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Posts posted by arosario@parc.xerox.com

  1. Hi all! (Dear Cecil, Sorry that I haven't written in awhile, my dad passed away and since my sister died too last year, it took me quite awhile to recover from this sadness).
    BUT - we are ALMOST settled into our home - I have de-cluttered the house and now am awaiting my luck to change for a new job. I already put a turtle and a live orchid in the NORTH part of my home. Last time we talked, you said it was alright to put up a mirror above our fireplace mantel, which is located in the NORTH side of our home. Soemeone told me though, that this was not a great idea to place a mirror there as next year the north is where the shar chi will be until March 2001, and that will defiantly stop any progress in my life.
    What is your expert opinion?
    Regards please to Robert and Glyn too!
    Take care,
    Love - Angela

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