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Robert Lee

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Everything posted by Robert Lee

  1. Dear Chris, Please read below:- 1. Breadwinner should stay in a house facing suitable to him. This means that the best would be to have the main door and bedroom located in his good sectors. Or at least he should be located in a bedroom which is his good sectors. 2. Next comes the wife if applicable. Should preferably locate together with a good with the husband. If not priority goes to the husband. The bed location should be located where the head is in the direction of their good sectors. 3. Next goes to finding suitable rooms for the rest of the members. At least if they cannot be located in a good sector locate them such that the bedroom does not fall within disaster and death as these two normally spells trouble, especially since the bedroom is where the person spends most of his or her time. 4. As for furniture placement, I guess it is entirely up to you. If it is a common area, locate the furniture such that it does not obstruct or accidentally create a poison arrow. And for each individual member, locate the key items such as study table or sitting locating where possible to face the good directions. This is as far as what the Eight House can do. It does not tell you the sectors influence of the house which overrides the good influence of the Eight House. But hope it helps you. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  2. Dear Ng CT, Please read below:- This is an auspicious sector of your house and yes you can consider this a wealth area. 7 (weak Metal) 3 (Strong Wood) 7 (weak Metal) If I am not wrong there should also be a option for you to activate the Mountain Star. Since it is found in a room (study room). If there are no windows in that direction, please activate the Mountain Star with a Earth element item (such as a paper weight, or a large picture). Usually, the better place to place a fish tank is often in the living room area with a larger open space, because Water star is often activated better with an open space. And for this case, if you use a Water element it may activate the inauspicious base Wood 3 Lawsuit star. However, before I can come up with a proper recommendation, I would like to know what is your personal element and whether you are the person who will be making use of this study? The best element type to use to activate the good star is Metal or at least Earth. Which will in turn control the inauspicious base star. This analysis is done without taking into consideration of the person or your personal element. In which case, if you can activate the Mountain as mentioned above you should be able to activate the wealth area as well. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  3. Dear Users, I would like to add further on this matter. Let me relate it to why I always stress that when an individual lack a certain element, one of the best cures is to come into constant contact with the related element, such as using colour. This relates to my elder brother. He is basically a weak wood, and lacks lots of water and in the past he did not really believe much about Feng Shui. We told him that his favourable type of element is water, which means that his likely favourate colours are blue, black and grey. And true enough, when he started to believe in Feng Shui, he purchased a pond and started to rare koi in the living room (but also note that is was placed in an auspicious water star position). And to add to that he constantly love to wear blue, black colour clothings. In addition his car was also blue in colour. So this means that when he goes out he is already with his favourable element (water) as clothing, when he is driving he is again with his favourable colour (water). When he is back at home, he is with his koi fishes (water). So this would mean that even if he is faced with an inauspicious element for the year or in his jobs or whatever, say Metal, the water which he is constantly in contact with actually strengthens his weak wood and say when he does come into contact with Metal, the water which is his favourable element will in turn draw strength from the Metal and further strengthening him. Thus, he has been extremely successful in his career and family:) Why have I brought up this personal experience? Many times users have always ask us why in our report we do not specify what type of items such as water can be related to rearing a fish pond, putting a fountain etc. Instead for example our report points the individual to the right direction or to the root of the problem say water? This is because to apply Feng Shui you do not really need to spend extra money on purchasing "Feng Shui related items". Every object, colour, shape and type are essentially recorded as a