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Cecil Lee

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Posts posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Carina,
    Where possible, place plants especially on both sides of the balcony. If the plants flower this would be `great.'
    For cactus, you can still place them in the balcony. Although it has been frequently mentioned that it is not auspicious to do so.
    Do so, if you really liked them else, where possible (in my opinion) try not to `use' them if you can.
    For a balcony, so long as it is within the house, it can be considered in the living area especially if you have sliding doors and immediately get to see it.
    Frankly, placing cactus is quite a subjective issue. For some people who are not aware of Feng Shui, in my opinion, so far, I do not see any ill effects on them..Back to the drawing board?
    Warmest Regards,

    On 5/8/00 1:15:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear Cecil,
    Please advice if balcony is
    considered part of the living
    hall. I have a balcony at my
    living hall and I plan to put
    some plants at it. I
    understand that Cacti can only
    plant outside the house. So
    can I put them in my balcony?

  2. All Chinese refer their birthdays to the Chinese Lunar Calendar.
    As the word `Lunar' suggests, it can also be called the Chinese MOON Calendar.
    It is easy to know when is the start of each month or the start of Chinese New Year.
    For example, Chinese New Year is when if you peer towards the sky (in a clear day) and when there is a FULL MOON, it is more likely either the 15th of the Lunar Month or the First day of a new Chinese Month.
    This is also the rationale why there are 15 DAYS in a CHINESE NEW YEAR.

  3. Dear Cheui May,
    I am glad that things have improved slightly for you. Please monitor and let me know as your case need attention.
    Yes, priority should be to neutralise a poison arrow if possible. Or move away from it.
    The above takes precedence over sleeping in an auspicious sector.
    Take care!
    Warmest Regards,

    On 5/8/00 5:14:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear Cecil,
    please advise, what should
    take priority?
    If I have the head of the bed
    pointing towards an auspicious
    direction according to the 8
    house theory, there is a
    protruding corner from the
    closet aimed at the bed.
    Is it better to move the bed
    away from the direct line of
    the poison arrow, even though
    the head will be pointing in
    an inauspicious direction or
    is it better to face an
    auspicious direction even
    though its in the line of the
    poison arrow?
    Cheui May

  4. Dear Anon,
    1. In my opinion, I share the same view as what you had mentioned.
    2. Based on observations, I do notice that many Chinese do not display deities like Kwan Imm in closed display shelfs.
    3. This is like `imprisoning' the deity.
    4. In some of the earlier replies, I have also mentioned:-
    4.1. Do not place the statue in the bedroom or on the same wall as the toilet.
    4.2. I have not mentioned this but some believers or Feng Shui practitioners do not advise that the statute be placed facing the main entrance door.
    To these practitioners or believers, it is to them, `disrespectful' to `employ' or `misuse' deities to "guard" your main door.
    Well, the above are some of the taboos associated with keeping a deity at home...
    Warmest Regards,

    On 5/7/00 10:08:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear cecil,
    I read somewhere that chinese
    people consider it
    inauspicious to display
    deities like Kwan lin,
    laughing Buddha, 3 star God
    etc in closed display self. Is
    it true. They consider it
    auspicious to display deities
    on open self or small altar
    tables. Is it true. Thanks.

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