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Robert Lee

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Everything posted by Robert Lee

  1. Dear Users, Due to the success of our Fun with Feng Shui website, online e-books & courses, plus the numerous enquries from our users for a PRINTED book. We are pleased to announce that an entirely new series of Feng Shui books by Cecil Lee is scheduled to be launched in 2003. More details to be made available later. PRE-LAUNCH E-MAIL NOTIFICATION ============================== Watch out for more announcement from our website or subscribe to our Pre-Launch/Pre-Order E-mail Notification service to notify you about the details, price and availability. http://www.geomancy.net/sitetools/preorder.htm RESELLER OR BOOK DISTRIBUTION ============================= For those who are interested in reselling or distributing our book series outside of Singapore, please contact distribute@geomancy.net for more details. ............................................. Thank you for your support! Warmest Regards, Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  2. Dear Users, We like to say a big thank you to all users who had been supporting us all this while (with your valuable feedback / suggestions) ............................................. Here are what has been accomplished this year:- 1. The major accomplishment was the complete revamp of the website (site design / navigation / server optimisation etc). As the site has so many public resources (over several thousands), finding ways to organise them and make the site navigation easy had been a problem for us for a long time. However, this is no longer an issue. 2. Improvement to the site was not only limited to the public resources, but also into areas like the forum, member area, free services, shopping cart etc. So every possible section has been improved so much that it make it easy for us to maintain and add-on new resources and services. 3. Many new consultation services were also officially made available when the appropriate pages and shopping cart has been created and added. This made the site more complete while providing users with the various services to support you. 4. The website has entered also into multi-media presentation through the use of interactive flash contents, video capture and lots more. We have the many necessary equipment / software to support such developments and those appropriate contents will be added as they are made available. 5. And of course many other changes that we will not be listing here. However, we can say that this year was critical as it gave us all the necessary foundation to add new resources easily in the future. ............................................. So having said that, what is expected in the up coming year. 1. Since all areas of the site has been clean up, the very 1st thing to focus on is adding of new resource materials. To cater to his, our main page has been clean up a little for us to add Weekly highlights or Feature Article when they are made available easily to be inserted. 2. New books & courses are scheduled to be made available in 2003. While older books will be revised. 3. More Talks and Events will be planned and organised. 4. Plans are also in way to improve the member area and reports. 5. And many more which we feel that they are not yet ready for us to announce at this time, so we will publish them as they get ready. However, it will be a new year of many more resources / books / courses to be made available. It will be an exciting year ahead! Meanwhile, wishing everyone all the best in the upcoming Year of the Goat! Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  3. Dear Users, Here is the long awaited Forecast for 2003 similiar to that done by us for the year 2002 (with Ba Zi, Chinese Astrology, & Flying Star Analysis) Giving you a concise yet useful information about what is ahead for year 2003:- - who is favourable for the year - which are animal signs work well together - which animal signs will clash / harm in 2003 - Flying Star 2003 influences - Grand Duke changes for 2003 URL: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/yearly-forecast/forecast-2003.htm Hope you enjoy our analysis. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  4. Dear Users, We have made some changes to the Free Advice Forum. 1. Rename of Newsgroup Topics Users accessing the forum via your Newsreader should reload the subscription topics and subscribe to the newly re-organised topics description. 2. Conference Name have also been clean up so that you can better tell which are Information Conferences and which are Discussion Topics. For example:- Info :: Photo Tours of Interest (with Pictures) Info :: Singapore Property Review These are conferences which are considered learning resournces that you can read messages but cannot post into it. It allows us to constantly post new learning resources easily through these Info conferences. For example:- Discuss :: Free Advice (General Topics) Discuss :: Compass School :: Eight House (Zai Yun) These are conferences which users can post into the forums for both Cecil or other participating users to discuss on topics. With this additional " Info ", " Discuss ", " Community " etc, it helps to identify the purpose of that conference. It also helps to make organising the topic easy to find the topics you want. 3. We also improved the Conference display by using table like format and colour coding to make the conferences easier to read. Hope that you enjoy the various updates made to the Free Advice Forum so as to make it easier for you to participate in our Forum. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui
  5. Dear Users, We have improved the site design for the Free Advice Forum. 1. Forum Messages are now easier to read with a cleaner layout. 2. Conference Listing's width is widen to give all the space necessary to list all the topics without letting the content wrap to the next line. Font size have also be increased so that the text can be read easily. 3. Common Navigation layout have been reduced so that more space is given to the conference listing and also improve the loading time for the topics list. 4. Fix up some links error to Member's Sign up and login (as it was pointed to an old url which is no longer used.) Hope that you enjoy the new changes to the forum! Warmest Regards Robert Lee Geomancy.net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  6. Dear Anon, 1. Frankly, there is not much choice but to excercise greater tolerance. 2. You will be surprised to learn that some condominiums equally have doors that are closer or even just as close! 3. There is a condominium in Bukit Ho Swee that has two main door in very (very) close proximity. In such a situation, there is no way to leave shoes outside the door. As there is not even a small area / or the main entrance is not flushed inwards. 4. The fortunate thing in such a situation here is that there is no way, both parties can start a Ba Gua mirror war. 5. In fact, I can recall many (many) more condominiums that also have neighbour's door's that are next to, directly facing each other in very close proximity. Another condominum in Bukit Batok - Parkview (developed by Far East Organisation), has units where:- a. There are two units with the main door is next to each other. While the other two units on the same block face each other directly with only 3 feet space between them! Call this condo living! Here, tolerance is needed. In fact, many public housing HDB flats have at least 5 feet distance from each other. Try best not to start a Ba Gua war. This is a lose-lose situation. Warmest Regards, Cecil P.S. This is just a sample of what I had mentioned under Para 3. Phew! What a way to live!
  7. Dear Users, We have decided to release the Ba Zi Overall Summary for all Pillars of Destiny Premium Users. We have revised the Ba Zi Pillars access to include this report for all paid users to enjoy. This report gives you a concise summary of the ba zi report in a brief single report. Answering most of the key questions that most users are looking for. Ba Zi Overall Summary ...................... http://www.geomancy.net/sample/pod-overall-summary.htm This is a very summarised report which summarises all the key information according to topics which we found that clients are looking for. The ideal is to give an overall summary focusing which areas are health related problems, career change, wealth periods, problems areas etc. This report compliments the existing detailed reports which already contains such information except that they are not group & summarised together according to the topic like when is a good period for a career change, when should I take extra caution of my health. Our Summary Report focus on:- 1. Birth Element, Favourable/Unfavourable Element/Colour, Wealth Element 2. Balance of Five Element ie which of the favourable elements should have more etc. 3. Overall Big Luck Summary to see how your general luck flows which determines if you have a fortunate or unfortunate life. 4. Analysis of Wealth 5. When you have highest Romance Luck? 6. When you have nobleman helping you? 7. Which period is good for Career Change? 8. When you should take caution? 9. Summary of Good & Bad Directions 10. Recommended Career & more to be added. ............................................. Hope that you enjoy the various updates! Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  8. Dear Users, We have fixed the links problems to this section of the site, and have updated the entire template of the links directory site to create a uniform look on the website. This has been a useful link directory with collection of resources organised neatly into sections with a searchable database. We also updated our common navigational links to include this as a major part of the of Geomancy.Net. URL: http://mydirectory.geomancy.net Hope you enjoy the updates. