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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Cheui May, Please see below:- Here, location, location and location is very important. The key essence is to find a home that can accumulate wealth. Here, I must caution that it does take years (and years) of experience and a keen sense of observation. Although, many (novice or anyone) can still `try' to locate homes that look like they can accumulate wealth. Keen sense of observation like: 1. The type of grain of sand. Eg. sharp edged sand, smooth sand ... This can be quite risky nowadays especially since sand can be transported and placed on top a home (or sand from that location can be contaminated with other sand from other regions). 2. Solid sand or better still hills made of granite are still the best. 3. Hills that are too steep or nearly 50 to 90 degrees especially at the edge of the home may spell trouble due to collase especially due to soil erosion during continous down pour. 4. The above are in my opinion, the most important factors. 5. In my opinion, for a home, the frontage is the most important factor. Here, the frontage must be `clear space' and the back ideally; a solid backing. 6. The main door can be at the side or the frontage area. In some cases, it can still be at the back. It should suit the homeowner. Avoid a situation of Sha qi where, the land is barren or winds are unprotected at the top of the hill. Houses should ideally not be at the top of the hill as it is subject to rains / wind shear and if the geography is mainly sand or loose or weak soil, this spells trouble. (Especially if rainfall is continous for several days.) Houses should preferably it at the 1/3 level of a hill. Ideally, the road should be at the frontage or drive thru to the frontage of the house. It is not good to have a house surrounded by roads. This is bad and subject to manovalent `bad' forces. A road behind the house is not good either. This depends on the situation and it is difficult to give a stereo type answer for this. Each case has to be viewed on its own merits. As mentioned above, one should avoid (if one can) houses with a steep hill. I would avoid it unless, the house is sitting on granite rock or there is sufficent protection against soil eroison. One main factor is that in heavy rainfall, because of the weight of the entire house above it or several homes above it, gravity would ensure that one day, it may just topple down. I have a `bad feeling' about this type of house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. Dear Khairul, 1. In my opinion, there are many books available on Shapes and Form Feng Shui. 2. In architecture or interior design, Shapes and Form is the most applicable. 3. Other than the above, `space clearing' is a common topic. 4. Under this website, you can find many free resources: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/map.htm Particuarly, main topics like: The Landscape, The Site and The Home. 5. Alternatively, you can get like one user mentioned: Basic Feng Shui by Lillian Too. Many of her other books are either repetition or have in my opinion, many contradictions. Alternatively, get books that have a good mix of pictures/illustration and wordings (explanations). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. Dear Elena, 1. In my opinion, textured walls are acceptable. 2. Over here, for the last 5 to 10 years, it also is very popular. It is also very good at detering lizards from climbing on them. 3. In the past, many buildings use rough surfaces (not noecessary sand blasting or textured walls). 4. Thus in my opinon, the textured surfaces is not a concern. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  4. Dear Kaushal, 1. Generally, if one finds pictures pleasing to the eye, there is really no hard or fast rule in the placement. 2. The pictures that one should avoid are those that symbolically represent fierce animals, hanging of swords of such sort. Otherwise, hang pictures at locations which you or your family member `likes'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  5. Dear Sherri, 1. The most effective method is to use a screen (where possible). Otherwise, an `average' alternative is to use plants on both sides of the stairs. Or hang a beaded screen above the ceiling down (the effect is to screen the stairs from the main entrance 2. For the toilet above, close the door when not in use. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Maggie, 1. Based on what u had mentioned, there is no poison arrows (sharp corners) from the windows. 2. As for a double decker bed, some FS practitioners feel that to them, a bed above another bed is like the same concept of a `beam.' In my opinion, as the bed is spread evenly above and furthermore, there are so many people in the world who had in one way or another sleep in such beds, there is I feel no issue on this for most of us. Personally, when I was young had also slept in them. I personally did not as far as I can remember have any ill effects. Many people, I come across also do not face any problems also. For those who may have sleep related problems, could either be mental stress or other problems. And even under certain conditions where a sector is out of balance. For children, there can also be many other factors involved. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Chee Kiat, You can look thru this url: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/cecilcompass.htm Where you can have a better understanding on how to determine the direction of your main entrance door. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear Reuben, This link has several hand sketched pictures which I drew of table layout positions. http://www.geomancy.net/mypictures/cgi-bin/imagesearch.cgi?img=0&search=office+table&cat=all&x=26&y=11 Please click on the thumbnail view of the pictures for a larger image. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  9. Please note that for this development known as " The Tropica " I understand that the TOP or Temporary Occupation Permit is expected to be around December 2000. Thus for this development, it will certainly fall within 1984 to 2003 or Period 7.
