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Robert Lee

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Posts posted by Robert Lee

  1. Dear Waldo,
    What are the stars that are in your Main door direction? Without that, it is difficult to tell you an answer off-hand.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

    On 1/8/99 5:18:03 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear Friends, I just finished
    an annalisis of a Xuan kong
    chart, I will like to receive
    your feedback about it.
    House build in 6th period
    I supoused is a very
    unfortunate structure.
    Divorce problems.
    and pour wealth in this house.
    what do you think?

  2. Dear Joan,
    Based on the Chinese Astrological signs:-
    Until 15 Feb 1999, this period is still considered a Tiger year.
    Rooster in a Tiger year represents:-

      a. Good fortune and good time to push ahead with personal plans.
      b. Career switching is good and best go into partnership with one born in Ox.
      c. Plenty of chance to meet a partner, but true love comes only at the end of the year.
      d. Stay away from the sick otherwise it may spread to your family members.
    Rat in a Tiger year represents:-

      a. Beware of cash flow problems. Manage your budget wisely. Best to save.
      b. Better to be employee then boss.
      c. Those born in 1948 may have good or bad news coming your way in December
      d. Don't others make use of your strong sensitivity in romance to ruin you.
    After 16 Feb 1999, then is a Rabbit year.
    Rooster in a Rabbit year represents:-

      a. Opportunity will come but you also have strong competition.
      b. Career and money prospects alternatives between good and bad.
      c. Take care of your health in the raining seasons.
    Rat in a Rabbit year represents:-

      a. Good opportunities for the rat. If you have planning, it would be better
      b. Career and money best during spring and summer. 1960 person should beware for financial loses in Sep.
      c. Those who are married should stay away from extramarital affairs.
      d. Beware of robberies for those born before 1948.

    That should answer your queries as using Chinese Astrology you can only generally lok at the annual luck of the person as there are other issues which could affect the outcome.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

    On 1/9/99 9:27:43 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Hello Cecil,
    Thank you for giving me a
    chance to write you and i was
    hoping if you could mail me
    back the answer to my
    1. I was born June 14, 1969
    and I am a rooster sign. what
    is my fortune this month?
    2. My boyfriend is a rat sign
    and i want to know his fortune
    this year?
    3. this year is the year of
    the rabbit . what fortunate
    animal sign would be?
    thank you ,

  3. Quote
    On 1/8/99 10:23:22 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Hi ... thanks for your reply.
    Maybe I should study FS
    thoroughly and then make some
    research in this field. I
    heard many FS Master in my
    country are working on this
    but I am not sure whether they
    get it right or not as we
    can't rely totally on

    Regarding this you can use another theory called zi wei dou shu (Star Chart), some kind of Chinese Astrology. You will be able to generate a zi wei dou shu which you can use to predict luck (for gambling or whatsoever.)

    The FS Master calculate when
    is the best time to enter the
    casino, using which door or
    direction that will strengthen
    their fortune .. etc.

    Yes, you can read up from books, but just remember that as far as possible look for those written by personal who had say training in Hong Kong and Taiwan. These book written by them will contain more accurate theories with regards to Feng Shui.
    Western books so far most of them, except those converted from these Hong Kong or Taiwan masters, have only general information.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

    Cecil, do you think that I can
    learn up FS just by reading
    books as I can't afford to
    attend any courses conducted
    by the FS Master at the

    On 1/7/99 8:27:28 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear David,
    Thanks for this interesting
    view. So far this is not
    mentioned in any of the
    `ancient/traditional' Feng
    Shui books/practises but you
    may never know, and it may
    work as besides the dragon
    (the most Yang of all
    creatures, the tiger is
    considered the opposite, the
    most Yin of all Feng Shui
    creatures... and is on the
    `dark side' or .. viz a viz
    gambling? Well, anyone tries
    this and work, do let us

    On 1/6/99 4:55:28 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Hi Feng Shui Experts,
    Recently I saw a movie about
    Feng Shui, it says that we can
    strengthen our winning luck if
    we put a glass of water in our
    Is it true ? Hmm .. is there
    anyway to strengthen our
    winning luck ? For example the
    place where we sit when we are
    in casino or maybe turf club
    (horse racing) ?
    Will that help us ? Thanks in

  4. Welcome to Eight House Discussion,
    Feel free to post any queries you have about regarding this topic.
    To start the discussion going, I am posting a brief introduction of what is Eight House.
    Brief Introduction about Pillars of Destiny:-

