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  1. Thank you for the great explanation. I actually did take online school for feng shui. I understand most books are off accuracy. I agree. Ok, so that makes sense when you said the 2 needs a gradual approach, and not a quick one. I Pay attention to the permanent chart energy, the annual flying stars, AND the monthly flying stars just to be careful. Ok so likely I will switch back to metal element in my SW area mainly until mid period 9 as you had suggested. The 2 was the only confusion I have been having with period 9. I didn't activate the 2 in the SE this year because earth blocks water energy and I have the water 1 and wood 4 in my SE chart. Thank you so much. I look forward to reading more about your teachings Here
  2. I'm confused. I have been seeing many feng shui online say the number 2 is still sickness/illness star during period 9. But others stating it's not auspicious. If I'm correct, the 3 top numbers stand during each 20 year period cycle. Example, during period 7, the top 3 numbers were 7/8/9. During period 8- the top 3 is 8/9/1 (present wealth/near future wealth/distant wealth). So period 9 is supposed to be top 3 numbers 9/1/2- so why are some online feng shui articles stating the 2 is still negative? Joey yap has said the 2 is postive..others have stated the 2 is positive, but should not activate it yet. My house faces SW2 period 8. The facing is 8/2 (8- mountain 2-water). They are both earth. I had activated the annual 9 in my SW all year (except not during the months where a negative 5/7 has come in. I also did not when a metal 6 or water 1 comes there for the month) but still had not seen any positive effects. I feng shui and keep up with the monthly energies. Wondering If the 2 was still causing money loss. I am the mother of the home and chinese goat birthday which I know the SW energies affect me alot. If anyone can advise, thank you. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Or if it's too soon to use fire elements to activate the number 2. Maybe activating the 2 is too early? I feng shui my entire house. Yes we do have the 2/5 in our center but I always use metal here and grey and white color decor to weaken it but still see money problems. But my main issue is the facing direction where money has been stagnant ever since we moved in. I had always used metal element in my SW2 facing, until this year I changed the decorations to fire element as I have heard others say the 2 is now timely and the 8 is neutral. So it was safe to activate both being that the 9 is in SW for 2024. I'm assuming I can continue to use fire elements in my SW to activate the good earth 8 for 2025 too (except during months when the 1/5/6/7 energies come into the area)...let me know any advice. Greatly appreciated
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