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  9. Dear Users, Our various online reports have seen many updates throughout the year, and many of the version number was not updated during the many updates made. This is update to update all the version number of the reports as nearly all reports have seen additional analysis modules, new & improved analysis features etc added. Some was to remove the BETA edition as most of the reports made available publicly is no longer a BETA. Some was to change the name of the module as the module was revised from another module etc. To summary, an update of the Name of the Module and Version number of the modules. Most notable change in Reports ============================== 1. Pillars of Destiny v9.00 Previously Name/Version: Pillars of Destiny Online v8.00 (plus minor updates) Key difference in older revision was:- - newly added SCORE system to v8 - improvement in SCORE system after adding analysis such as wealth element period. - identifying the Wealth Period in the analysis. - Improving the SCORE system more accurate in determining the overall luck of a period from the basic SCORE system etc. 2. Personal Feng shui with Pillars of Destiny v10.00 Previous Name/Version: BETA PFS-POD Personal Feng Shui Pillars v8.00/v9.00 This is the most significant increase:- - Layout of chart improved from v8.00 - Report now in Modules - Many new analysis Modules (like Overall Summary, Current 10-year analysis were developed but some were not yet released to public etc) - Greater flexibility for future developments. 3. Group Analysis v10.00 Previous Name/Version: Home Audit v8/v9 and developed from Family Audit. - This combines Flying Star, Ba Zi, Eight House, House suitibility and compatibility all in a single group analysis. 4. Auspicious Date Analysis & Marriage Analysis - These reports also had seen sgnificant updaes 5. And many other reports. All major report will see a version number increase as all were updated recently either it is improvement in report layout etc. The latest versions of all reports improves the accuracy, explanations and added more depth into different areas and analysis making them very comprehensive. As you can tell from the version numbers, many critical reports has reached it's version 10.00 revision. This was from version 1 several years back and this shows the level of depth and added improvements particularly the report layout, clarify of explanation and depth and accuracy of the reports. Hope you enjoyed the updates. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  10. Dear Users, Since last week, we had published the new site design with some sections of the site still un-upgraded. However, as of today, all sections on our website is fully using the new site design and layout. - With the DHTML menu, access to all key areas of the site is much easier and faster. - In addition the new site design comprise of a 160x160 Interactive Site Content Update Box. This update box allows us to create many interesting flash animations about our site features, learning contents, free stuffs, some advertisements for our sponsors as well as interactive learning modules. It will be key feature in the site to make our site more interesting as well as to let you learn more about the website. More flash animations are being created and will be slowly added to be made available to all users as they become ready. ............................................. There are many updates to many areas of the website, such as Free Reports, Help Resources, Learning Resources, Interactive Contents and more. Some of the updates are not yet published or announced in the announcement forum. We will normally published those major changes first, then later followed by the minor updates. Anyway, hope that you enjoy the various updates to the site. Our website continues to improve itself for all to benefit. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  11. Dear Users, We have improved the Live Chat Customer Care Support for providing better online support for users. 1. Added a double check to check if our client is currently connected to the server if not do not allow for chat. (This is to avoid previous problem of delays which may cause our internet chat to be delayed etc). If our Internet Chat Client is temporarily not able to connect to the server, it will set the helper to unavailable so that you will not be able to page until we are available again. 2. Added a current time and Helper's last refresh time so that clients can see if the helper is still connected and presently available to help the clients. These two features will make the clients and helper aware whether the other party is still connected or not. You enjoy the changes. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  12. Dear Users, Since a recent update to the Free Element / Ba Zi element. We have made an additional improvement to that report and several other reports. 