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Dear Users, Thank you all for being patient while our site is undergoing a major revamp. As you can tell, many parts of the sites has been given a revamp with many new features to come. However, as the site is very large it will take us some time as we revamp each section of the various sites. The following changes have been made or added to the our site in the past few days. 1. Geomancy.Net main page has been greatly simplified so that it is less confusing while giving you all the necessary links to all parts of the site. In addition, the much awaited Daily Forecast has been added to the main page, providing all users with Feng Shui influence every day and every hour. 2. My Adviser, has been given a new look and colour scheme (blue) to match the "Water" element it has been given for the login page. 3. The login pages has been optimised so that you can type in the text and press enter, which automatically focus to the a seperate LOGIN window so that you can enjoy the full frame access of the Forum, Reports and etc. The LOGIN pages will no longer to tagged with other frames resulting in lesser viewing spaces. 4. Daily Forecast which many users had enjoyed in the past has been enhanced and updated with v1.00. It now contains a quick personal element check report, that uses the Pillars of Destiny report to determine your element. It serves as a quick reference for new users who are unaware of whether they are a water person or wood person etc. It does not contain the full details but it will enable users to quickly determine the birth elements. Hope that you enjoy the following changes. More changes are being worked at while we upgrade out site to a larger and faster site. Thank all users for their patients and continued support. Wishing all users the very best for year 2000! Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Fraser, I am not sure why you cannot [TAB]. That should be no problem at all. As for the Enter suggestion, I have made the following changes to all login pages:- 1. It will auto focus on the Username as soon as the page is loaded. 2. After entering your username and password all you need to do is press enter. 3. After you click on the login, the window will auto focus to the target window. So that if you happen to have the LOGIN window open either by the My Adviser, My FengShui or My Mail, it will bring that window to the top. Hope that these minor enhancement will make it more enjoyable to login to the site:) Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Anon, Thank you for your feedback. Glad you enjoy it. It took us several revision to figure out what site design is best suited for us. As well as a new look for our up and coming changes to the site. I think after so long we are quite fixed and satisfied with this new layout:) Though there are still some parts which I am still working at the same time transfering to the new server. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Users, After several days of configurations and testing, we have deployed the new Forum for you to make use of. Feel free to make full use of it. As there are sufficient bandwidth for all users to enjoy! --------------------------------------------- If you have subscribed to the Mailing list If you need to reply to any earlier messages before 30 December 1999; sent to you through the mailing list, you have to change the REPLY to e-mail address from @forum.geomancy.net to @web1140.3dmail.com. As the forum.geomancy.net is still running to host the My FengShui, I cannot create an alias name of forum.geomancy.net to forward to the new web1140.3dmail.com. So you will have to bear with it for a short while. --------------------------------------------- Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Anon, I believe you are using an older version of the browser that does not support DHTML classes / style sheets which is a growing industry standard for all web browsers. I have added some changes to all the pages so that users without the DHTML can still be able to view the pages. However, you will be able to enjoy the site more with the newest version of Netscape or Internet Explorer. The new site was designed in mind to support Internet Explorer 4 and Netscape 4 and above. Due to the changing standard and growing users of the newer version of browsers, we will not be putting too much effort to support the older browser, except for this addition which alters the background and foregound colors so that they remain visible to all version of the browsers that do not support the style sheets or DHTML. This should be able to solve the problem for all users using older versions of the browser. We would advise all users upgrade their browsers if they are still using older versions of the browser, if that is possible. This is because, many sites will mainly focus on DHTML type of design which makes the entire site look the same and takes advantage of your browsers dynamic page updating which reduces the overall size (by elimating duplication of common codes) used in the webpages. Thus, resulting in faster web surfing. