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Robert Lee

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Everything posted by Robert Lee

  1. Personal Self - [PFS-POD] Work Direction Report Description This report helps users find the best work position for you. Uses It is best recommended to work facing any of the good directions. What is needed? Name, Gender, Date of Birth & Hour or Birth (if available) for each of the person to be analysed. Where to generate report? URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net After you login, select Personal Self under the red menu located on the right under the List of Free Reports. Select the Work Direction Report. Quick URL to access report? URL: http://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-all-login?p=html-fs-list&t=-personal-free Sample of generated report? URL: http://www.geomancy.net/example/personal/self/chart_work_direction.htm (c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
  2. Personal Self - [PFS-POD] Study Direction Report Description This report helps users find the best study position for you. Uses It is best recommended to study facing any of the good directions. What is needed? Name, Gender, Date of Birth & Hour or Birth (if available) for each of the person to be analysed. Where to generate report? URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net After you login, select Personal Self under the red menu located on the right under the List of Free Reports. Select the Study Direction Report. Quick URL to access report? URL: http://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-all-login?p=html-fs-list&t=-personal-free Sample of generated report? URL: http://www.geomancy.net/example/personal/self/chart_study_direction.htm (c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
  3. Personal Self - [PFS-POD] Bed Direction Report Description This report helps users find the best sleeping position for you. Uses It is best recommended to sleep in any of the good directions to avoid frequent sickness etc. What is needed? Name, Gender, Date of Birth & Hour or Birth (if available) for each of the person to be analysed. Where to generate report? URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net After you login, select Personal Self under the red menu located on the right under the List of Free Reports. Select the Bed Direction Report. Quick URL to access report? URL: http://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-all-login?p=html-fs-list&t=-personal-free Sample of generated report? URL: http://www.geomancy.net/example/personal/self/chart_bed_direction.htm (c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
  4. Personal Self - [PFS-POD] Bedroom Location Report Description This report helps users find the best location of the bedroom which you should try to sleep in. Uses It is best recommended to sleep in a bedroom suitable. Especially in the Longevity and Health direction, otherwise any good sector will be ok. What is needed? Name, Gender, Date of Birth & Hour or Birth (if available) for each of the person to be analysed. Where to generate report? URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net After you login, select Personal Self under the red menu located on the right under the List of Free Reports. Select the Bedroom Location Report. Quick URL to access report? URL: http://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-all-login?p=html-fs-list&t=-personal-free Sample of generated report? URL: http://www.geomancy.net/example/personal/self/chart_bedroom_direction.htm (c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
  5. Personal Self - Personal Stars Report Description This report provide you with some characteristics about yourself based on your YEAR or birth. Uses Generally, helps you understand yourself better. What is needed? Name, Gender, Date of Birth & Hour or Birth (if available) for each of the person to be analysed. Where to generate report? URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net After you login, select Personal Self under the red menu located on the right under the List of Free Reports. Select the Suitable House Report. Quick URL to access report? URL: http://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-all-login?p=html-fs-list&t=-personal-free Sample of generated report? URL: http://www.geomancy.net/example/personal/personal_stars.htm (c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
  6. Personal Self - Suitable House Report Description This report provide you a very basic level of suitable house. Uses The breadwinner of the household should be staying in a house most suitable for him. What is needed? Name, Gender, Date of Birth & Hour or Birth (if available) for each of the person to be analysed. Where to generate report? URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net After you login, select Personal Self under the red menu located on the right under the List of Free Reports. Select the Suitable House Report. Quick URL to access report? URL: http://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-all-login?p=html-fs-list&t=-personal-free Sample of generated report? URL: http://www.geomancy.net/example/personal/suitable_house.htm (c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
