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HomeSg last won the day on December 7 2023

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  1. Hi Master Cecil, Thanks for explaining the process of detecting paranormal activities. May i engage your geomancy services for selecting an ideal unit for this development?
  2. Hi Master Cecil, For info, the development's name - 'SORA' is inspired by the Japanese word for 'sky' (空).
  3. Hi Master Cecil, Apologies. Pls see if the curly braces are visible in the enclosed image.
  4. Hi Master Cecil, Thanks for sharing the links above. Would it affect the occupants if there was a homicide case in the development previously?
  5. Hi Master Cecil, Thanks for the quick review and apologies for the unclear image. Have indicated the frontage in yellow curly braces for each stack in the enclosed image. SORA_Frontage.docx
  6. Hi Master Cecil, Thanks for taking time to review this development. Enclosed are the draft site plan and legend for the facilities. For info, the compass with the North direction is at the bottom right corner of the site plan.
  7. Hi Master Cecil, May I share the site plan with you for a general review of the development under the Period 9 Flying Stars? Thank you.
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