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Users, We have recently implemented a revised look for geomancy.net with user friendly navigation links. You should be able to get to all the key pages of this site very much easier than before. Also, it looks much better with the updated site. As some servers cache the older pages of this site, especially for those using IE 5, you may need to reload the page to refresh your browser. We have prepared the site for an up and coming shift to a LARGER site which we will be ensuring that there are as little disruption as possible. Meanwhile, here is what's new in Geomancy.Net:- 1. As we are nearing the end of 1999, we had launched a Millennium Special. The information is available on the homepage of geomancy.net. However, due to certain delays, we can only start the c-Fest offering on 15 Dec 1999. So we have decided to extended the Millennium Special to end on 15 Jan 2000, so that all users can enjoy a VERY SPECIAL DOUBLE Special. Due to this, from now to 15 Jan 2000, you get to still enjoy the US$1 additional reports together with the special offer off the base price of the reports. Giving the new Millennium a BIG WELCOME! Note: US$1 per additional report is a ONE TIME millennium special which will not be available after 15 Jan 2000, but the c-Fest will still be available until 31 Feb 2000. All users who purchase during this time get to participate in the c-Fest luck draw, which is filled with many exciting prizes. Items that you should not missed:- a. c-Fest Special Package. This is a complete package consisting of Pillars, Flying Star, Good House, Auspicious Dates and even the newest and latest Family Audit report. Only during this time you can enjoy to make use of the Family Audit report which will not be made available to the public until a MUCH later date. Worth a total of US$888, but available special to all users now at US$128. b. The Feng Shui Encyclopedia 2000 which has been specially launched which provides you with a reference book consisting of over 800 questions covering 97 topics. This book contains 7 times more information than 101 Feng Shui Tips & Fixes Vol 1. To add value to all users, this book as been compiled together as ONE single book, rather than being broken down to different volumes so that users can enjoy a SOLID reference on Feng Shui. From now to 15 Jan 2000, this book is offered at a PROMOTIONAL LAUNCH + c-FEST PROMOTIONS of only US$19 instead of the Usual price of US$48. 2. As this site has grown in size we have create a new shopping cart to make it easier for users to select the items they want while browsing the site for information. Hope you enjoy the various changes made to the site:) Wishing all users the very BEST in the NEW MILLENNIUM:) Warmest Regards Robert & Cecil Lee
Dear Anon, The site should be able to be viewed by older browser, as there isn't any special codes specific to any browsers. So far from Netscape and IE both browser should be ok. The only thing I like to add is that we have been updating the site in the past few days. And since our site is highly visited, many ISPs proxy has probably a CACHED version of the site. So you may be viewing a CACHED version of the site, so you may have to click on your browsers REFRESH to reload the site without using the cached version. That should help as we still have lots of visitors to our site, so far no one has yet to provide any feedback about this problem. If it still does not help, please let me know what browser and version are you using (eg. IE 3, Netscape 3) Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Users, As you can tell from the recent changes in the site, we are preparing for many exciting changes to the entire Geomancy.Net. We are extremely busy preparing the many changes which are being worked out in phases to provide all users with a more interactive and exciting site. These includes :- a. new and faster server b. a larger & faster bandwidth c. personalised site d. more user-friendly site access e. & many more more All these changes will provide more room for us to provide more personalised free & paid services to each and every users. (Just like all users who had enjoyed the daily forecast, with this new change to come, we will be able to put such personalised features into the main page when you login & lots more enhancements!) Thus, please be patient while we take this holiday season to upgrade our site for your benefit! Due to many technical complications involved, we will be busy focusing on making this upgrade as seemless as possible:) So we would like to apologise if our response time to your various queries is a little delayed during this period. Thank you for all your valuable feedback and encouragement. We take all feedback seriously! Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Users, As you can tell from your login, the site has been re designed. This includes the new Geomancy Logo and the site is now designed so that it caters to 800x600 browsers. Which is the current trend and thus allowing more details and better placement. In future, every page will have a description and info on the left or right to guide you through the page. In addition, due to the complexity of this site, we do have many services and features which we have understand from users feedback that is may be too complex in the past to access. Thus, we have analysed our site and updated several of the key pages of our site. Here are some examples. Others pages will also be updated when necessary. A. Search Page will give you options to search the entire website resources found on our published website. B. It will link users to this Forum which is an extension of Feng Shui resources to do a search from our forum. As for the login page. We have combined all the login into this Member Access page. Which you can gain access to the three member application from a single page. A. My Feng Shui account. B. My Adviser account. C. My Mail (which is an optional web e-mail) In addition, we will no longer display each component of the Books, Course, Reports since it has been allocated to My Feng Shui. Thus, you will find it easier to access the site. As we will be allocating a link to the various related resources from the 4 main site:- A. My Resources B. My FengShui C. My Adviser D. My Services Hope that you find the site easier to navigate with this new design. Thank you once again for all your valuable feedback. We are always listening to your feedback so that the site can be improved:) Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Anon, A sample of the uncompleted Home Audit Main report which is currently available will look like the follow:- http://www.geomancy.net/services/samples/familyaudit/mainreport.htm I stress that it is still uncompleted because I have yet to launch the various addon modules. Plus, some components which I have not included to the main report as I have yet to refine the description or analysis. Such as Room to Stars analysis etc. Also, I have simply selected random rooms and options just for your viewing sample. However, in any case, this report will at a single glance tell you in detailed the analysis of each sector the room, and what good stars to activate or what type of cures to employ. In addition, it tells you how suitable the people staying in that room is. When completed it will be linked to many modules which will provided a complete Feng Shui analysis using all the necessary Feng Shui theories possible. But for now, these reports will only be available to Special and Free Audit home users. As it is suffcient for their needs at the moment. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Users, We are pleased to inform you that we have managed to keep the excess bandwidth problem in check. This problem have been causing us some problems for the past 6 months. During this time, many users who have problems have written in to ask us for assistance with Feng Shui. However, without some of the tools, it was difficult to help those users. In the light of the above, we have decided to enable all users to gain access to 1 free limited access for the first profile only. In addition to that, all users will gain 2 free limited Auspicious Date which analysis 5 days in a month for the first two profiles. As promised to all users, if we do not need to pay extra bandwidth costs to our ISPs we will provide whatever we can for all users to enjoy! However, for the time being we have to limit this so that it does not pose a problem when the usage increases. Meanwhile, we are working on some permanent solution to get around this tacky problem so that you can enjoy lots more from our site without extra penalty from the ISPs! Once this is successful, you will see lots more changes and personalisation to this site! In addition, we will be making full use of this year end holiday season to make more new enhancements, such as more computerised modules, books and courses so that you will be able to enjoy them by the next millennium! So we would like to thank all users for your constant support and encouragement! Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Fraser, Apologise, before I can comment further on it, appreciate if you can provide further clarification to the extension of the house. Is the extension upwards, or does it also consist of the extending the side of the house? And you mentioned they are separate, which I am guessing means that there are two buildings and not one building? Apologise, but I am unable to mentally visualise what you meant. Thus, unable to comment further. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Carrie, Please read below:- So in your case, it can be said that your door is a North door, which means a North house. Then, all you need to do is divide the house into an 8 pie of (45 degree angle) each to assess your home with the Eight House Theory. If you have the time, you can view the compass method at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/cecilcompass.htm Hope that helps. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Anon, This conversion is necessary only if you have downloaded the free software for your own desktop. The free software can calculate the kua, but I did not include my copyright software into this free software. As it was provided to everyone as I had created the software for fun:) However, if you are referring to the online reports provided by the My FengShui, every report has been automatically converted to Lunar Calendar before any analysis is done. Every Report you generate from our online services, provides one with proper conversion to the Lunar Date of Birth, which is used for all relevant calculations. Warmest Regards Robert Lee On 11/12/99 7:41:33 PM, Cecil