particular element. This means that when we talk about about say this period Metal reigned by Metal element influence and the suggested cure is say Water or Fire, it opens a range of items or ways you can improve your luck or situation. Why? When one hears that the `cure' is Fire, what should you do? Relate the Fire to red, pink and purple. (or any shades close to red), related objects such as candle, stove, cooking, related to shapes such as pointed shapes, or objects which are triangle. Or relate to a house being a Fire element type house or etc. If you noticed that everything and anything can be related to Feng Shui through the use of Five Elements. Thus, to know the root of the problem is more important than relaying on just a single object such as to cure a sickness star use only Wind Chime, or to increase your wealth use only Fountain. Instead, with the knowledge of the elements you lack, you can apply just like my brother in many ways, the way you dress, the way you choose favourable colours for your car, the way you look for a favourable house element etc. This is essentially more powerful and more flexible approach than giving you a fixed description or `spoon fed'. This is for us to ponder: Have anyone wondered can we use `cures' in relation to Astrology (especially Western astrology). When they relates to the stars etc, they can give you several pages of description about certain characteristics or that something is going to happen to you etc. However, ever wonder, yes from the stars something is going to happen to me, how can I avoid it? Often that is not the case with Western Astrology. Yes, you get lots of details but of which none actually have a cure, all the advice would likely be to avoid going out etc. Whereas if we find that Destiny based on say Pillars not only tells us e.g. the year is inauspicious, but also the element involved likely to cause you unfavourable influence. In addition, you know what you can do to cure or improve upon it. Thus, a Feng Shui is has a very practical approach to the way it handle things. That is why we always stress that everything has to be related to Five Element to be authentic Feng Shui/Destiny. Look at:- A. Shapes and Forms - The shapes and its various forms are related to Five Element. B. Pillars of Destiny - Relates a person to his own personal element and the changes elemental influence relating to him. C. Flying Star - Relates a house or office to the Five Element. D. Eight House - Uses the Eight Trigram to relate some portion of an Eight Variant element. However, there are many limitation. But at least this relates a little to the individual. Whereas, Flying Star does not take into account a person. E. Eight Characters Feng Shui - This utilise information between a person and a home to provide indepth analysis. For those who are unaware, in actual fact when you apply Pillars and Flying Star, some essence of what makes it possible to bind the two theories together came from the essence of the powerful Eight Characters Feng Shui. Thus, it is important to apply an ALL ROUNDED analysis. Each theory was developed for a specific purpose and that is why we cannot forgo any single theory. I am glad that many users are more aware of it. And that we have been doing right from the start. And I am glad that Glyn has also brought up the matter of the Flying Star. I know she practice Feng Shui in total. What she was actually trying to say is that with the Flying Star often you can get a greater insight that might not be possible with just the external shapes and forms. But she did mentioned that she relate that to the Pillars and other form. Basically, I do agree with her that Flying Star is indeed powerful, sometimes it provides the additional insights not seen by other tools, thus is an invaluable tool when wanting to assess and solve a problem. However, without relating to other theories, it alone it pretty limited. Because we have to understand when is it a problem related to the home, when is it a personal problem related to the Pillars, when is it related to the external factors. It is with all these theories together, taking the best of each, that you can piece together a clear and accurate picture. In order to improve a situation many areas of cures has to be done to fix all the individual problem (no matter how minor). This is because when a single problem is fixed, the inauspicious features for that problem is reduced. When you fix all the bad sector, by then nearly all the problem would have been resolved, and there is where you star to enjoy good luck. Hope that helps:) Warmest Regards Robert Lee PS: Apologise as I have been busy with lots of backend development, thus did not have much time to participate in the discussion. I am working on something that I believe users will find extremely useful when it is finally launched!