1. FREE ELEMENT / BA ZI REPORT ============================== The report will still treat all analysis a weak element. This is because the full analysis requires lots of computing power and this computing power is reserved only for our paid users who help to pay for the hosting cost. The Big Luck Period will now give the same analysis of their true element strength. However, this is still limited only to the 12 big luck periods. However, this means that this portion of the analysis should produce the same big luck reading in the full analysis except in less depth, no 5-yearly, yearly and no consideration of combinations/clashes etc. So it is considered a very brief and basic analysis. 2. AUSPICIOUS DATE FOR MONTH & YEAR =================================== The Birth Element graphic is removed from the Basic Chart details. However, because of this, the analysis done is based on the full analysis. So it is no longer limited to only weak element analysis giving you a more accurate analysis. It is still however, limited by 1st 10 days of each month and 1 additional month analysis for the whole year analysis. ............................................. Geomancy.Net constantly improves the reports for all to enjoy. However, please note that as much as we like to provide everything free, it is not possible due to high server hosting cost etc. So some limitation for the free report has to imposed to reduce the workload of the server and yet give you all the necessary basic informations and also give all the necessary bandwidth for our paid users to enjoy. Hope you enjoy the changes. Warmest Regards Robert Lee Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  13. Dear Users, We have made some revision to the free reports as follows:- 1. Free Ba Zi / Personal Element ================================ URL: http://www.geomancy.net/sample/pod-free.htm - Revised layout for Ba Zi, Favourable & Unfavourable. - Addition of 10-yearly Big Luck & Analysis for 12 periods of 120 years. 2. Free Problem Finding Report ============================== URL: http://www.geomancy.net/sample/fs20-free.htm To better allow users to make use of this report, the 20-year chart is shown, with only PROBLEM stars being displayed so that we can better help users who needs helps to solve you problem you might be facing. This website constantly improve the site for all to benefit! Hope you enjoy the various changes. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  14. Dear Users, Several New Analysis Reports added to our existing range of analysis reports. Currently these reports are only available for us to add value to our Professional Services. It is written so that it does the same analysis which we would do by hand and formatted the same way as we would present to our clients, except that:- - No human errors/omission will occur - Fully detailed analysis in all areas - Very well formatted graphically enhanced reports - These reports reduces the calculation needed and allow us to focus on final personalised analysis. Results: Shorter response time, yet very Detailed We will consider later if we would release it to the general public. 1. Auspicious Date for Marriage ............................... http://www.geomancy.net/sample/auspicious_date/marriage-date.htm This report is an extension of the Auspicious Date for Month report which now focus on allowing quick comparison between two person. The report takes care of the various Dates conversion, comparing the Ba Zi for clashes/harms etc occurring daily, finding suitable element, and checking with Major Festivals and the Tong Shu. This gives a more accurate analysis personalised to the two person as opposed to just looking for Tong Shu which does not personlised the date to a person. Our Auspicious Date Focus on:- 1. Comparing the day to the Ba Zi for any combination/clashes/harms/punishments/self punishments etc. 2. The day should have element favourable to both person without any clashes/harms occurring if possible. 3. It should be good for both persons. 4. It should not fall on some of the major dates like Qing Ming, Ghost festivals etc on the Tong Shu. This is far superior to simply choosing dates based only on Tong Shu as they do not take into account whether a person suits that date or not. 2. Ba Zi Overall Summary ......................... http://www.geomancy.net/sample/pod-overall-summary.htm This is a very summarised report which summarises all the key information according to topics which we found that clients are looking for. The ideal is to give an overall summary focusing which areas are health related problems, career change, wealth periods, problems areas etc. This report compliments the existing detailed reports which already contains such information except that they are not group & summarised together according to the topic like when is a good period for a career change, when should I take extra caution of my health. Our Summary Report focus on:- 1. Birth Element, Favourable/Unfavourable Element/Colour, Wealth Element 2. Balance of Five Element ie which of the favourable elements should have more etc. 3. Overall Big Luck Summary to see how your general luck flows which determines if you have a fortunate or unfortunate life. 4. Analysis of Wealth 5. When you have highest Romance Luck? 6. When you have nobleman helping you? 7. Which period is good for Career Change? 