Dear Ann, Please read below:- This report is no longer available as a free report, as it has been selected for My Feng Shui Members only as we have been exceed our monthly bandwidth, thus will not be putting a free report for this. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Carrie, According to Cecil's Applied Feng Shui Book there are 3 different methods to deriving the Kua number. Here is the example:- 20 June 1958 (when converted to Lunar will still be in 1958). So the calculation is based on 1958. Method 3 ======== 1958 = 1 + 9 + 5 + 8 = 23 & 2 + 3 = 5 Since you are a Female:- 4 + 5 = 9 Kua 9 is Li which is South House. So your most suitable house faces South. 1. South, East, South-East and North are considered East Group Kua. 2. North-East, North-West, West, South-West are considered West Group Kua. There is such a East & West Group simply because the theory is about the 4 East and 4 West house grouping. So it is not wrong for her to say that you are a East Group person, although your most favourable house facing should be South House. Hope that clears your doubt. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Anon, The My FengShui Membership is different from that of the Paid reports. It provides access to creating and generating unlimited limited reports for access the various people. However, the difference is that the access is granted only for a certain time frame, such as 1 month, 2 months etc. I promised the members that we are busy updating the templates for the members so that the reports they are getting is definitely more than the existing report they are getting. As such to ensure that all the members enjoy it, I will not activate the auto expiry to disable the Membership until 1 Dec 1999. This is to give all our Members value for their subscription for contribution to the maintenance of this site. This expiry does not affect any of the PAID/STANDARD/PREMIUM credits which are permanently available to all users. For more details please refer to this url:- http://www.geomancy.net/services/membership.htm Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Users, We are as busy as before trying to improve the site and all its services:- 4 KEY SITES Just to refresh all users our site has now 4 key highlights which you do not want to miss out:- A. My Adviser - Your personal adviser for clarification and learning more about Feng Shui. - http://www.geomancy-forum.com B. My FengShui - Your personal management to your online reports, online books & courses. - http://www.geomancy-online.com C. My Resources - Your one stop guide to all the published resources to the public. - http://www.geomancy.net/fs/theory.htm D. My Services - Your one stop guide to exploring the different types of services we offer at Geomancy.Net. - http://www.geomancy.net/services/index.htm These 4 sites are now cross-linked to allow you to gain access to related information or services whenever possible. --------------------------------------------- MY FENGSHUI MEMBERSHIP As promised to all users, we were updating the templates and information for the limited versions which is provided to all members. As from 9 Nov 1999, the templates to these limited reports has been updated. You will find more information to each report:- A. Limited Pillars of Destiny - will be based on the v7.x report - contains the day, month, year chart. - element of your birth (eg. fire) - 40 years of Luck Pillars (without any combinations, clashes, harms, symbolic stars etc.) - Animal Sign. B. Limited Flying Star - contains the full 20-year chart with Mountain & Water Star. - 3 Sectors of analysis (without the 81 unique interpretations, or detailed yearly anlaysis etc.) C. Personal Stars - Have the animal bone anlaysis. D. Finding a Good House - contains 4 sectors North, South, East, West (without the personal element, or several other analysis to determine the sector.) - Summary of Auspicious, Inauspicious type house facing (without the Excellent direction). E. Full version of the Flying Star House Numbering Report. F. Full version of the Comparison Report. We intend to give users full value for their membership. Thank you for your support during while we were still fine tuning these reports. As such all existing members who have yet to enjoy these new reports, will be able to enjoy the reports. We will start the membership expiration on 1 Dec 1999. PS: This value is also extended to our Beta Testers who have their account marked as Special Access to thank you for your contributions and feedback:) --------------------------------------------- ABOUT US Ever since this site was developed we have not updated the About Us page. In addition, our site has now more than 4,000 webpages which this takes quite alot of time to update. But finally, we have updated this page. Anyway, due to many requests by users to learn more about us, we have recently updated the page. http://www.geomancy.net/fs/author.htm --------------------------------------------- Once again we would like to thank all users for your support and encouragement. Geomancy.Net will continue to set the standards and improve on its sites and services for your benefit. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Course on Pillars
Robert Lee posted a topic in Ba Zi Feng Shui / 4 Pillars of Destiny / Life Reading