  7. Personal Self - Gua (Kua) Number Report Description This report provide you the knowledge of your Gua (Kua) Number based on your YEAR or birth Uses It tells you the most basic level of element you are born. The number provided can be considered your personal Feng Shui lucky number. What is needed? Name, Gender, Date of Birth & Hour or Birth (if available) for each of the person to be analysed. Where to generate report? URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net After you login, select Personal Self under the red menu located on the right under the List of Free Reports. Select the Gua (Kua) Number Report. Quick URL to access report? URL: http://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-all-login?p=html-fs-list&t=-personal-free Sample of generated report? URL: http://www.geomancy.net/example/personal/gua_number.htm (c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
  8. Personal Self - Eight House Report Description This report provides 4 good and 4 bad directions of a person based on the YEAR of birth. Uses It is generally used to help you determine suitable facing, sleeping and working directions. What is needed? Name, Gender, Date of Birth & Hour or Birth (if available) for each of the person to be analysed. Where to generate report? URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net After you login, select Personal Self under the red menu located on the right under the List of Free Reports. Select the Eight House Report. Quick URL to access report? URL: http://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-all-login?p=html-fs-list&t=-personal-free Sample of generated report? URL: http://www.geomancy.net/example/personal/eight_house.htm (c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
  9. Personal Self - Eight Aspiration Report Description This report is the most static report among all the Feng Shui analysis tools available. It is based on the Ba Gua directions thus cannot be totally ignored. Uses Generally, this should be used only after Flying Star, Pillars of Destiny, and even Eight House theories are used first. What is needed? Name, Gender, Date of Birth & Hour or Birth (if available) for each of the person to be analysed. Where to generate report? URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net After you login, select Personal Self under the red menu located on the right under the List of Free Reports. Select the Eight Aspiration Report. Quick URL to access report? URL: http://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-all-login?p=html-fs-list&t=-personal-free Sample of generated report? URL: http://www.geomancy.net/example/personal/eight_aspiration.htm (c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
  10. Group Analysis - Eight House Report Description This report allows a person to quickly view a summarised Eight House (Ba Yun / Ba Zhai) chart for 1 to 10 persons. Uses You can quickly compare a group of people, to find suitable bedroom directions, or the best locations. What is needed? Name, Gender, Date of Birth & Hour or Birth (if available) for each of the person to be analysed. Where to generate report? URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net After you login, select Group Analysis under the red menu located on the right. Select the number of person to analyse Follow the Report Generation Wizard to gernate your report Quick URL to access report? URL: http://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-all-login?p=html-fs-list&t=-group-free Sample of generated report? URL: http://www.geomancy.net/example/group/group_report.htm (c) Geomancy.Net Online Resources
  11. Dear Users, We have released a preview version of a group analysis summarised report. Ever wanted to compare between 1-10 different person's 4 good & 4 bad directions? Well, this preview version now allows you to generate a summarised chart of all the Eight House direction all in a single page. It can be printed out for use to help you locate the best rooms for a family member etc. URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net Instructions: ============= After you login, select Group Analysis under the List of Free Report. Please follow the report wizard to help you select between 1 to 10 members, and then select the various members to generate the report. --------------------------------------------- Hope you enjoy this new report:) Warmest Regards Robert Lee Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  12. Dear Users, After some testing, we realised that the guest users topic was displayed from oldest to newest rather than the reverse. So we had changed the default setting to display all the newest message first. Warmest Regards Robert Lee Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  13. Dear Users, We have enhanced the forum a little to include the new Emotion Icon. You can use these icons:- Agree Angry Disagree Feedback Idea More Note Question Redcross Sad Smile Trigger Warning Hope you enjoy this change. Warmest Regards, Robert Lee Center for Applied Feng Shui
  14. Test Idea Icon