8. When you should take caution? 9. Summary of Good & Bad Directions 10. Recommended Career & more to be added. 3. Chinese Name ................ http://www.geomancy.net/sample/chinese_name.htm NOTE: You may require Chinese Software or gb2312 language pack installed in your Internet Explorer to view the Chinese Characters. This report makes Choosing a New Baby Name faster and more accurate as it work out all the basic information to allow us to determine what strokes of characters gives the best overall name. Our Name Analysis focus on:- 1. Checking the Ba Zi of the Baby to see what elements he/she lacks so as to choose a name to compliment it. 2. Choosing a Name which has good combinations of Strokes from First, Middle and Last Name combination to produce the lacking elements to compliment the Ba Zi. 3. Next is to check for whether name should have same Middle & Last Name or for a certain common Middle Name. 4. Lastly once we determine names from the strokes identified to find nice meaning to the characters as well as sound nice. So this analysis helps only to reduce the taks of step 2 & 3. The final selection is still done manually as due to the complexity of Chinese Language, that portion is currently not possible to be computerised. ............................................. With these additional analysis, our website can provide even more detailed, comprehensive & accurate analysis by using a combinations of such analysis depending on the situation. 1. Ba Zi Analysis 2. Flying Star 4. Eight House 5. Auspicious Date / Marriage 6. Name Analysis 7. Group Summary Analysis By using the different reports together, we can quickly obtain useful information from the various analysis to provide users with an even more comprehensive personalised summary that you will not be able to get if done manually as each of the analysis. We are constantly adding new analysis reports and improving existing ones so that they get even more comprehensive. Hope you enjoy the new updates. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  15. Dear Users, We have improved the Auspicious Date for Month report. 1. Added the Day of week: i.e. 01 Jan 2003 (Wed) 2. Added Chinese Lunar Date for each day. 3. Added Major Events such as 1 day, 1st month is Chinese New Year etc. This will reduce the need to reference a calendar to determine what day of the week it is, also when the major dates such as Qing Ming, Chinese New Year etc. There are several new reports not yet launched to the general public. Will make it available once it is ready. Hope you enjoy the new update! Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  16. Dear Users, Geomancy.Net is in a totally new era with Multimedia content. New Site Design =============== 1. Less Graphics for Common Site Header. 2. DHTML Menu Navigation re-added to make finding contents to key sections of site easy, without cluttering the key navigational links! 3. FLASH Contents for interactive Animation Contents & Learning Resources are being added. 97% of all internet browsers already support this plugin. So we are making use of this technology to make the site even better! 4. Audio/Visual Talking Commentaries & Learning Resources to be added. 5. Multimedia Streaming & Learning contents via Digital Video Capture/MPEG/Window Media Play. (coming soon) Due to very well optimised site design, optimised FLASH contents, the current wepages should load much faster than the old version but with more multimedia content making the website extremely interesting. Almost all website has been updated with the latest site design, those section which are not yet updated will be updated within the coming week. We will also be adding plenty of new contents to each section of the site with more multimedia contents to better present learning resources with visual impact rather than static resources. Hope you enjoy the various up & coming updates! Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  17. Dear Users, 1. FASTER ACCESS TO WEB PAGES AT GEOMANCY.NET ============================================= We have optimised the webserver in many area to increase it's overall performance. In addition we are taking advantage of the HTTP 1.1 which is now supported by all major and new web browsers. HTTP 1.1 take advantage of the various technologies to speed up your web browsing pleasure. Users can expect to access our website much faster smoother for both dial-up modem / DSL / cable connections. 2. FIX UP SOME DOWNLOAD ERRORS ============================== Users trying to download some of the .EXE (self extracting files) would have some problems due to website protection features. This have been fixed so that you can download such files such as the books & free software properly. 