  4. Dear Anon, Wu and Chen are by themselves a Self Punishment sign. This already means that there are some kind of misfortune to occur. As to the severity it depends on the type of additional clashes combinations or situation which they occur in. Just like any clash or harm, there are good clash and bad clash, so it all depends on the situation. However, it is generally said to bring some inauspicious situation, especially when Wu meet another Wu or Chen meets another Chen. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  5. Dear Elena, Please read below:- Every year the yearly flying star will change. However, the base 20-year flying star should still remain the same. What happens when you get such a situation. This means that for the SE sector, where the yearly 7 comes into 20-year 7 base star, that is the most auspicious of the 20-year year combination. This also means that for the North Sector, where the yearly 5 comes into 20-year 5 base star, that is the worst year for the entire 20-year year. In order to see what you should do for solving the sector, what is also required is the mountain and water star of the 20-year chart. Yes, it is correct to say that double 5 use metal, however, the double 5 is more dangerous when it occurs as a 5 mountain and 5 water star. Thus, it does not really have the same impact as having a 55 (mountain vs water). So in order to solve or improve the sector I need to know what is the Mountain and Water star of that sector. That will overall determine what kind of influence you get on that sector. This goes the same for all the various sectors as it simply mean that it is the strongest influence for all the stars, the best being extremely good, while the bad being extremely bad. Maybe you like to tell me which profile in your account, and I can check it out and give you some recommendations? Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  6. Dear Users, 1. Change of E-mail & Account Name ================================== To all users who had previously asked how they can change their e-mail account name for their My Feng Shui (Universal / Report / Course / Book Management). You can now change it under the Change your Login Account option found under the Account Info. 2. Request for Certificate ========================== To all Course users, an option at the end of the last lesson, will allow you to update your address and sent a notification to Cecil & Robert to prepare the certificate. 3. Other Enhancements ===================== There are some fine tuning to several section of the forms which now includes some javascript validation and quick help assistance to provide some help to generating your report. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  7. Dear Tam, Apologise for the delay, as we did miss posting this message. Yes, that is correct if you use the 9 Square grid method. However, the more accurate way is to use the 8 Pie method. If you have done the latest Eight House Report, I have added a graphic which has divided the sector equally using a Circle. You can then superimpose that circle onto your home to accurately determine the exact source of influence. As in actual fact, it is not a square sector that gets the influence, but the angle which falls like a fan from lesser at the center to a wider range at the outside of the house. Similarly for the Flying Star, make use of the 9 pie (8 pie and a circular center as the 9th sector). This way you can more accurately determine which sector belongs under what influence. After which you can take the 33% rule set to see which one sector occupies 33% or more of the sector. Then that direction should be where the flying star influence for that sector will be more active in that room. Yes, you can do so, but please attach it to the Conference for Attachement under this forum, as any files attached to our e-mail may jam our mails, as there is often a certain limited mailbox space. Sorry, I do not believe, I recall receiving any attachment? May be you like to attach it again to the forum. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  8. Dear Anon, The Recommend this site to a Friend option can be used as a simple e-mailing tool to a friend. That is as best as we can provide for. Otherwise, there is a Geomancy E-mail Service on this site. You can create an absolutely free e-mail account to make use of:) (eg. abc@geomancy.zzn.com) Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  9. Dear Jim, As mentioned in the previous message to another user. Selling a House does not really fall under Feng Shui. At best what you should do is keep the house bright and pleasing to look at and get a good real estate agent to help you advertise your home. Other than that, there is very little you can do personally to help the sales except maybe to increase your personal luck by enhancing yourself with favourable elements. This way you might be able to increase your chance of getting a suitable buyer. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  10. Dear Gem, Apologise for the late response. Must have missed this question. Basically for selling a house, there is no reason for you do a Home Audit, so the best I can suggest is that you keep the house clean and pleasing to look at. Furthermore, Feng Shui can only be used to enhance the balance in nature. It is not a miricle cure or solution to every problem. On a personal note, is to enhance you personal self with your favourable elements, so that it increases your luck while you are meeting up with prospective buyers. Other than that, basically, there is nothing much other tips that works for selling a house. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  11. Dear Laura, For your case, because the office does not belong to you, what you can do is to enhance your personal self. For example, if you know that you are a weak wood, you should wear water element (blue/black) types of clothings and have some of those elements present on your desk to enhance yourself. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  12. Dear Jenney, Please read below:- Yes they are actual reference to the actual family relationship. When the element is related to say the Mother, and the element is unfavourable to you, which means some kind of disagreement is likely to occur. This is especially so when it occurs throughout your luck periods. Later on, I will be adding detailed analysis to each member of your family. Hope that helps to clear your query. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  13. Dear Users, Although, we are no longer able to provide many of the online reports free, we will still continue to provide free assistance to all users who really need them. It is for this purpose that the OFF-SITE Special Home Audit conference has been set up. For users who are in need of our help, can post your problems to that conference. We will evaluate your request and provide whatever necessary assistance. This means that if your problem requires assessment of your home, we will provide you with a Flying Star Report to assist you. For those in FINANCIAL difficulties we will provide the service absolutely free. However, for those who are looking for solutions to improving their health or other problems, you may qualify for our Special OFF-SITE audit of US$25, while we subsidize the rest for you. All in all, if you do qualify for our assistance, we will provide you with the necessary reports and personal assistance. We will analyse your situation and tell you how you can improve them. All in all such a service which normally would cost easily above US$188 and more, will be subsidized for you so that you get the same help as needed. Thus, if feel free to post your request to the OFF-SITE Special Home Audit if you are think you need our assistance. We have been providing many such services to lots of users around the world, so feel free to approach us if you need our assistance. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  14. Dear Users, Since Geomancy-Online Reports was created in Oct / Nov 1998, it has developed many more useful and comprehensive reports. And along the many months assisted many users of their various problems. Since Jan / Feb 1999, when an online management was developed, it has accumulated upto more than 45,200 accounts by Oct 1999. And we are now having a daily usage by the various memebers of not less than 1,000 users a daily. Thus, because of the high usage rate, we have been exceeding our local ISP's standard bandwidth limit. Which is costing us several thousand per month. We have been subsidizing these excess for several months now for your benefit. Geomancy.Net has been constantly providing all users with lots of free learning resources, learning forum, and many free computerised reports. All in hope that you will continue to benefit from the power and harmony of Feng Shui. However, we will no longer be subsidizing these free online reports. This is because it is not possible for anyone to provide free services and yet have to pay several thousand to maintain it. As at Oct 1999, all previously offered Free reports will now be shifted to be "Members Only" sections. The only report which will continue to be free to all users is the Eight House report. Members Only Reports (as at 17 Oct) =================================== - Pillars of Destiny (birth element, & 10-years analysis) - Flying Star (1 full sector analysis) - House Number Report (to determine which house number for flats is a better unit) - Pillars of Destiny Comparison - Finding a Good House (4 directions, North, South, East, West). - Personal Stars - plus any new reports which we developed However, to gain access to the vault of free tools, the membership is priced at very affordable amounts such as US$ 1, just as a token of your payment to the ISP for accessing these tools. In addition, we will ensure that these reports such that they will provide additional analysis as opposed to when it was provided totally free. Also, when new reports are developed, they will all have a limited analysis report for our My FengShui members. We have enjoyed providing all users with the best for whatever free/paid services we offer here at Geomancy.Net. We will continue to do so for your benefit. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  15. Dear Chris, What you mentioned is similar to what I had mentioned in the past in this forum with regards to the two methods of calculating the Flying Star Chart. The first method is called the Compass and the other the Formula method. In most instances, we normally will not need to use the Formula method. This is because when you one takes the compass outside to measure, without any influence of any other magnetic fields, the compass can still accurately take into account the deviation; and the compass reading outside the house should be used. The differences will be found in the Flying Star Course which we are still busy fine tuning due to the complexity of the theory itself. Under the Geomancy-Online (Reports)I had already programmed the Formula method into a Flying Star Report. However, this version is not shown to the public so as not to complicate the users. As so long as the compass direction can be determined properly