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Everything posted by Erika

  1. Hi. My name's Erika. I'm new to feng shui, so I hope that I don't annoy you with the ineptitude of my question. I totally BELIEVE in feng shui, and I know the problems I am facing manifest themselves in every direction I look. I am exerting myself to effect some big & difficult character changes in myself, and I would like my bedroom to reflect those changes. I have always had too much water (or perhaps water-logged wood is a better way of putting it) and not enough fire in my personality, actions, and life. (Or maybe it's a matter of associating myself with too many "water" people who bring out the worst in me.) The result is I become very frustrated and fail to live up to the better-than-average potential I know I have. A wise friend of mine gave me a metaphor: it's as if I am unable to build a fire because I have too much firewood preventing a fire from taking hold. He says the best way to build a fire is to take just a few pieces of kindling at a time, building the fire incrementally instead of trying to set alight all my firewood at once. But I usually feel overwhelmed by too many things to consider at once and I know I am overly generous to my great disadvantage. My moods swing from overly anxious to lethargic with little moderation in between the extremes. I have no idea how to describe the problems specifically feng-shui-wise as they are showing up in my bedroom, but if anyone is interested in helping me, please contact me with specific questions which I'd be happy to answer. Learning about this stuff is great fun for me. Thanks a bunch!
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