3. ONLINE.GEOMANCY.NET ====================== Online.geomancy.net have been checked to ensure that all users will no longer be accessing the port:8080 which poses some restriction to users accessing from LAN. We have corrected some of the links which still reference :8080. 4. WORK STARTED TO SUPPORT CHINESE EDITION =========================================== Now that a Chinese Workstation is available, we are beginning work at providing more support for our planned Chinese Edition of the website. ............................................. Hope that you enjoy the various changes at our website. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  18. Dear Users, We are expanding our support to include Chinese language E-mail and Website support. This was a busy week as we were busy installing a Workstation to fully support Chinese e-mail and Chinese website development. Now we are able to better support e-mail correspondence in Chinese as well as to prepare us to better translate our website into Chinese (Simplied Characters first, Traditional Characters later). One of our workstation will always be running the Chinese system so as to allow us to correspond and work on our Chinese version of the website. Apologise if our e-mail/forum response have been a little delayed this week as we install this multi-language support. At the same time, we were constantly out-of-office for many audits / events. Warmest Regards Robert Lee Geomancy.net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  19. Dear Users, CHINESE NAME FOR NEWBORNS, CHANGE OF NAME 1. In order to improve the response time for the selection / choosing and changing of Chinese Name, we have created a Chinese Name Analysis report to add to the list of reports we already have. 2. This report is not currently released to the general public for use as it is only in the pre-development stage (version 1). 3. However, with the report it will help us to determine the luck of a person's name. This will greatly not only increase our time and accuracy to find the very best names with increased details provided to clients who request for our services. 4. Our analysis for names is extremely detailed, most of the time we choose names only if 95% of all luck periods and pillars are good. This is a very tedious task, but once it is well chosen it will match and compliment what is missing in a person's Ba Zi. 5. Here is a sample of a the report that we will be using and giving to all future users seeking our Chinese Name Analysis services. 6. Geomancy.net is a leader in using advanced technology as a productivity tool. This is because, often we were asked for a second opinion. As some parents felt uncomfortable with the review done by their former Feng Shui Master. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert & Cecil Lee Also a big thank you to ur brother for giving my son such a good name Baby Name or Change of Name: What is covered under Name Selection service?
  20. Dear Users, A. ADDED PAYPAL PAYMENT GATEWAY =============================== 1. Recently, several international users have feedback to us whether we support online Secure Credit Payment via PayPal.com. 2. We reviewed the feasiblity of a 2nd Payment Card Gateway and added PayPal as our alternative Secure Credit Card Payment gateway. 3. This will give international users an opportunity to make payment for our services via PayPal, particularly if you have an existing PayPal account. 4. In addition, this payment gateway allows payment for Visa / Mastercard / Discover / American Express. B. 15 MAY OFFERS EXTENDED FOR 1 WEEK ==================================== With this new gateway, we are extending our 15 May offers for 1 week for any mode of payment thru any of our payment gateway. URL: http://www.geomancy.net/shop/shop.htm So hurry up and take up the offers before it ends! Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  21. Dear Users, 1. Due to the growing amounts of e-mails, we receive daily, we were looking at ways and means to track and monitor all e-mails sent to us either for support or enquires. 2. We are pleased to inform you that, we now have a consolidated Message Centre. 3. This state-of-the-art message centre will allow us to keep track of all e-mails received, replied, KIV or unreplied messages that require one of our attention. 4. As usual, if you are seeking Free Advice, please post your message to this forum. 5. The following link serves as a guide on how you can post your message to us:- URL: http://www.geomancy.net/contact/contact.htm 6. Under this new advanced tracking system, all future e-mails to sent to any of our e-mail contact address (i.e. support@geomancy.net) will now contain a GEO-TICKET Reference Number (ie [GEO-TICKET-34F34-0]) appended to the Subject. (GEO is a short-form for Geomancy.net) 7. Benefits of this new system ============================== 7.1. An auto-reply with the GEO-TICKET will be sent to you upon receiving your 1st e-mail query. This is for selected contact address like support@geomancy.net, sales@geomancy.net, help@geomancy.net. Our personal e-mail address will not have the Auto-Reply but will contain the GEO-TICKET in our reply. 