  15. Dear Users, There will be changes in the way you will gain access My Adviser Forum in the future. 1. By default, now all users will visit the forum as a guest user. This allows users who just wish to check the forum for new messages without having to login. This means that by typing http://myadviser.geomancy.net you will immediately login to the forum as a guest user. A menu to login and signup is now available directly in the My Adviser forum. 2. We are merging the My Adviser login account into the My FengShui central account. This means that in the future you only need to remember ONE single account for accessing all Members feature found in the Geomancy.Net website. 3. Users can now login from the central My FengShui login page at http://login.geomancy.net How to link the My Adviser to My FengShui? ========================================== 1. Login to your My FengShui account, on the top navigation bar, there is a configure Free Forum Advise. Click on it, and a wizard will assist you by providing you with two chooses. a. Create a New Account b. Link to an existing Account Follow the information for either option and your account will be linked. You can than login to access either the forum or reports through your My FengShui account. In future, any new features will be made available through the one My FengShui account. You only need to link the account once. If you have any problems, feel free to e-mail to robert-lee@geomancy.net for assistance. Hope you enjoy the changes. Warmest Regards Robert & Cecil Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  16. Dear Users, If you had a recently access the My FengShui, you will have noticed many significant changes to the interface and reports. We had been revising 'ALL' reports (so far 70% of old reports has been revised). This means that the new report with a new REPORT GRAPHIC HEADER are made easier to understand and make use of. In addition, we had also break down the previously long single report into short and simple section. As you can see, our previous reports were very detailed covering many areas. So in this new revision, the reports were now broken down into smaller parts each answering only the specific questions asked. Thus, you will find it easier to obtain the analyse for only a single portion rather than the entire report for a particular theory. We would like to thank users who had given your valuable feedback on how you enjoyed the new reports and the new wizard interface:) Personal Feng Shui with Pillars of Destiny ========================================== This report PFS-POD for short is the new name given to the previous beta name "Personal Self". And also in light of the excitement and request by users, we have decided clean up the beta version of the "Personal Self" such that some parts which will replace the old Pillars of Destiny v7 free report will be made available sooner. We have already released several free version of the PFS-POD for all users, once every section of the new report can cover the old report, we will remove the old report, so that users will not be confused. Meanwhile, we are working on the replacement for:- Pillars of Destiny v7 & v8 Standard => PFS-POD-STANDARD version Pillars of Destiny v8 Premium => PFS-POD-PREMUM version This report is extremly comprehensive and it includes many new additions such as integration with Flying Star, Eight House and other theories. Some new reports which will be derived will be PFS-POD-FAMILY, PFS-POD-FORECAST, PFS-POD-HOUSE & lots more. ============================================= Meanwhile, once again we would like to thank all users for their support feedback and encouragement. Warmest Regards Robert & Cecil Lee Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  17. Dear Users, We are extremely pleased to inform you that we have greatly improved the ease of generating both the free and paid reports found in the My FengShui. We have used a Wizard style template which provides both step by step instructions into assisting you to generate the various online reports. There is now a uniform system of generating reports with online instructions to aid you in generating a report. FREE & PAID AUSPICIOUS DATE REPORT ================================== 1. We have removed the 5 profile limitation of obtaining free Auspicious Date Report. This means that users can generate unlimited amount of free Auspicious Date Report. 2. No profile creation is required for generating the free reports. The creation of paid profile is also improved. 3. The reports are revised and improved upon. ============================================= This will prepare us for the launch of our up and coming new series of reports. Hope you enjoy the various changes to our website. Warmest Regards Robert & Cecil Lee Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  18. Dear Users, As promised, we were going to be linking all the various portion of the website which require membership access using only a single My FengShui account. My FengShui system has just been upgraded to support the common login system for all users. 1. COMMON ACCOUNT FRAME ======================= Now when you login to your My FengShui account, you will noticed a new black frame at the top of your browser's window. This will be the Members Link frame, providing you direct access to Geomancy.Net | My FengShui | My Adviser Forum | My E-mail. 2. CONFIGURE MY ADVISER & MY MAIL ACCESS ======================================== For all existing users, you need to configure your My FengShui to link the My FengShui account with your existing My Adviser account and existing My Mail account. Once you configured the account, you can subsequently login to My Adviser from the Common Account Frame. 