Dear Toni, Yes, there will be a course for Pillars of Destiny. Pillars of Destiny in my own opinion is extremely complex and even exceeds the complexity of the Flying Star (which is already pretty complex as it is.) Currently, the reason why there are very little books on this subject is because the original pillars can span easily between 20 volumes of more than 200 pages each targeting specific aspects of the Pillars. So it is not an easy topic to produce a course on. However, we will plan to have a course on it in the later future, possible after we have completed the Flying Star course first. Warmest Regards Robert Lee -
Dear Toni, Please read below:- It depends on where it is located. Simply:- If located in the Eight Character of Birth, there is very little one can do to change much. It would mean that a person is lightly to be in such a situation where he wants to do something but somehow or rather it backfires or is not very successful. If occurs in the year, that means that for that year he or she is likely to face difficulties. However, this lasts only for the duration of the year. This is a brief explanation. The extend depends upon whether to that person this particular Wu or Chen is beneficial to them or not. All Clashes, Harms, Punishments etc have good and bad clashes, Harms, Punishment. So so long as they are good clashes, you need not worry much, but if they are bad clashes which worsen the situation than you have you be careful, but countering the element involved to reduce the influence. Yes, if there are missing elements, you must compensate for it especially if it represents your main chart. This is because if you are unbalanced, you are likely to face problems. Everything has to be in moderation. It does not mean that if say a weak wood, person cannot have metal. Metal also forms a certain portion of the ten-deities which represents at least two different aspect. What is important is total balance. The key analysis usually is done to determine firstly if you are weak or strong. Then next comes if your elements are balanced or unbalance. Hope that answers your question. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Ng, Please read below:- Hi Robert, Thanks for your reply. My personal element is earth, not too sure whether is weak or strong. Date of birth : 25-Nov 1970 @ Singapore. Any different whether I'm a weak or strong earth person? In fact, I do have a fish Yes, there is a difference. A) weak earth for example favours Fire and dislike Wood. B) strong earth for example favours Metal and dislike Fire. This also means that the luck period for the year also varies due to the difference. Also, many other analysis will differ as the favourable and unfavourable elements are totally different. For example a weak wood is like a small tree, easily broken so need constant assistance. For example a strong wood is like a big tree, not so easily cut down, and more stronger.
Dear Chris, The stars are identified by the use of Flying Star theory. Based on the formula and calculation, a base star, the mountain & water star will be worked out. Thus, the main door direction is needed. Once the details are worked out, the analysis for each sector can than be deduced. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
Dear Anon, Please read below:- This is because many people who are practising Feng Shui has mainly learnt only the Flying Star and the Shapes and Forms. And that they feel that the Flying Star is so powerful that you do not need anything else. However, if you understood that the Flying Star is a tool just to analyse the House, you will realise a very important factor which is ignored:- The suitability of the a person to the house. This was one of the reason the Eight House has been used widely to help to cover that link. However, Eight House utilises the Year of birth which is very inaccurate as that would mean that there are only 8 different variation for everyone who is born based on the year of birth. The Pillars of Destiny which is found on this site focus on the fact that Pillars can determine your true personal element, eg. weak or strong wood. And it is based on the day of birth. This means that for everyone in the year say 1999, will have 365 different days and each day is dominated by different elements. Thus, Pillars is vital to creating the missing link of finding the element of a person. And when you have an element of a person and an element of a house, you can closely relate it together. This is one of the key principle of a Ba Zi Feng Shui. And also, what a person encounters in a particular year is determined by what is his luck for that year, thus, that again plays an important part in a complete analysis. Thus, to analyse Feng Shui a range of all the tools has to be applied to get the most accurate reading and analysis of the matter. Basically, these are entirely up to you. For the colour of the house, I feel it is best to leave it as white as that is a neutral colour. Remember so long as you say enhance yourself with the element (which can be represented by colour, type, object, job related etc.) Any just keep up with the yearly changes, which often affects you the most for the entire year. Any of the above will bring you increased luck. Warmest Regards Robert Lee You are welcome! Warmest Regards Robert Lee
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