  10. Dear Iris, 1. The two main `goals' of Feng Shui is: - To try and enhance beneificial Qi - To neutralise Sha Qi 2. In real life, imagine standing next to or at the bottom of a water fall. One can hear the sound of water. Or thunderous sound of water. Here, a waterfall is said to bring vigourous circulation of Qi. A fountain, if it is large or huge can equally generate quite an amount of sound and activity of water i.e. a case study is the Suntec City fountain, Singapore, which is currently the largest brass/metal ring fountain. 3. A fish tank is usually meant to neutralise sha qi e.g. placed at a window to neutralise a lamp post. Or as a hobby fish tank. 4. Water flowing from west to east as shown in the recent example of The Tropica condominium is where negative ions of water is said to flow thru the frontage of the development. 5. Thus your water position which is considered a `tiny' "toy" is merely more for show. Unless, it can make vigourous sound or activity coming from high flow of water. 6. It is preferred that the water position should be at the left or at the middle as opposed to the right side... where it is considered not favourable under FS condition as you mentioned... `wondering eyes'.... of a spouse. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  11. Dear Kaushal, Actually, it is known as " Five Ghosts " or " Spook " under the Eight House Template in this website. Well it is a term used in Chinese to refer to " Wu Gui " which literally means Five Ghosts. It is just a term to specify the sector and that this is not an auspicious sector. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  12. Dear Andy, Thanks for your clarification. You are indeed forward thinking:) Yes, 7 will continue to represent the same element in any period. But for the number 7, the belief is that it will represent `robbery and crime' say in Period 8. Anyway, the saying that it is nice to have a 7 in say a phone no. period 7 is as it is a general saying. And in my opinion, should not be taken into very seriously. As this is not of primary importance. As some Chinese are particular with the phonetic sound e.g. 4 in Cantonese dialect means `die', 7 is not associated with such phonetic meaning. Thus to some, this is considered a neutral number. (If we do not associate it with the Flying Star no. 7). There are so many viewpoints and interpretation of numbers that it is very very difficult to `pass judgement' on just the number. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Shared wealth 1. Traditionally, Feng Shui is used at a macro level. This is where, locations of cities were found and where possible, it can become a vibrant and prosperous city. Of course there are some not so lucky people but generally, people of that city are overall "healthy and wealthy". 2. In the same light, today, plots of land are looked at in terms of the dragon vein and the harmony between the tiger and dragon. 3. It reasons that, collectively, the residents and neigbhours can enjoy prosperity. If a site is auspicious or good, the `goodness' of the surrounding can add further `goodness' to your home. This is a WIN-WIN situation. 4. For example, in one of the messages under Topic Photo Tours of Interest, an office cum shopping/conference complex like Suntec City, shaped like a palm with water flowing "into the palm" of the development is considered to bring auspiciousness to the entire complex. Thus, everyone in this development can thrive or be pushed with a quantum leap... 5. It is equally good to find say good units in a good development and this can help you get a `competitive advantage' or an edge over others also. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Susan, 1. In Traditional Feng Shui forum such as this, seldom we discuss on `romance, wealth area'. 2. The only time they are `discussed' is when a question such as this is posted to the forum. 3. A `fresh' look at `romance, wealth area or corner' is to look at the opposite: 4. Since (logically speaking) if there is a romance or wealth, career sector, why is it that there are so many various corners that are good? 5. If there is a romance corner, surely there must be a `hatred corner' or if there is a wealth sector, surely there must be a poverty sector. 6. Strange, that there are always good sectors where commercially, in one sense, we may need to `buy' something to enhance the sector. 7. For those who have visited some `Feng Shui' forums will generally be given advise based mostly on `feelings' only. This is one method i.e. intutition... but this may be the only method used for `space clearing'. 8. One important point that we should not forget is that in one of the caricatures, under the topic " Caricatures: Laughter is good medicine "; 9. For example, in this caricature, there is a situation where there is a small boat that has a tiny hole in it. 10. Instead of plugging or mending the hole, the `owner' of the boat wanted instead to `enrich' himself. 11. Here, it would not be use if the boat is slowly sinking and the `owner' of the boat is only thinking `shallowly' about enhancing himself/herself e.g. beautifying or using makeup. 12. The important lesson for all of us is that we MUST first neutralise our `Threats' or `Weakness' and than later look at our `opportunities.' and not the other way around. 12. For example, if a simple threat such as a lamp post is slicing our main door, we should neutralise the threat first than think of ehancing our house etc... 13. Another important point is for example, the emphasis on the plot of land. If the plot of land can provide an `accumulation' of wealth to the owners, collectively, this is already a good advantage or quantum leap in Feng Shui. In such a situation, it is much better than struggling to get a good Feng Shui for a house with a `bad' plot of land. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Michele, 1. Since you family has encountered problems ever since, you had a fish pond built at the back of the house, it would be better if there is no fish pond at the back of the home. 2. Basicially, it is usually the water position that `gives problem' at the back of the house. For the interesting observation of `Tiger and Dragon'. 3. Usually the Flying Star analysis can draw further light into the situation. Where it may also be other imbalances in the home or any poison arrows or shape of the house i.e. missing corner(s). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Next review - I saw, I like, I bought... Applied Feng Shui in action.... Source and Credit: MCL Land:- http://www.mclland.com.sg/property/dreamhomes/pastprojects/default.asp "Seletar Springs Peace and harmony that's close to nature At Seletar Springs, you can see the sky not your neighbours. Few condominiunm developments in Singapore offer such a refreshing impression of space and openness as this. This low-rise development boasts a tropical lifestyle theme that is built around extensive water features. Only Seletar Springs gives you the same sense of privacy, open spaces and peace that one finds in the finest landed developments, yet at the same time offers all the amenities and lushly landscaped grounds of a contemporary tropical resort. " MCLLAND.COM website Cecil: 1. This is unique development which has low-rise development of not more than 4 storeys high. 2. In Picture 2, can you see or imagine the shape of a palm with wrist of a left palm. This concept is similar to the Suntec City concept where there is a palm and water at the centre position. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Various scenes of shop house frontages...