2a. HOW TO CONFIGURE? ===================== Login to your My FengShui now:- URL: http://myfengshui.geomancy.net - You will see a top black frame with a link called "Configure My Adviser". - Simply click on that link, and provide your current My Adviser account & password. - Click on Link to account You account will immediately be stored into your My FengShui database and you will be automatically re-login. You will immediately noticed that the "Configure My Adviser" is automatically changed to "My Adviser Forum". This means that you account is now linked to the My Adviser. Try clicking on "My Adviser Forum" and you will automatically login to the My Adviser Forum without entering your password. The same process is done for My Mail (if you had created a free web e-mail). Otherwise, you can leave it unconfigured. 3. MY FENGSHUI LOGIN IMPROVEMENTS ================================= First of all we had fixed the problem of saving the username and password for quick login. This apparently did not work properly after we had re-designed the website. The next improvement is once you had login to the account for the duration your web browser is kept open, you will not need to have to re-login if you visit the My FengShui login page. This means that you can freely surf the public pages and member pages without having to re-login to any of the member pages again. --------------------------------------------- This will be the first phase of the upgrade. In order to let all users get familiar with the new procedure, we will not immediately replace all the login for My Adviser and My Mail. This will allow you to login as per normal. In the coming week, we will force all login to be done through the My FengShui system so that you only need to remember one account for access to all the various website. When we do this, we will provide an automated system which helps you associate the My Adviser or My Mail with your My FengShui. Hope you enjoy this new upgrade so as to make the website easier to use with only one central account so as to provide you with easier access to all the Membership features of the website:) Warmest Regards Robert & Cecil Center for Applied Feng Shui Research.
  19. Dear Users, Many things are happening at the website. Just to let you know of some of the exciting stuff ahead we have released some preview of the up and coming report. ONLY SOME sections of the links are enabled, but it should provide an idea of some of new easy to understand and graphically improved reports to allow better readability of the reports. The report is currently available to Paid Pillars of Destiny Premium users, however due to beta status only the first paid Pillars of Destiny record is allowed to view this new report. This new report will no longer use only a single Feng Shui Tool but be a comprehensive analysis tool, taking consideration analysis done by Pillars of Destiny, Flying Star, Eight House, Auspicious Dates, Ba Zi Feng Shui etc. Please note that we have not released the complete version so only the key sections are available for preview or trial testing. We hope to release the full version as soon as possible so that users can enjoy the benefit of this new report. So watch out of the official release of the up and coming Feng Shui Analysis Report. Warmest Regards Robert & Cecil Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  20. Dear Users, We had successfully transferred the My Adviser forum to a new server for faster and smoother access. In the old setup the newsgroup access to this website at news://forum.geomancy.net, port 119 was not working properly. During this upgrade, we had re-installed a fresh new setup, which now properly allows the newsgroup access to this server. This means that with your existing My Adviser account and password, it allows you to access this forum (including the graphics or attachment) right from your e-mail client (such as outlook express). Some other parts of the website is also being upgraded so that you will enjoy a much faster access. This is to prepare for many of our exciting new features to be launched as soon as the site upgrade is completed. Hope you enjoy the various changes. Warmest Regards Robert & Cecil Lee Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  21. Dear Users, We have been rather busy as in the up and coming weeks the following changes will be expected:- ============================================= 1. Addition of more powerful server 2. My Geomancy Account 3. New reports ============================================= 1. More powerful server will be added to the My FengShui online website. (By sometime next week, there will be a short period where the online.geomancy.net will be transferred to this new server.) --------------------------------------------- 2. One-Account integrated system which will link all existing My Adviser, My FengShui, My Mail accounts through one common login system using the core database from My FengShui account system. (We intend to call it My Geomancy Account when it is launched). Options will be available for you to automatically create accounts for each section of the website say My Adviser Forum. Since the account has been validated once, you need not validate the account a second time. For users who had created an existing account, you can either link that old account to your central account, or create a new account. More details will be made available once we launched this central login system. --------------------------------------------- 3. New interactive reports which allows users to choose detailed sections of the reports which they are interested in. These new reports will no longer be individual reports (such as Pillars of Destiny, Eight House, Flying Star etc). Rather they will be linked and combined together into a single module. Snapshot of the up and coming reports:- It will provide several sections:- a. Basic Knowledge - providing explanation to areas and sections which you need to understand the report. b. Learn about your chart - providing detailed section which explains areas in your chart. c. Forecast - providing analysis such as current year forecast. d. Analyse - analyse current bedroom, current house are they suitable if not what kind of cures are necessary etc. e. Find Out - providing analysis which provides you with interactive What-If kind of analysis. Such as what if my main door is North, or is this date a good date for me etc. --------------------------------------------- So look out soon for the various exciting changes to the website. Warmest Regards Robert & Cecil Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