7.2. This will let you know that we have successfully received your e-mail queries. 7.3. You can refer to this GEO-TICKET reference Number to check on your current query and all future correspondence. 8. You will get prompt response to all your Queries that you had sent to us without any worry that any of the e-mails will be missed. Please note that if you write in for free advise, you may not get a reply, here. Unless, you clearly state that you are a paid customer. ............................................. Hope you enjoy the new improvement. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  22. Dear Users, In our quest to make it an enjoyable experience to our website, we have added support for older versions of browsers that do not support new layering technology. 1. ADDED SUPPORT FOR OLD BROWSERS ================================= The new layer design makes surfing using newer versions of browser very much faster, but it will cause problems for older versions of browsers and even Netscape 4.x browsers. Therefore, if you still use an old version of a browser, you can serve effortlessly, all the resources even if your browser does not support layering. Later on, you might want to consider, upgrading to newer versions of your brower for both improved performance and speed. Our website, will automatically detect the type of browser you are running and direct your browser to the most optimium web pages to surf on our site. 2. IMPROVED SMTP PROTECTION =========================== In order to play our part to combat the Klez sleath virus and future such virus, we enabled the SMTP Authentication feature on our SMTP servers. 3. UPDATE FOR ARGENTINA VISITORS ================================ Unfortunately, many Argentina ISPs are not up to international standards in doing their part to stamp out spammers using their open mail servers. If you are from Argentina, please use a accounts like Yahoo.com or Hotmail.com e-mail account to participate in the forum or send us messages. 4. FULLY OPTIMISED SERVERS ========================== Our servers are now fully optimized with maxium rams in place. This has allowed our website to keep pace with the huge growth of traffic to our site. Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  23. Dear Users, It is good you constantly update your antivirus data file with your latest anti-virus software. It will help to stamp out virus such as this new stealth virus making virus seemly appearing to come from uninfected e-mail address. The following details is extracted courtesy from Tend Micro Weekly Virus Report dated April 26, 2002. URL: http://www.antivirus.com --- Begin Extract --- WORM_KLEZ.H continues to hold steady in the #1 position in Trend Micro's World Virus Tracking Center http://wtc.trendmicro.com/wtc/. At the time of this writing, more than 134,000 computers worldwide have been infected with WORM_KLEZ.H. Europe, Asia, and North America have been hardest hit. This destructive, memory-resident variant of the WORM_KLEZ.A mass-mailing worm uses SMTP to propagate via email. The subject line of the email it arrives with is randomly selected from a long list of possible choices. This worm can change or spoof the original email address in the FROM: field. It obtains email addresses (that it places in the FROM: field) from the infected user's address book. This causes a non-infected user to appear as the person who has sent this worm's malicious email, and hides the real address of the sender of the infected email. Upon execution, this worm decodes its data in memory. It then copies itself to a WINK*.EXE file in the Windows System directory. The copy has a hidden attribute and the * is a random number of random characters. It also infects .EXE files. The worm drops a randomly named file in the ProgramFilesDir (usually C:\Program Files). Approximately 10KB in size, this program can infect files in network-shared folders and disable system file protection. Trend Micro detects this program as PE_ELKERN.D. The worm also disables the running processes, and occasionally deletes the executable files, of programs associated with several popular antivirus products. On Windows 98/95 systems, the worm registers itself as a service process to hide itself from the taskbar. On Windows 2000 systems, the worm creates a system service and registers it as a service control dispatcher. This worm does not execute its payload on systems running Windows NT 4.0 and earlier versions, although infection of machines with this operating system is possible if the machine has shared folders. The dropped virus, PE_ELKERN.D, infects files in shared drives. When this happens, a full infection of the system may result, since PE_ELKERN.D executes on any Windows platform. If you would like to scan your computer for WORM_KLEZ.H or thousands of other worms, viruses, Trojans and malicious code, visit HouseCall, Trend Micro's free online virus