORECAST Though, most of users who tried the PUBLIC BETA can see the 10-yearly / Yearly / Monthly Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch chart without any analysis. We have now added the much awaited analysis module for this section. The colour coded analysis and summary module is now in place. You will be able to access 10-yearly, Yearly, Monthly Forecast all with colour coded so that you can see how is your luck forecast at a glance. You can select any 10-year, year or monthly luck so as to be able to check out your luck at any time. 3. LUCK FLOW ANALYSIS The luck flow analysis in Part 3 of the report has seen the most updates as it contains a summary chart which allow you to jump to the 10-year luck to view the details. It also contain the latest colour coded luck pillars to make it easy to know if the current luck is auspicious or not. 4. MODULE BASED ANALYSIS This version compared to previous v9, has seen lots of changes to way the report can easily be broken up to different sections or modules, allowing us to prepare for future additions easily. This will make adding new modules very much easier then in the previous versions. Also, by updating the all older versions of the report to this new version, we are able to cross link all other reports in our group analysis or house analysis which is already being used for our advanced Full Audit Analysis. 5. MANY OTHER BACKEND UPGRADES Most of the backend software upgrades you will not see, but those were essential for us to break away from the previous analysis style which was somewhat restricted due to the way analysis be done. This release will allow for easier module update, new analysis module, as well as faster report generation without previous complex loop. All Pillars of Destiny Premium users will be able to access this updated report. And previouslinks to Ba Zi Premium reports has been removed. Hope you enjoy the changes! Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
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