  18. A typical shop with their name panel. Notice the two lions `holding up' the name panel at both sides of the bottom of the name panel.
  19. Dear Shuzhen, If you keep the colours to your husband's colour, you can than use personal enhancements such as personal colours of red etc. Generally, the above should be ok, since the piano is placed against the wall. The only thing is if, it is based on Flying Star, the piano (since the exterior is usually made of wood), where best, it should not be at a sector with `bad wood' or an imbalance of the sector that has `bad wood'. Otherwise, things like white glass, lilac are decorative items and is considered insignificant. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  20. Dear Joan, Since the office is quite small: 1. It is good for one side of the table to be flushed against a `solid support' i.e. lean against a wall. 2. The back of the chair should preferably be against a back wall. 3. The table should not be on the same side of the door. But if it is, is should be at a side facing the door. 4. The door to the room should face inwards. 5. Where possible, the door should not open into --> facing the table. The table should be at the diagonal side (if possible). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Susan, If you are taking compass readings based on traditional Feng Shui and using an ordinary compass, you can review the information on this page: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/cecilcompass.htm In the above link, you can find two methods of compass readings. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Dear Chai, In general, without taking into consideration other factors such as the current `Luck Pillar season' and other factors e.g. the House Feng Shui in relation to the Flying Star of a sector:- For a weak metal person, for personal self-enhancement, the best element is Earth element. The second best element is Metal element. Earth colour - yellow. Metal colour - gold or white. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  23. Dear Elena, 1. It is interesting to note that currently, the majority of `cures' in Feng Shui today centres around the `metal element'. 2. Thus, it would not be uncommon to find `metal' cures that are being proposed such as: 2.1. the 6 coins (which represents big metal) 2.2. metallic wind chimes. 2.3. this include a Feng Shui (straight length metallic ruler). 2.4. Using a grandfather clock with its rythmic metallic tick-tock sound representing constant metallic sound. 3. Ideally, in my opinion, the safest `cure' is the use of the 6 coins. Where I mentioned above, 6 coins represent `big earth'. 4. When this cure is placed at a sector e.g. to cure an imbalance under the 20 year Flying Star analysis, one must not add another 6 coins at this sector if the proposed cure for the yearly or monthly Flying Star analysis say so. 5. Therefore, only one `cure' using the 6 coins is used. And not using two or more `cures' at the same sector. Two 6 coins is equivalent of twice the amount of metal which will create an imbalance at the sector. Since there will be too much metal. 6. Should one keen to use a wind chime instead at that sector, a better alternative is a grandfather clock. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Dear Cheui May, 1. The `advantage' you mentioned is the belief that the higher the ceiling, the better it is for such a `configuration'. 2. The best `agent' is to use a poster bed e.g. with a cover e.g. lace or cloth on the top of the bed. 3. If the bed is properly positioned under Shapes and Form and in terms of air or Qi disbersement i.e. avoid stale air e.g. at corners, it is normally acceptable situation. I believe that this is considered a `secondary' problem or situation. There are far worse problems than the above. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Dear Yogesh, 1. If you are referring to the " Bagua chart " used by Black Hat " Feng Shui "; this type of `practise' is never used in Traditional Feng Shui. 2. Traditional Feng Shui uses the Shapes and Form and Compass School methods. There are already many useful resources on this in the website. Warmest Regards, Cecil
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