      1. Eight House is also known by the following Personal Directions, 8 Directions, zhai yun.
      2. Eight House takes into account the date of birth of a person and the gender. With this information, you can generate which Kua you belong to.
      3. Determining the kua will allow you to know what are the 4 good and 4 bad directions. Also it will determine the most suitable house for you.
      4. What are the uses of the Eight House?

        a. To find the 4 good and 4 bad directions.
        For Example, if you find yourself constantly ill check if you are sleeping facing the direction of your DISASTER or some bad directions.
        Or if you like to do well in your work, make sure that you are facing the Excellent or Prosperity direction when you are working.
        b. To know the main door direction facing of your house.
        Knowing this, you can use this knowledge and the Flying Star of the house to find the most suitable house for you.

    You can try out a Free Report version of the Eight House under the Report Management at
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
  5. Welcome to Flying Star Discussion,
    Feel free to post any queries you have about regarding this topic.
    To start the discussion going, I am posting a brief introduction of what is Flying Star.
    Brief Introduction about Pillars of Destiny:-

      1. Flying Star is also known by the following
      names, fei xing, xuan kong fei xing.
      2. Flying Star takes into account the movement of two stars and the base star which is constantly flying around, therefore, every house and the time it was built will give you a different chart.
      3. What is the 20 year Flying Star used for?

        a. To find the Feng Shui of your House or Office.
        Even if the house may suit you in terms of the Eight House Theory, but the House itself may have some conflicts in the two stars, creating various health and prosperity problem.
        For example, if you are always falling sick, you might like to check the Flying Star of the house you are staying, it may reveal to you that the two stars may be causing your sickness.

    You can try out a Free Report version of the Flying Star under the Report Management at
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
  6. Welcome to Pillars of Destiny Discussion,
    Feel free to post any queries you have about regarding this topic.
    To start the discussion going, I am posting a brief introduction of what is Pillars of Destiny and two of the uses of the Pillars of Destiny.
    Brief Introduction about Pillars of Destiny:-

      1. Pillars of Destiny is also known by the following names, 4 Pillars, ba zi, ba zi ming li, ba zi ming yun.
      2. What is Pillars of Destiny used for?
        a. To find your True Birth Element.
        Your True Birth Element is useful in determining the cures required to activate a particular direction. eg. a wind chime is needed to rectify the location, wind chime comes with different element. So knowing what is your Birth Element, you can apply the correct Wind Chime Element.
        b. To Determine your 80 Year Luck Period.
        If all the 80% of the 80 Year luck period shows that you are in good period, then you are a person who will enjoy good life.
        It can also be used to determine if a particular period is not so good for you, therefore you need to correct or enhance that period to get the best of your life.

    You can try out a Free Report version of the Pillars of Destiny under the Report Management at http://www.geomancy-online.com.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
  7. Dear Desmond,
    Have a prosperous Happy New Year!
    Thank you for your comments. I believe Cecil has written to you via e-mail.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

    On 1/5/99 6:19:35 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Hello Cecil,
    Thanks so much for creating
    this site. I am certainly
    very impressed by it.
    I have two questions:
    1. Can you recommend a Feng
    Shui master which is
    reasonable priced to look at
    my 3 room HDB flat in Marine
    Parade, Singapore ?
    2. When I draw a grid chart
    on my house, I have the NW
    corner missing. I understand
    that this is an important
    corner relating to success,
    can you please advise me on
    how I could rectify it ?
    Thanks/Happy New Year...

  8. Dear Glynis,
    Yes, Feng Shui is getting popular not only in Singapore but all over. As to the matter on how to determine, well you might like to have a chat with who ever the practitioner is and even check out from friends who you know had consulted them before. The make a judgement from what you know of the practitioner.

    On 1/3/99 11:03:39 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Hi there fellow users, it
    appears that Feng Shui is very
    popular in Singapore. Here in
    Perth it is reasonably new
    with some practitioners making
    big bucks, how do you sus out
    the phoney ones?

    Cecil and myself are glad that you are now doing well in your business:)

    My friends have thought me
    slightly eccentric following
    Feng Shui, but let me tell
    you, when under Cecil's
    guidance I activated some
    areas and won a good prize in
    lotto and the business took a
    huge leap forward, they are
    all crying out for me to help

    This forum and chat is still relatively new (less then a week), so it will take time before the users are aware of it so it will take time before the chat room is occupied.

    When is anybody going to be in
    the chat room?