  22. Dear Users, We have been a little busy for the past month to bring even more up and coming services to users. 1. Unified Login system - We will be integrating all the different online database and login system into one unified login manager called My Geomancy Account which takes the core database from the My FengShui Account login system. Consisting near to a million registered users today. For users who had previously created say a My Adviser account, can link that account to your central account, thus, allowing one login account to gain access to the various online tools. 2. We will be upgrading some of our online hardware so that it is able to cater to the increasing capacity which will be expected with several up and coming partnerships. This is due sometime this week, however, there should be minimal disruption. 3. Several new reports will also be launched soon with many major enhancement to understanding and better usage of the report. ============================================= So in order to celebrate the various major changes/improvement and joint ventures, we have decided to provide some special discounts to celebrate the events. URL: http://myservices.geomancy.net/offers.htm (Valid from 12 Jul to 31 Aug 2000) Some of the offers you might like to take note (which are rarely offered) are:- - S$100-S$200 discount for all Singapore On-Site Home Audit (Valid for ONLY singapore users) - US$188 for International Off-Site Home Audit (Usual - US$588) - Other offers are for other online report packages. URL: http://services.geomancy.net ============================================= Once again we wish to thank all users for your support and valuable feedbacks. Warmest Regards Robert & Cecil Lee
  23. Dear Users, We would like to apologise for the delay in the launched date of the Flying Star Course. We have prepared all the materials for the course but due to lots of reference material with interactive links, it has delayed us a lot in converting the necessary links for the Online course module. We will try to get the course up and running as soon as possible. In order not to disappoint users, we advise users to send us a pre-course notification. And will will immediately notify you on how you can signup for the course and how to obtain a discount on the course signup if you had taken up the Applied Feng Shui Course. URL: http://my.geomancy.net/mygeomancy/pre-course.htm Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  24. Dear Users, In the past few weeks, we tested sending out HTML formatted signup verification and welcome message and found that it made signing up a lot more easier. Thus, we have also decided to upgrade our Newsletter to be send as HTML newsletter for the future newsletter. What this means is that you will get a very media rich content newsletter with many direct integration with many of our online web resources and tools. Our newsletter program has been upgraded and all users profile has been successfully migrated to our new newsletter distribution software. URL: http://my.geomancy.net/mygeomancy/newsletter.htm NEWLETTER BONUSES ================= We also have received an overwhelming support for our recent addition of FREE BONUES which has been included into the newsletter. We hope that users who had received the last newletter have enjoyed a FREE CAREER REPORT analysis. Thus, we will be adding an occassional free gift randomly into our newsletter, or provide offers with other partners to thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. So remember to check your next Geomancy Newsletter for such free bonuses. NOTE: Free bonues will ONLY be available from our Geomancy Newsletter. This newsletter is different from My Adviser's mailing list. (So if you have not subscribed to our newsletter, subscribe now to enjoy your free bonues) URL: http://my.geomancy.net/mygeomancy/newsletter.htm As the next newsletter will be in HTML, you will noticed a total change in the format and layout of the newsletter. Hope you enjoy the various changes made to our website! Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  25. Dear Users, Apologise for a delay in updates made to this our forum news. We have launched our customised personal forecast system sometime in 6 June 2000. This new version will allow users to install a new code to replace the old code. The added feature about this version is totally customisable Forecast colour code and Forecast Title. Allowing webmasters to incorporate this easily into your own website's colour design. This feature has been added to the My FengShui system under the webmaster section. Hope you enjoy this new feature. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
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