scanner at: http://housecall.antivirus.com/ WORM_KLEZ.H is detected and cleaned by Trend Micro pattern file #265 and above. For additional information about WORM_KLEZ.H, please visit Trend Micro at: http://www.antivirus.com/vinfo/virusencyclo/default5.asp?VName=WORM_KLEZ.H --- End Extract --- If you have not updated your virus data in a long while, please do so and perform a scan of your PC to make sure you are not hit by this virus. Please note since 1998, GEOMANCY.NET does not allow any executable files (ie .exe, .com, .bat, .scr & more) from any users and have been keeping it's antivirus & firewall software constantly updated. In many of the new antivirus software or firewall have a feature to disable executable files from being accidentially run on your PCs. These are some of the useful Third Party Software that we use which you may find helpful for yourself. Free Antivirus Scan: URL: http://housecall.antivirus.com/ Trend Micro's Antivirus: URL: http://www.antivirus.com ZoneAlarm Firewall Protection & auto renaming of dangerous file attachment: URL: http://www.zonelabs.com Hope you find this information useful! As part of the community effort, we will continue to post selected virus warning notice. Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  24. Dear Users, Our website traffic has been growing tremendously these past few months. In order to accomodate the increased in traffic and to ensure that you have an enjoyable visit, we have improved the site performance:- 1. SERVER UPGRADE ================= We upgraded our server hardware by increasing the server's by adding more RAM to maximium capacity. 2. WEBSITE LAYOUT OPTIMISATION ============================== Having found that most users today use a browser that can support layer technology, we have just a few days ago introduced layering to majority of our web pages to greatly improve the layout and speed of the website. Users should noticed that most of the public webpage with the exception of the main page and some key sections, are now loading much faster. In the new site design optimisation, users will now get to see the page content 1st, followed by the less important details such as the site navigation, top banner and right advertisement frame. This way users will not need to wait for the full page to be loaded into your web browser before the webpage is being displayed. In addition, we know that many users have monitor screens that are capable of supporting a graphic display of 1024 x 784 (15 inch display), so that right side of the page is usually left empty wasting the space. However, this should not pose any problems to anyone having a a lower resolution as the contents on this right side are optional contents. For example, we we have shifted all our site sponsors advertising to these unused spaced and make it the last section to be loaded. Therefore, users will no longer require to wait till the full page is fully constructed by the web browser before you start to see the content. All content will be loaded out in order of the importance of the section. This way you can begin to read the main content, while the remainder of the contents are being loaded in the background. We will be updating the remainder of the website in the coming weeks so that they fully utilise these site improvement techniques to make it more enjoyable to surf our website. ............................................. Hope you enjoy the various changes & improvements to the website! And thank you for your continued support! Warmest Regards Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research http://www.geomancy.net
  25. Dear Users, Many of you visiting from Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, United Kingdom, will now enjoy country personalisation, just like the recent Singapore Version. Just like the Singapore Version, you need not need to remember any new domains names. Simply surf from your ISPs to our main website and you will automatically be personalised to your localised version. In addition, in order to cater for this difference, our website will be know as follows:- NEW INTERNATIONAL LAUNCH ======================== URL: http://www.geomancy.net - Feng Shui @ Geomancy.Net - International - Feng Shui @ Geomancy.Net - Australia - Feng Shui @ Geomancy.Net - Canada - Feng Shui @ Geomancy.Net - India - Feng Shui @ Geomancy.Net - New Zealand - Feng Shui @ Geomancy.Net - Singapore - Feng Shui @ Geomancy.Net - United Kingdom Instead of one content page for all users, each users visiting from any of the above country will get a more localised content to their country. This will allow us to focus future events and site content to you! You will get to know of more events to happen in your country from Geomancy.Net and/or Partners etc. Allowing you to enjoy our website even more! Hope you enjoy the new changes! Warmest Regards Cecil & Robert Lee GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research http://www.geomancy.net
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