    Thank you for comments. We will continue to improve the site.

    Cheers, Glyn. Great site
    Cecil. Well done.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

  9. Dear Cheryl,
    Eight House is one of the Feng Shui Compass School that applies 8 personal directions to based on a person's date of birth and gender.
    The 8 directions will include 4 good and 4 bad directions.
    This can be used to find the house facing direction that suits you. It also means that whatever you do, for example if one is working, by sitting in the direction facing the excellent direction, you will excel in your work.
    You can generate a Free Eight House Chart of yourself using the Report Management at www.geomancy-online.com.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

    On 1/6/99 8:41:18 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    What is an eight-house? Can
    you tell that by your name?

  10. Dear Eve,
    First of all, wish you All the Very Best for 1999 and Always!
    Will go thru all the comments:) Cheers!

    On 12/31/98 10:48:34 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    dear mark
    first of all, happy new year
    to one and all.
    1. I would like to see someone
    write something about how to
    use "Tong Su". It seems that
    there is a lot of valuable
    information one can derive
    from there.
    there is such a book available
    in the bookshops(in
    singapore). i can't recall the
    name but if you really need
    it, i can check it out when i
    next visit a book shop.very
    comprehensive, although i
    cannot affirm the authenticity
    of the info within. whatever
    it may be, a pinch of salt
    here and there is advisable.
    2. There is so many
    differentiate "feng shui"
    method, how does one know
    which one to use
    good question. i'd like to
    hear what cecil will say. i
    reckon a stance of 'prevention
    is better than cure' is more
    beneficial to practitioners,
    esp. newbies.
    3. I have yet to read any
    books on how to calculate
    one's "8 Character" may be
    there's a topic for you.
    again, there are books on this
    topic too. although not
    written as a whole book, but
    chapters within a book. pls
    note i'm not recommending (as
    i haven't read them in its
    totality yet), just merely
    mentioning their existence.
    authors(english) to look out
    for are evelyn lip and hee yin
    fan, and maybe cecil lee (in
    future?). there are also
    mandarin/chinese paperbacks if
    you're interested, from hk and
    taiwan. happy reading.

    lastly, to cecil, this is
    indeed a much better format
    for a bbs. all the best to
    your new book, reckon its
    almost done, yes? have a great
    1999, make it a productive and
    prosperous one. good health

  11. In such a situation, nothing much can be done . Normally, the advice here is to cover the toilet bowl with the toilet seat cover and close the door. You can certainly try putting riverstones if you want.

    On 1/1/99 6:32:06 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    My Eight House Chart states
    that my prosperity is in the
    NW sector. So sad, this is the
    place housing our third toilet
    and bathroom. It also has the
    laundry in this area and all
    rooms are well used. Any
    suggestions? Would small
    riverstones near the toilet
    bowl help?
    Or do I do nothing as my
    husband's prosperity sector is
    the front door which is good I

    There is no need to do anything as it is already a good sector for your husband.


    Thanks folks for any advice.

  12. Dear Mark,
    If you are a Strong Metal, then any additional metal would not be beneficial to you. This is because in Feng Shui what is most important is the Balance of Element.
    Strong Element is good as it means that you are able to take control of your wealth, life etc. However, when you are Strong you need some controlling elements to control or neutralize the excessive Metal in you.
    Under the Five Element Cures, the Elements that can control Metal are Fire and Wood. Fire directly destroy Metal, or Wood can destroy Earth which helps grow your Metal.
    In terms of the overall house, a Metal house is suitable to your Element. The more important aspect of the house which affects your Element is the renovation and furnitures .
    For furniture and fittings, you might want to include Fire and Wood elements which would control the excessive Metal.

    On 1/1/99 5:58:31 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Cecil, I hope you could give
    me some direction on these :
    1. If I am a "Strong Metal
    person", what would happen if
    I stay at a "Metal direction"
    house ? I would think this
    will enhance my metal, but
    would it be too much ?

    For the personal direction (or Eight House). This actually means that facing this 4 good direction to perform task, such as say when you are working try to face the excellent / prosperity direction. While you are sleeping it would be beneficial to sleep facing the Longevity direction. Etc. Under the Eight House Theory the elements are less important.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

    2. I read some books on how to
    enhance my wealth direction or
    how to activate my best 4
    auspicious corner. By activate
    this corner, does it mean I
    should also be concern about
    whether I am a strong Fire or
    weak Wood ?
    Please advice. Thanks in

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