outside of the house, one do not need to use the Formula method. But when there is a significant deviation, we will use the Formula method. Currently based on our experience, rarely if ever we use this method. Though, having tested out several times, when a proper angle can be taken outside of the house, often the charts are identical/similar. Thus, just like the Pillars of Destiny, though I can always put in the Xia template, which I did not so as not to complicate the matters. Similarly, this has been done here so that it does not complicate the matters, where if the direction of the main door has been properly analysed, there shouldn't be a need for the Formula method. I am glad that you brought this up as currently even many Feng Shui practioners today do not even know of the Formula method. Feng Shui is pretty complicated as it is there are many different ways and technique, but remember that knowing when to use what and how much to take from one theory along with another is equally important. Thus, the various reports found on this site has been catered to do so without the complexity. Remember that Flying Star (Xuan Kong Fei Xing) is only ONE of the many theories available. To ensure accuracy, you need a few reports together to be effective. And when done properly, all the reports will give similar results be it Eight House, Flying Star etc. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  16. Dear Anon, San Sha is simply Triple Killing. That the 3 directions or mountain combines together and thus create an unfavarourable zone for any of the three locations. Sui Po is Location in conflict with the Grand Duke. Which is located opposite of the Grand Duke. Both of which are normally locations which are not in favourable terms with the Grand Duke. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  17. Dear Bless, Apologise for the late response. Can you provide more details such as what types of clash (which pillar with which, and what is the clash that is found)? Basically, clashes are a little complicated and I need know exactly so that I can advice you further on this. One way to reduce it is to ensure that the suggested binding elements are found between the you and your dad. That will reduce it at least. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  18. Dear Anon, Animal Bones are the explanation derived from the Buddhist Three Lives Theory. It is quite accurate in predicting the characteristics and stars which a person may have. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  19. Dear Anon The position of the Grand Duke changes every year. Next year is East-South-East, 120 Degree This information is actually found in the Flying Star Report or the Grand Duke module. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  20. Dear Anon, Apologise for the delay, we are pretty busy the past week. The time to change the cure is based on the Chinese Lunar Year. That means after it passes to the next Chinese new year which should be on 5th Feb 2000. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  21. Dear Users, We have been rather busy with several back-end development and front end improvement to the site. From now onwards, we have unified the the online reports, online courses & online bookstore into "My Feng Shui" account. (Which is your own personalised Feng Shui centre to access tools and services available at Geomancy.Net) This would make it easier for users as you will not be confused by the various names previous called. So from now onwards, you only need to remember:- 1. My Feng Shui Account 2. Geomancy-Forum Account My Feng Shui Account ==================== A. Majority of the site has been given a face-lift. This means that the site is more pleasing and easier to access from one-point to another. B. REPORT MENU - New enhancements has been done to make generating of reports very much easier:- The reports will pop-up in a new window to allow you to regenerate another without having to re-list the reports menus. I) Personal Self - allows you to generate all personal related reports from one unified screen. II) Home/Office House - allows you to generate all house related reports from one unified screen. III) Auspicious Date - allows you to generate all dates related reports from one unified screen. IV) Online Help Wiz - provides you with related question tagged to each report name which will make it easier for you to know which report to use. V) List All - gives you the old interface which you can have access to all the reports using the previous old menu. (Currently some reports such as comparison and more still needs to go to this list to access. As we are still sorting the reports to the respective screens). However, most of the online reports are already available via the Personal Self or House menu. --------------------------------------------- This change is necessary as there are more reports and sub-reports available and the old interface was catered to individual reports rather than to assessing a large group of personal and houses. Thus, this new layout will allow quick access to generating all the reports for an individual. This will also to prepare for the launch of various new reports and even easier to understand reports! We apologise if some of the links in the Online Help Wiz is still uncompleted. Also, some pages still have to the old interface which we are busy updating and fine-tuning. However, users will find the new site easier, nicer and more user-friendly to use. Thank you for all your valuable feedback and support! Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  22. Dear Users, I have been simplifying steps in generating reports under Geomancy-Online.com: 1. Reports now loads faster without having to repeat certain steps. Under Step 1 : Creating reports: you now have a link at each report to allow you to add new profiles immediately. 2. Have refined several templates correcting typos with regards to certain explanation for many of the recently launched reports. 3. Have added an explanation page for displaying a sample of each report which was previously not provided. 4. Refined the Eight House report which now includes an Eight Pie directional division (which is I believe a better method); allowing the report to be clearly mapped out like a pie chart in 8 equal divisions. This is much better than dividing the template into 9 equal squares. 5. Removed any unnecessary details in the many reports. The reports now focuses specifically on providing you answers to the questions. Hope the you will find accessing the site even easier! Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  23. Dear Anon, I know that you like to know more about this theory, but as you know I have not released this report to all users. (Currently only previewable by Beta Testers.) The reason being is that I have yet to put in the explanation or have not been fine tuned to be ready for use. Please give me some time to concentrate on the development for the official release. Once I release the module for the public, it will be accompanied with explanation. And I will also post information relating to how to apply them and which tools takes priority over what. The main chart you see is a snapshot of improving a person's life and wealth. I actually did not want to release it until it was officially launch, but since you requested it in the last message, I generated a snapshot for you. The chart can be re-analysed for others such as romance, marriage, and many more. Which may have a slightly different results for each direction. Please understand, that if both Cecil and myself are only human, we are not computers. We cannot at any one time answer questions and develop programs (which by the way takes a lot of concentration and time), enhance the site or write articles etc. At any one time, we can only be doing one or the other. So I leave anymore queries about this topic unanswered until I have officially launch it, so that I can focus on the development of providing another useful tool to all users. As this is another powerful theory equal to that of the Flying Star or even more! Thus, do not expect it to be easy to understand immediately. Hope you understand. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  24. Dear Anon, Please read below:- Simply because:- 1. Ba is Eight in chinese. 2. Zi is Word or Character in chinese. So the proper translation is Eight Characters. Why Eight Characters regarding destiny reading is called Four Pillars or Pillars of Destiny is simply:- Because the Eight Charcters forms 4 heavenly and 4 earthly branch, thus one heavenly and one earthly branch is considered one pillar. Thus, since it the main four pillars (which is the basic of eight characters, excluding the additional houses/pillars), thus often called 4 pillars. We prefer to call it Pillars of Destiny, partially because it is does not consist of only 4 pillars but in traditional has 4 pillars with 6 additional houses (of which many regarding yin feng shui aspect is no longer used). And its main purpose is to deduce a person's destiny, thus a more appropriate term we prefer to use is Pillars of Destiny. Or in chinese Ba Zi Ming Xue (where Ming is life / destiny, and Xue is study / theory). Eight Characters Feng Shui (Ba Zi Feng Shui) is thus another school of relating a person's Feng Shui to a house or his own personal directions. In Feng Shui, two of the most commonly practised "compass school", meaning relating to compass directions are:- 1. Xuan Kong Feng Xing (Flying Star) 2. Ba Zi Feng Shui (Eight Characters Feng Shui) Where Flying Star takes into time factor to deduce influence in a particular home at a particular time. And for Eight Characters deduces the personal influences based on directional influences. Thus, when you combine the readings of Flying Star and Eight Characters you get true personalised Feng Shui. This is the why Traditional Feng Shui is so powerful. Basically, if Feng Shui can be easily applied without any relation to a person, it is not really considered Feng Shui. Thus, the BTB Feng Shui is often based on this, where they assume that everything else is always the same. Well, in real life, there is no such things, the reason why no one can always enjoy a good life, is due to the constant changing influence in a persons life. Thus, there will always be ups and downs, only when you know what will be expecting can you expect to improve, change or correct any possible disaster, and that is what Feng Shui aims to do. There is no need for any fancy items (such as Feng Shui jewelry, Feng Shui objects etc). Instead is it about balance yourself with your environment which is sometimes difficult due to many unaccounted influences. Thus, in order to make it easier, many Traditional theories available such as Eight Characters Feng Shui, Flying Star, Eight House, Pillars of Destiny, Shapes and Forms, etc. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
  25. Dear Anon, Nope, that is not really true. Depending on whether the year has a 13th month or not, the start of a Chinese new year varies. For year 2000, the new year starts on 5 Feb. For year 2001, the new year starts on 24 Jan. Warmest Regards Robert Lee
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